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Mar 15th 2021
Friends asking for step-by-step strategy from @cvdom2021 and @CrphMyanmar: Target #MyanmarMilitary power pillars, stay safe, hold invisible control. (See full thread)

Tactics without strategy means you will lose.
မဟာဗျူဟာ မရှိပဲ နည်းဗျူဟာသက်သက်သာဆိုရင် ငါတို့ ရှုံးလိမ့်မယ်။ 1/
1. We own the streets, but since the street battles have suffered many deaths these days, we need to dismantle other pillars to leverage our sacrifices. Movements need to be varied each day so that military can never keep up and attacks on a specific area will not be intensified.
၁ လမ်းတွေက ကိုယ်တွေအပိုင်။ ဒါမဲ့ အခုရက်ပိုင်း လမ်းတိုက်ပွဲတွေမှာ ကိုယ်တွေဘက်က နှစ်နာနေတော့ အခြား မဏ္ဍိုင် တွေကို ဖြိုလှဲဖို့အာရုံစိုက်ရတော့မယ်။ခွေးတွေ မနားရအောင် လမ်းပေါ်မှာ အသတ်အဖြတ်နည်းအောင် အာရုံလွဲအောင်လုပ်ရမယ်။
Read 20 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
THREAD - Junta takes control of Village Tract and Ward Administration

Local admins are arguably the most important units of gov for most #Myanmar people

They deal with >90% of justice cases and are the main conduit for almost all interaction with gov

This is especially the case in rural areas, where taxation, land registration, welfare payments and any number of other functions run through the Village Tract Administrator.

In the past week, the #MyanmarMilitary has gone back 10 years, reversing decentralisation reforms

Now, Township Administrators (330 nationwide) are all uniformed military commanders

They names Ward and Village Tract Administrators, who are invariably men and stooges of the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party.

Even including nationalist monks
Read 6 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
For all who are interested in the politics of #Burma and for all those who have been left questioning the logic and timing behind this supposed '#coup' - I think we need to first understand that there was no #democracy to begin with
The 2008 Constitution was written by the #Tatmadaw for the #Tatmadaw
1. 25% seats go to military
2. Military retains power in key depts and retains veto
3. Commander in Chief can call State of Emergency at a whim
The idea of the #Burma constitution 2008 was that with the combination of the 25% reserved seats and with the #military proxy party USDP only needing to secure 25% more of the popular vote, the military would always retain 'democratic' control
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
.@ASEAN @mofakr do clarify how giving an award to CEO of #KBZ bank which funded over $25mn USD to #MyanmarMilitary who in turn is responsible for serious international crimes against #Rohingyas ok? @UN FFM report already names them
How is it fine to support #Hate & #violence? 1/n ImageImage
While the #Rohingya community was massacred, forced to flew, and are still struggling to survive, #ASEAN gave an award for 'Inclusion' to one of the biggest corporate funders of Tatmadaw. Is this the kind of "support" victims should expect from Int organisations? @ASEAN 2/n
& this award is supported by @MOFAkr_eng. While the former UN Special Rapporteur to Myanmar @YangheeLeeSKKU had shown the world what happened with #Rohingya community.
@carolecadwalla @thinzashunleiyi @Asia_Foundation @asiajcoalition @amnesty @hrw @mg2411 @JohnReedwrites 3/n
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2018
Babul, a #Hindu refugee from Kutupalong refugee camp said "Border Guard Police, Myanmar Army, (#Buddhist) villagers and Thet people" were involved in the #HinduMassacre in #KhaMaungSeik, #Maungdaw, #Myanmar.
#Rohingya #MyanmarMilitary #AmnestyInternational
Well actual question is now credibility of amnesty now!! “Amnesty's report blaming #Rohingya ARSA forces for killing 99 hindus has been called "illogical" by the Bangladesh foreign ministry. What are the problems with the conclusions in the report? | by @shafiur
Read 21 tweets

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