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Nov 25th 2022
NO NO NO. The reason the #EmergenciesAct was invoked was because things WERE NOT resolving. They were becoming entrenched. Children and Ottawa residents were increasingly at risk. #EmergencyActInquiry
The political right & malign actors, including adversaries like 🇷🇺& 🇨🇳, used public health measures as a means to sow toxicdisinformation & weaponize the public via social media manipulation in order to destabilize democracies. This was not a “protest”. #EmergencyActInquiry #POEC
If the #CPC opposition weren’t such manifestly bad faith actors, that were participants in #FluTruxKlan destabilization operation, then perhaps things wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand. Provincial & fed #Conservatives WANTED this destructive chaos. #EmergencyActInquiry #POEC
Read 9 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
So far, the #POECommission testimony from convoy leaders has demonstrated that a) they absolutely wanted to force government change, b) they have zero regard for anyone who isn't part of their crew, c) they have an incorrect perception that they represent
the views of a majority of Canadians, d) they still feel that what they were doing was correct, justified, and maybe divinely ordered, e) they have a deep sense of entitlement and delusions of persecution, f) they can cry on cue for effect, g) they have a deeply flawed grasp
of Canadian civics, h) they harbour a lot of anti-social opinions, i) they have absorbed all the right-wing talking points about science, experts, etc, j) they are not taking the gravity of the charges against them seriously, k) they have testified in direct opposition to
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
This report from @OttawaPolice is not an intelligence report. It is a propaganda report. Shocking in its bias, faulty information, logically fallacious, willful blindness & a rank inability to assess the situation. #EmergenciesActInquiry #CdnNatSec… ImageImage
A word or two about Srgt Chris Kiez who has since deleted/cleaned up his LinkedIn & social media. Even the Reddit post about him has been removed. Thankfully @CyKoore saved a bunch. #EmergenciesActInquiry #OttawaOccupation #OttawaPolice #FluTruxKlan ImageImage
Some screenshots of Sgt Chris Kiez’s posts from @Leenintome2. #EmergenciesActInquiry @OttawaPolice #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
I'm really troubled by what we're seeing from municipal, provincial, and federal intelligence on the Convoy and #POECommission. A short thread on some of the issues as I see them:
There's a great deal of variation in the quality of reports, but many fail some basic tenets of intelligence reporting:
a) Neutral language
b) Well-articulated sources
c) Nuance and uncertainty
d) Free of logical fallacies
e) "in lane" reporting
There's clearly plenty of bias in some of these reports, and it's a massive concern that these were finalized with this present. This is both a failure of analysis and of effective supervision. Intelligence supervisors should be pushing back against this.
Read 11 tweets

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