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Feb. xx:
1/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

Author –@CrimeanWind, #Telegram, Ukraine supporter

#Saldo & #Aksyonov cannot share the #Stolen #Grain.

Recall that in the #Kherson region, the [#Russian]- ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Collaborators…
Feb. xx:
2/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

“..[#Russian]-occupation authorities introduced "#Permits" for the #Export of #Grain. They’re issued by #Collaborator, #EduardRepilevsky, whom the #Russians..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Betrayal #Coerced…
Feb. xx:
3/ #Crimea: #Ukraine #Grain #Scandal

“.[#Russian]-occupation authorities introduced "#Permits" for the #Export of #Grain. They are issued by #Collaborator, #EduardRepilevsky, whom the #Russians..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Betrayal #Coerced…
Read 9 tweets
Feb. 28:
2/ #Russians #Rob #Grain in #Ukraine

In the morning, a #Train of more than 30 #Train #Wagons/[#Cars] was moving from the temporarily #Russian-#Occupied #Zaporozhye/#Zaporizhzhia towards ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Scandal .@ua_parliament…
Feb. 28:
3/ #Russians #Rob #Grain in #Ukraine

..towards the [#Crimean] peninsula.

Similar [#Train] #Wagons/[#Cars] were seen in #Berdyansk in Dec. 2022, taking #Grain out of #Warehouses on the territory ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Crimea #Robbery…
Read 8 tweets
Senin 23 Mei 2022, sepanjang pantai utara Jateng diterjang air pasang. Berbagai kawasan termasuk permukiman, pasar, sawah, tambak, pelabuhan, pabrik digenangi banjir. Kami menghimpun informasi yg beredar di media sosial dari Semarang, Demak, Pati, dan Pekalongan.
Berikut ini video/foto yg beredar di WAG sehubungan dengan banjir rob. Utas ini dibuat terutama utk kepentingan dokumentasi. Kami mengucap terima kasih & meminta izin kpd semua netizen yg sudah kirim video/foto.
#Sayung, #Demak. Nyaris seluruh rumah di Kp. Morosari kemasukan #banjirrob. Rumah salah seorang kawan di Sayung yang sudah ditinggikan, #kebanjiran hingga setinggi meja makan.
Read 33 tweets
I need your help.

1) It's do or die for me right now. For first time in 20 years, I've had to ask myself if I can continue the work of extremist disengagement. The problem has grown too fast and my ability to scale intervention services to meet the need has reached its limits.
2) Most people don't know, but I have always self-funded my work. I was on the road 194 days in 2018 doing speaking gigs (in places where I can sneak in interventions), because proceeds go to fund my de-radicalization work at @FreeRadicalsOrg. Also was the case when I was at LAH.
3) This is why I need your help.
I've launched a fundraiser to raise $1M for @FreeRadicalsOrg to train and hire other former extremists like me, many who've been with me for years, to provide these critical services faster & across the United States.
Read 14 tweets

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