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Mar 3rd 2023
The #RaisinaEdit offers a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, and problematise contemporary global developments corresponding to the pillars of the #RaisinaDialogue2023.

Curated by @WarjriLaetitia & @anahitakhanna95.

Read them here 👉…
S Paul Kapur writes on how the #American leaders must abandon their decades-long dream of achieving strategic convergence between the US and #Pakistan.
#Australia’s reformed policy towards #China is not a turn to China; it’s a return to normality.

From @MConleytyler.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
With #Raisina2022 in full swing, @orfonline is delighted to announce the #RaisinaEdit— a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, & problematise contemporary global developments.

Edited by @anahitakhanna95 & @PreetiLourdes…
A key reason for the growth of the passion #economy is that it offers alternative ways of making money, innovative paths toward professional fulfilment & unprecedented career opportunities, writes @utkarsh_amitabh
The #circulareconomy is based on three principles driven by design: Eliminate waste and #pollution, circulate products and materials (at their highest value), and regenerate nature, says @Bharati09.…
Read 11 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
With #Raisina2022 in full swing, @orfonline is delighted to announce the #RaisinaEdit— a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, & problematise contemporary global developments.

Edited by @anahitakhanna95 & @PreetiLourdes.

#Putin has clearly underestimated the resolve of the #Ukrainian leadership & citizens to fight back, while also receiving widespread criticism in the form of major sanctions from the broader European community and beyond: @AlicaKizekova
Julia De Clerck-Sachsse: Beyond #Europe’s immediate allies, support in defending the current order will be hard to come by. But convincing these countries is crucial if its geopolitical awakening is to translate into a more prominent geopolitical posture.…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 15th 2021
#RaisinaEdit offers a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, and problematise contemporary global developments corresponding to the Raisina Dialogue thematic pillars of 2021.

Curated by Harsh Pant and @WarjriLaetitia


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#RaisinaEdit | If “Data is the New Oil” then our individual data has intrinsic value and, thus, the monetisation of the collective data of millions of our citizens is the proverbial gold mine, says Abdul Hakeem Ajijola:
Economic interdependence, imperatives of political geography, and Beijing’s successful elite capture in many societies have made it difficult for many in Asia to contest the unfolding Chinese dominance over the region, points out @MohanCRaja #RaisinaEdit:
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