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Dec 28th 2021
It's one thing what people tweet, it's another thing what they do. Our household (me a physician, my infectious diseases physician husband, & 3 kids, all #vaccinated, all elig #boosted) are back to:

👉Grocery delivery
👉Drive-thru pharmacy
👉Take-out food only
👉No airplanes
P.S. To those who say this disregards the safety of grocery store workers, pharmacy workers, restaurant workers, that is false. ALL OF THOSE WORKERS are safer if their workplace contacts are limited to a small # of core staff & not open to the general public. This benefits all.
And for context, which is important since we all come into this #pandemic with diff situations & risk tolerance, 3 wks ago:

👉 We got all groceries/prescriptions in store (😷)
👉 Husband ✈️ (N95 😷) for work
👉 Had fam Xmas trip & late Jan ✈️ friend trip planned (all cancelled)
Read 4 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
Any harm the covid vaccine could do—even in your wildest imagination—the disease will do worse.

It’s the same spike protein that gets made! The only difference is so much more badness comes on board with the virus.

A helpful visual, then 🧵 :… Image
One of the trends I’m seeing when it comes to covid vaccines in kids is the idea that there’s some nebulous, long term harm we will see with the vaccines that we won’t see with the virus. But this really makes no sense.
I’ve detailed in past posts here and on IG why there’s no biological or historical reason to believe this. The idea that long term scary things happen from vaccines is a figment of anti vaccine propaganda.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
I screamed & cried (literally) when I heard this news while driving through smoke with <.5 mile visibility to help my father seal his condo from the historically toxic air in Portland. It was 598 AQI in his hallway when I arrived. Worse outside (1)…
My eyes were burning, throat hurting, headache piercing ... & I was wearing a vented N95 (under my surgical mask because Covid). Few people have access to those or air purifiers. I was out for a total of an hour and I’ve felt sick for 15 hours & counting (2)
So many of my most beloved places are on fire, many of them gone. I’m worried about so many people — their homes, their lungs, their hearts, their livelihoods. And so many animals. #ClimateChangeIsReal #CovidIsReal #Vote
Read 31 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Forget #Coronil. Forget #Itolizumab.
There is a new player in town for #coronavirus and #COVID19 treatment. Introducing #Zingivir @Pankajakasthuri made from some herbs and mercuric and arsenic sulfide to fight the #pandemic. Sounds too good. But there are issues.
They claim to have tested the product for safety in animal and cell lines. However, no data shown, only media mouthing. Half of the ingredients look like they make a good sambar chutney. But the drug manufacturer claim the following 👇#herbal #pseudoscience
In a letter 😳😳😳 the CEO of the company asks the President of India @rashtrapatibhvn to start trials and clinical studies. This was in April 2020. Now fast forward to July 2020. Let's see how things went.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
It's time: #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah! Scientist 2 meddling kids: First u warn me to not make an oxygen destroyer. Now U want me to make one! #kidsthesedays @Elreynetwork #kaiju
I said I could make one. I didn't say it would be easy. #Godzilla v. #Destoroyah @Elreynetwork #kaiju
Ooh-this movie ha=is #graphic sensitive viewers' warning! @Elreynetwork on the scourge of magamonster violence. #Killitwithfire #Kaiju #cadmiummissles #Godzilla
Read 42 tweets
Jul 6th 2018
📺 If you’ve ever seen the show “How I met your mother” you're familiar the game “Have you met Ted?” where Barney tries to introduce his friend Ted to a girl.

😎Well, we're going to play a variation of that game.

🌊So, have you met your SC Democratic Candidates?

➡️This thread will introduce a new candidate at least once a day, & give you the opportunity to get to know the people that want to represent you though their media.

➡️Check out their platforms, then volunteer, donate and VOTE! They need you to do your part!

📣Ok, First up: Have you met @JamesSmithSC ?

➡️He's a husband, father, Veteran and a proven leader.

👊🏽He'll fight for Veterans, Healthcare, Education, & the Environment.

☑️Check him out and donate here:

#BeAVoter #AGovernorForAllOfUs #SmithNorell
Read 90 tweets

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