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It's dissertation unembargo day! My PhD dissy, "Controlling the Northern Seas: The Influence of Exclusive Economic Zones on the Development of
Norwegian, Danish, and Canadian Naval Forces," is now available:…

A quick guide follows: 1/7
First half (139 pages) consists of the theory chapters; discusses/defines #seapower, #seacontrol, and #smallnavies. Tries to unify different uses of those terms into something consistent. Almost Gorkan in its simplicity but the gruntwork keeps a measure of order in the chaos. 2/7
The second half is the juicy empirical stuff, going from 🇳🇴through 🇩🇰 to 🇨🇦. Basically establishes a century-long context (ships take a long time!) to see how constabulary seapower developed despite military demands. Here are some topics that aren't explicitly subheadinged: 3/7
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Get your 🍿🍿🍿 & Buzzword Bingo Cards ready.
2/ Rep Courtney explaining the Sealift Subcommittee Mark....

Mentions #Sealift and designates MARAD for design & construction for up to 10 ships for NRDF.

@mercoglianos @johnkonrad
@mercoglianos @johnkonrad 3/ Rep Wittman on #Seapower Subcommittee also discusses shipbuilding numbers and need to expand the size of the Navy fleet.
Read 6 tweets
Now Out in Paperback! “#China Goes to #Sea: #Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective”…

@NavalWarCollege @ChinaMaritime is proud to publish this new version w/ @NavalInstitute @USNIBooks!

Come for the #maps, stay for the #history...
Honored to have #JonathanSpence’s endorsement:

“The maritime #history of #China has long been a neglected field..China Goes to Sea bring[s] that knowledge-gap to an end..will be an indispensable companion to those readers seeking to understand where China’s navy may be heading.”
As European #naval powers & even the @USNavy struggle with ship numbers, #China has gone to #sea.

Represents the reversal of a great historical trend that began 600 years ago, when China withdrew from the seas & European naval expansion spread Western influence around the globe.
Read 34 tweets
2/ #China unleashes #maritime power to press #EastAsia & #IndoPacific hegemony while #USNavy and US & other governments deal w/#coronavirus #pandemic:

#nationalsecurity #natsec #strategy
3/ #China combines #softpower w/ #maritime power in unrelenting pursuit of its international realignment goals even as – or because of – #coronavirus #pandemic rages through #SEAsia:

#nationalsecurity #natsec #strategy #IndoPacific
Read 17 tweets
Stuck @ home wondering where China & world are headed? Read #TheChinaQuestions—36 @Harvard @FairbankCenter chs. ed. by Profs. @MichaelSzonyi & Rudolf!




See great chapters by Profs. Elizabeth Perry, Joe Fewsmith, Rod MacFarquhar, Mark Elliott, Ya-Wen Lei, Arunabh Ghosh, Yuhua Wang, Arne Westad, Robert Ross, Ian Johnston, Steve Goldstein, Ezra Vogel, Richard Cooper, Dwight Perkins, Meg Rithmire, Mark Wu, Tony Saich, Nara Dillon...
..Michael McElroy, Karen Thornber, Susan Greenhalgh, James Robson, Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Bill Alford, Bill Kirby, Michael Puett, Rowan Flad, Peter Bol, Wai-Yee Li, David Der-wei Wang, Jie Li, Stephen Owen & Paul Cohen!

Honored to join them in this @FairbankCenter project!
Read 51 tweets

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