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Oct 13th 2022
Oct 2022, WEF: "#Nuclear power has an image problem, but the nuclear option looks set for a reboot as interest in this [] energy source is rekindled."

Sept 2022, IAEA: "Nuclear energy has an important part... public acceptability for the technology is improving..."

"...Grossi [IAEA] spoke about increasing global acceptance of #nuclear energy, the IAEA's ongoing efforts in Ukraine & his upcoming participation at the UN climate conference in Egypt this Nov..."

#TerraPower #NetZero #SocialLicence #Gates…
"He [Grossi] also met with philanthropist, Chairperson and Founder of #TerraPower Bill #Gates to discuss the IAEA’s work and #nuclear power’s essential role in ensuring energy security and combating climate change."

#SocialLicense required.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Rassegna Stampa
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Sulla Propaganda al servizio delle Elite che controlla-vano gli Usa

" e altri centinaia di giornalisti abbiamo lavorato per favorire la Casa Bianca... la diversità dei punti di vista dei giornali.. è una farsa..." ( U.Ulfkotte)
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Sulla Propaganda travestita da Libera Informazione.. la peggiore.. usata per controllare fornendo mezze verità.
La matematica non sbaglia mai
Read 56 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Following #Canada's ban on Russian crude - #fuel prices soar to record high. #Food crisis to follow.

Small print: Canada hasn't imported Russian crude since 2019. In 2021 Canada's petrol imports from Russia amounted to 350 million - out of $32 billion.

#War on working class. Image
"The United States has not imported any petroleum gases from #Russia since 2019 and, as I previously reported, only imported 3.5% of the more important category of oil from there in 2021."…
Cont'd: "When it comes to petroleum gases, which includes natural gas & liquified natural gas — [] — better than 90% of U.S. imports came from #Canada last yr, w/ none from #Russia."

"Gas prices are the most expensive in US history"…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
Die #Uran-Sorgen der 🇺🇸Atomindustrie

Für "fortschrittliche" #Atomkraftwerke wie #BillGates' #TerraPower eines in Wyoming bauen will, gibt es nur eine einzige kommerzielle Quelle: #Russland. #HALEU #Atomkraft… @CSTribune @nepollack
Politiker in Wyoming drängen #TerraPower, ihr #Atomkraftwerk mit 🇺🇸Uran zu betreiben.
Nach dem Angriff #Russland:s auf die #Ukraine sind die Forderungen noch lauter geworden. Die USA und ihre Verbündeten wollen in den nächsten Jahren ihre Beziehungen zum🇷🇺Energiesektor kappen.
Am Dienstag scheiterte im Repräsentantenhaus ein Antrag zu einem Gesetzentwurf zur Änderung der Standortanforderungen für #Atomkraftwerke in Wyoming, der #TerraPower die Nutzung von 🇷🇺#Uran untersagt hätte.
Read 16 tweets

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