Following #Canada's ban on Russian crude - #fuel prices soar to record high. #Food crisis to follow.
Small print: Canada hasn't imported Russian crude since 2019. In 2021 Canada's petrol imports from Russia amounted to 350 million - out of $32 billion.
"The United States has not imported any petroleum gases from #Russia since 2019 and, as I previously reported, only imported 3.5% of the more important category of oil from there in 2021."
Cont'd: "When it comes to petroleum gases, which includes natural gas & liquified natural gas — [] — better than 90% of U.S. imports came from #Canada last yr, w/ none from #Russia."
This will assist in rollout of #4IR architecture (looking like not much more than surveillance grid to monitor increased chaos under controlled demolition). Forced uptake of gene edited "food". Rationing via #DigitalID a distinct possibility. For wealthy, a push on EVs. #CRISPR
This will also garner uptake for #nuclear energy sought by billionaires at Mission Innovation/Breakthrough led by Gates et al. Irony: "the only current supplier for the specialized fuel that the Natrium plant relies on is in #Russia." #TerraPower#NetZero
Nov 1 2021, #CBDC India: "so every single person today, even if he's not able to afford all the 3 meals, is having a #Smartphone in his hand. And I must thank some of the Asian countries which actually revolutionize[d] the smartphone market"
"so these three: the #biometric identity, the no-frills savings account [], & of course the #smartphone, & the fact that data is so cheap in India was the one which actually set the ground... I think #Canada & India started on this journey of instant payments almost together..."
Jan 18 2021, Payments #Canada: "Design attributes for a retail #CBDC... introduction of a new channel for illicit activities, money-laundering, terrorist financing other socially undesirable behaviours."
"The erosion of meaningful culture, the domination of corporate & state media [] the loss of a knowledgable audience. And as one sees w/ the Russophobic response to Ukraine, the entire pandemic only served as a precursor to some complete mental collapse."
"And perhaps the best place (or one of them) to start is with ideas of #autonomy, #AI, and #tech (#media). For #automation and the internet have both, in their own ways, contributed hugely to the layers of mystification surrounding everything in the #capitalist west today."
"#AI seeks to achieve the same control over mental processes that #scientific management sought to achieve over physical #labour [in 2nd industrial revolution] through a process of rationalization, fragmentation, mechanization and routinization."
Pan Africanist/socialist Omali Yeshitela gives profound analysis of world economy in terms of #colonialism as means of production - a dialectic that connects entire world.
"Liberals & leftists are fighting to protect the #UnitedNations & [] #NATO as if they were [] legitimate ... the UN was founded for the purpose of peaceful collaboration among the colonizers to maintain domination of the world..."
The Russia-Ukraine conflict "clearly represents a fracture in U.S. #hegemony. It's a threat to U.S. hegemony and it destabilizes the exact/existing kind of of political and economic arrangements that that have dominated the world up to now."
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."
"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
"As anger & resentment grow in the face of social inequalities, many citizens-led #protests are being repressed w/ an ever-increasing violence. Monopoly of Violence gathers [] citizens to confront their views on the social order & the legitimacy of the use of force by the State."
"#Democracy isn't consensus but dissensus! If there is no dissensus, there is no democracy. If we all agree, something's wrong. Our #freedoms have somehow been infringed. We can't all agree. It's a very old idea in political #philosophy."
Feb 17, 2022, #Mohawk Women, Grand River: "We send love & gratitude to all of the brave men & women who are holding the line uniting together w/ kindness & compassion in their hearts, for freedom, so that #truth & #justice may prevail." #Ottawa
"#Canada is still a crime scene & all will be held on genocide. Grand River Mohawks are alive & well. Mohawks still hold the original 6 int. treaties & we are in the center of the covenant chain. As women we must remind the Cnd Govt of their pledge to the Grand River Mohawks..."
"The announcement today by [] #Trudeau is a breach of this trust. Women are the allodial title holders. Even if the courts wanted to, they cannot provide the Cnd Govt w/ a casa somasos. Univ. laws are supreme law of the land & no legislative acts will ever supersede them."