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Sep 9th 2020
🚨BREAKING: @realDonaldTrump admitted he *knew in FEBRUARY* that the #coronavirus was dangerous, airborne, highly contagious and "more deadly than even your strenuous flus,” adding that it was ~5 times "more deadly" than the flu.

‼️"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Bob Woodward on March 19.

As a consequence, over 6,000,000 Americans have been infected with #coronavirus and nearly 200,000 are DEAD.🤬

#TrumpVirus #COVID19
I began warning about this #coronavirus in JANUARY. If, instead of LYING about the threat, Trump had acted decisively in early February with a #lockdown and a consistent message to #WearAMask, social distance and wash hands, MANY THOUSANDS of American lives could have been saved.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
Part 1 Fox News Confirms Trump's remarks about our military soldiers being "suckers & losers"
#TrumpHatesVets #TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpIsALoser
Part 2 Fox News confirms Trump's remarks about our military soldiers being "suckers & losers" #TrumpHatesVets #TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpIsALoser
Part 3 Fox News Confirms Trump's remarks about our military soldiers being "suckers & losers"
#TrumpHatesVets #TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpIsALoser
Read 3 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
Remember this?

Donald Trump hijacked and stole 5 million masks from the Veteran’s Admin in April.

Trump ordered the Pentagon to stop reporting cases of #Covid_19 at all military installations, including the VA, in April.

In April, the US Military was tasked with responding to needs for #COVID19 across the nation.

Our men and women in uniform were not provided PPE or masks by the Trump regime. Instead, they were ORDERED to make their own masks.

Read 3 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
A thread of all the times Trump dishonored U.S. veterans and military service.


Follow @ProjectLincoln @votevets @RVAT2020

July 2015

Trump dishonored U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.


February 2016

Trump dishonored Sen. Lindsay Graham, US Air Force and Colonel.


Read 21 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
The troops deserve better than Trump.
America deserves better than Trump.

The world deserves better than Trump.

#WeRespectVets #TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpIsALoser Image
Dannnng, Mayor Pete was *not* having any of Fox News' mess tonight.

"He must think we're all suckers and the amazing thing to me is how much respect he has for the intelligence of his own supporters." 🔥

#TrumpIsALoser #TrumpHatesVets #WeRespectVets

"If you're a Republican, and you've always voted Republican, think about this: years later we're going to look back on this moment and see that you could either be a John McCain Republican, or a Donald Trump Republican. But you gotta choose." –Mayor Pete
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