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Mar 17th 2023
This will be the last long thread about #Uncovered for awhile… but I wanted to give you an idea what you’ll find in the book, by showing exactly what you see in the pages…

Find the hardcover, audiobook (featuring dozens of interviewees!), or ebook here:
Tucker Carlson tells me in the prologue how he knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real and not “Russian disinformation” - he was sent emails on it between him and Hunter. He and Hunter were friendly, he tells me, until Hunter “started doing a ton of blow.”
I start #Uncovered by tracing the way the press was treated by the Obama administration - horribly - and how the Acela Media still was subservient to them.

“We created an echo chamber,” bragged top Obama aide Ben Rhodes. It seeded the ground for Trump.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Here comes the truth about John Fetterman, in today's New York Times - months too late:

"When it’s bad, Mr. Fetterman has described it as trying to make out the muffled voice of the teacher in the 'Peanuts' cartoon, whose words could never be deciphered."…
More John Fetterman revelations from the NYT, as we watch the Information Hostage Taking in action:

"He has had to come to terms with the fact that he may have set himself back permanently by not taking the recommended amount of rest during the campaign."…
NYT is ready to tell the truth about John Fetterman - who remains in the hospital for a 3rd day - now that the truth doesn't matter.

"a physical impairment and serious mental health challenges that have rendered the transition extraordinarily challenging"…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
1. "Twitter Files" are a fascinating look at the inner workings of Twitter, and its coziness with power (both sides). There isn't a smoking gun, and anyone who has followed these stories for years (COVID suppression for example), shouldn't be surprised.
2. The Hunter Biden laptop suppression in October 2020 is THE story that tells us so much about our moment. It's why I made it the prologue to my book, #Uncovered, out in February.

Download that chapter now for free here. Let's go down memory lane:
3. In #Uncovered, I describe the Hunter Biden laptop handling as "perhaps the most egregious and obvious example of the elite censorship collusion racket between tech companies, government forces, and the national media that we’ve ever seen."

Download: Image
Read 12 tweets
Dec 12th 2021
A 🧵about 🧠problems after C19 💉

1. Neurological complications after first dose of COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection.
“There was an increased risk of Guillain–Barré syndrome and Bell’s palsy with ChAdOx1nCoV-19, hemorrhagic stroke with BNT162b2. ..An independent
Scottish cohort provided further support for the association between ChAdOx1nCoV and Guillain–Barré syndrome, there was a substantially higher risk of all neurological outcomes in the 28 days after a positive SARS-CoV-2 test including Guillain–Barré syndrome. Overall, we
estimated 38 excess cases of Guillain–Barré syndrome per 10 million people receiving ChAdOx1nCoV-19 and 145 excess cases per 10 million people after a positive SARS-CoV-2 test.” ImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Aug 5th 2021
#UNCOVERED Right before the pandemic started, Stuart Neil wanted to subject UK Prime Minister, Home & Foreign Secretary to a deadly bat virus to see how many would die.

Needless to say, 5 months later Boris Johnson almost died of Covid19.

Next, he threatened a journalist.
2. Prof Neil threatened to infect journalist Ian Birrell with a super-killer HIV that could be made in his lab. Ian investigated the role of China, and those like Neil & Jeremy Farrar in stifling the lab leak debate. Farrar is Director of Wellcome Trust, Prof Neil's main funder.
3. Prof Stuart Neil hinted at security issues in his lab & covered-up his Chinese grant.

He imagined infecting with killer viruses the 3 most senior UK Gov members & an inconvenient journalist. All this while working on Ebola, HIV & SARS2.

Is this normal in the UK academia?
Read 8 tweets
Jun 26th 2021
NEW! Dr. @angie_rasmussen has recently deleted old tweets to cover-up her anti-Semitic and racist slurs.

1-2 Anti-Semitism and Holocaust trivialization
3-4 Racism: Black men are criminal and all look alike

She's the most invited and quoted virologist in the world. Shame on US! Image
Why the type of tweets @angie_rasmussen deleted are wrong is explained by @zeitchikWaPo right after the '14 Oscars, when both a Holocaust doc and 12 Years A Slave won Oscars:…

This by @olivermb about the "Blacks as criminals" trope:
The archived tweets:

The thread were I first saw the screenshot of the "nazi" tweet. This must've refreshed her memory and prompted the cover-up. It has also confirmed my hunches:
Read 4 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
“I came to the issue of vexatious defamation suits including #SLAPPs following the assassination of #DaphneCaruanaGalizia when we noticed the disappearance of news stories about #Pilatus bank - which she was investigating - from news websites in Malta,”
Many news outlets, threatened with potentially ruinous vexatious lawsuits by Pilatus through their London law firms, had removed this content.
The practice of #SLAPPs circumvents due legal process and effectively silences media reporting where the client has enough money to pay London law firms to make these threats. It fundamentally undermines any right to a fair trial.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
“Collaborative journalism projects like the #DaphneProject send a strong message to the enemies of transparency and the free press:

Even if you kill the messenger, you cannot kill the message,”

#JusticeForDaphne #UNCOVERED #IJ4EU
“The .@MaltaGov refused 40 requests for interviews from the #DaphneProject. This is unacceptable from an EU member state,” @laurentrichard0.

We recently highlighted the lack of media access to .@JosephMuscat_JM & his cabinet in our joint mission report:…
“It is essential that the EU ensure all MS are fulfilling their obligations & put additional pressure on #Malta to uphold media freedom by insisting.@JosephMuscat_JM & his cabinet grant access to critical journalists & respond to #FOIA requests,” @laurentrichard0
Read 3 tweets

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