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Genetisch bewijs: wasbeerhond gaf mensheid coronavirus via @volkskrant

Het is weer de hoogste tijd voor de wekelijkse lachsessie met @mkeulemans als wetenschapsreuteldekeutel...

We gaan het even over het 'bewijs' hebben.

#fekttjekker #WuhanLabLeak
Ik kan het hele artikel lezen, dus ik neem aan dat jullie dat ook kunnen.

Dit is het eigenlijke artikel in @TheAtlantic.

Aan de hand van wat ik daar las, kreeg ik al voorzichtige enige lachstuipjes.

De kritiek op het artikel was niet van de lucht.…
Want wat is nu eigenlijk dat bewijs? Dat hoef ik zelf niet te bedenken, daarvoor zijn er slimmere mensen dan ik, die ook een veel betere achtergrond hebben dan ik om hier een oordeel te geven.

@WashburneAlex schreef er al een artikel over.
Read 22 tweets
6 MINUTESafterMIDNIGHT May31,2017 #Trump tweeted "Despite the constant negative press #covfefe" He deleted the tweet 6HOURS later but implied that its wording was intentional
At 06:09 AM He deleted the original&Tweeted:"Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!"…
Inferno Premiered on October 28, 2016, ten years after release of The Da Vinci Code

“Q” post 1 appeared on October 28, 2017…

Fond of saying sometimes great “Plans” Start as “Prayers”

WTF 🤷‍♂️ but honestly WTF… Image
Read 55 tweets
Dr. #AnthonyFauci’s deposition, taken as part of a lawsuit alleging #Collusion between the US government and #BigTech, was released Dec. 5.

Here are some takeaways:…
Dr. #AnthonyFauci relied on others to dismiss #WuhanLabLeak theory.

Just weeks before a paper dismissing the lab leak theory was published, Fauci held a secret phone call with the authors of a paper.…
Despite having communicated repeatedly with the authors, Fauci said he couldn’t recall their names during a White House press conference in April 2020.…
Read 7 tweets
Ah, de 'virus komt uit lab'-gedachte spookt weer rond. Waar rook is, is vuur nietwaar? #wuhanlableak

Maar in werkelijkheid stapelt het bewijs *tégen* een lab-ongeluk zich juist op... (1/7)…
...Zo blijkt corona-uitbraak samen te vallen met een schaarste aan varkensvlees (-> net bekend 👇).
Mensen zochten alternatieven. Zoals exotische dieren. (2/7)…
...Plus dat er onder de radar van zowel WHO als Chinese onderzoekers op grote schaal in Wuhan werd gehandeld in virusdragende dieren zoals civetkat, wasbeerhond, nerts en bamboerat. (3/7)…
Read 7 tweets
#UNCOVERED Right before the pandemic started, Stuart Neil wanted to subject UK Prime Minister, Home & Foreign Secretary to a deadly bat virus to see how many would die.

Needless to say, 5 months later Boris Johnson almost died of Covid19.

Next, he threatened a journalist.
2. Prof Neil threatened to infect journalist Ian Birrell with a super-killer HIV that could be made in his lab. Ian investigated the role of China, and those like Neil & Jeremy Farrar in stifling the lab leak debate. Farrar is Director of Wellcome Trust, Prof Neil's main funder.
3. Prof Stuart Neil hinted at security issues in his lab & covered-up his Chinese grant.

He imagined infecting with killer viruses the 3 most senior UK Gov members & an inconvenient journalist. All this while working on Ebola, HIV & SARS2.

Is this normal in the UK academia?
Read 8 tweets
🦠 Covid-19 🦠

Evidence proving the Wuhan Lab leak and Chinese coverups:

1📌 China had only one Level 4 lab & that lab just happened to be located in Wuhan at the very epicenter of the epidemic.

#WuhanCovidLabLeak Image
2📌 PLA had been doing secret classified animal experiments in Wuhan Lab as early as 2017.

3📌 While the lab poses as a “civilian institution,” it has collaborated with China’s military on publications & secret bioweapons projects.

4📌 The lab was effectively sponsored by PLA
5📌 France warned the world in 2015 that the Wuhan Lab could be turned into a “biological aresenal” by the Chinese government.…
Read 31 tweets
How science demolishes the right-wing fiction of a Wuhan “lab leak” as the source of coronavirus #WuhanLab #WuhanLabLeak…
This is part two of a three-part series.

"Andersen has been steadfast on the natural origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus since his work on the issue early in the pandemic, which led to the critical “ Proximal Origins ” report in Nature Medicine in March 2020."…
This is the conclusion of a three-part series.

The enormous and collaborative scientific discourse that existed between UNC and WIV provides an understanding of what forms of viral experiments were feasible. #WuhanLab…
Read 3 tweets
Like most examples of the Right crowing over #TheLeft getting 'owned' - Conservatives giddiness over #JonStewart suggesting #COVID came out of Wuhan Labs is thanks to a bad faith conflation of racism, corruption and legitimate scientific enquiry
Movies like Outbreak, World War Z, even reboots of Planet of the Apes that start with an infection of some red shirt lab worker that starts a plague. Considering the first #COVID case WAS a Wuhan Lab worker it's not completely for many Americans to look at Wuhan skeptically
But most trusted research suggests that it COULD be from the lab, it could also come from a variety of zoological sources. No one knows for sure - Yet. And we may never know.…
Read 6 tweets
The #WuhanLabLeak theroy;
Let’s start first with the end of the letter that experts published in the journal Science last Thursday that’s caused quite a stir in the international medical and scientific communities. The 18 signatories end it by saying: “Finally, in this time of...
unfortunate anti-Asian sentiment in some countries, we note that at the beginning of the pandemic, it was Chinese doctors, scientists, journalists, and citizens who shared with the world crucial information about the spread of the virus...
at great personal cost. We should show the same determination in promoting a dispassionate science-based discourse on this difficult but important issue.”
In ending that way, the scientists hope to head off criticism that their argument that a lab leak in Wuhan, might have...
Read 27 tweets
The #WuhanLabLeak isn’t the predominant hypothesis for Covid’s origins, yet prominent scientists are calling for a deeper probe and clearer answers from Beijing on the origins of #COVID19. The CIA has claimed Lab workers were sick with #coronavirus during November 2019...
DANAOSHAN, China On the outskirts of a village deep in the mountains of southwest China, alone surveillance camera peers down toward a disused copper mine smothered in dense bamboo. As night approaches, bats swoop overhead...
This is the subterranean home of the closest known virus on Earth to the one that causes Covid-19. It is also now a touchpoint for escalating calls for a more thorough probe into whether the pandemic could have stemmed from a Chinese laboratory...
Read 55 tweets

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