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May 14th 2019
Update on the #VenezuelanEmbassy situation:

Right now, things are basically the same as when I left last night, but fewer people outside.

A handful of @askavenezuelan people and press are in a section across the street watching, waiting for whatever happens.
Kevin Zeese, one of four remaining people inside, opened a window.

People opposing him yelled up that they’re probably having to drink “toilet water” at this point since the water to the building is cut off.
“We’ll leave when protecting power agreements are completed” says @DrMFlowers.

This idea, which @codepink says would be a fair compromise, is to hand over the US embassy in Venezuela and the Venezuelan Embassy in DC both to a neutral third party nation until issue resolved.
Read 17 tweets
May 11th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 126 tweets
May 9th 2019
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 117 tweets
May 4th 2019
Two members of @codepink already arrested. I’ll be live in a moment on
Earlier, one @codepink activist taken away, a second pro-Maduro activist was actually released. I interviewed here in my livestream (clip here, full livestream at…)
Right now groups from both sides have moved to the North front of the embassy and are arguing with one another there.
Read 28 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
By @telesurenglish
More and more Venezuelan migrants are returning to their country after facing the grim reality of life abroad.
By @telesurenglish
"Not one word the United States utters can be believed because they are a government at war"
Read 169 tweets

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