#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
More and more Venezuelan migrants are returning to their country after facing the grim reality of life abroad. bit.ly/2VMTYEN
"Not one word the United States utters can be believed because they are a government at war" bit.ly/2ZijnIn
#Venezuela | #JuanGuaido of the Venezuelan opposition took to #Twitter to take credit for the humanitarian aid delivery that was provided by the #RedCross to the people of the Bolivarian Republic.
#US congresswoman #TulsiGabbard of #Hawaii sat down for an interview with #MSNBC to discuss her campaign for the presidency and her views on a number of topics, including the potential #militaryintervention in #Venezuela.
A #Brazilian ambassador attended a high-profile meeting dubbed "Evaluation of the use of military force against #Venezuela", convened in #WashingtonDC by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro offers statements from the Food Packaging Center for CLAP
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

Government of @NicolasMaduro rejects new sanctions of the U.S. government against #Venezuela
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: The Central Bank of Venezuela will face and overcome the US sanctions against our monetary institution.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: Every day we receive attacks from the empire of the United States.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

Nobody likes #Dictatorship. But those preaching #Democracy only coercively dictate through military &/ economic wars against nations & only push them far from #USA. The distance between🇺🇸&🇻🇪gets wider like #Iraq #Afghanistan #Libya #Syria.
#Venezuela denuncia los actos de “agresión” y “guerra económica” que Estados Unidos ejerce contra algunos Gobiernos latinoamericanos.
Nota Completa: htv.mx/1yL2

🇻🇪 Venezuela: Caracas calls US sanctions "crimes against humanity".
🇻🇪 Follow Us On Resistance News Infos
#Venezuela #Maduro #HandsOffVenezuela #USA #Trump #EconomicWar

Venezuelan woman showing her disdain for the puppet president. “We didn't vote for you, Guaido. Trump, stop f*cking us over.” | #Venezuela @EvaKBartlett on Patreon patreon.com/posts/venezuel…
April 21
Venezuela embassy in #WashingtonDC is in the sights of the Venezuelan opposition & the🇺🇸Government. Tonight images of Chávez & Bolívar were projected along with the legend:"No t🇺🇸imperialism in #Venezuela. End sanctions NOW!"
Anti-war/peace activists & journalists held a presentation at the🇻🇪embassy in Washington, calling on people to protect diplomatic sites & demanding that their govt respect the Vienna Convention. Codepink's
U.S develops military plan to contain #Russia, #China and #Cuba in #Venezuela is.gd/65BbkW #US

April 18
MAJOR: U.S pushes forward plans for military #Invasion in EXPOSED SECRET MEETING is.gd/uZ1z0u #Blumenthal #CSIS #Venezuela #Washington

April 19
#Assad: What's happening in #Venezuela is like what #Syria has gone through is.gd/lMe9V7

April 19
U.S utterly failed, lost control over #Venezuela situation is.gd/yr7QYJ #Coup #US

April 20
TWITTER WARS: #Russia urges #US to stay 'away from the trigger' for war in #Venezuela is.gd/zB2SQH

April 20
MAJOR: U.S orders puppets to block Russian aircraft to #Venezuela is.gd/YFoTij #Russia #US

#Moscow mocks Guaidó, says Venezuelan pretender follows poor example of #Poroshenko is.gd/aPgjp6 #Guaido #Russia #Venezuela

I hope you begin to see the opportunities you may have if you have a different posture with the other countries, of respect and collaboration🤨👇🏼
#Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Alexander Fomin said the recent series of #blackouts in #Venezuela was due to a planned operation led by the #UnitedStates
Interesting that no mainstream US press has covered the story that we have been living inside the DC Venezuela Embassy for the past 2 weeks to stop Guaido’s people from coming in. commondreams.org/views/2019/04/…
Mapping The Countries With The Most Oil Reserves | Zero Hedge zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-2…
.@ReutersVzla admitted OppositionProtesters did this in front of huge crowd of witnesses... Apologists tried to deflect saying protesters thought they burned alive a thief not a chavista - as if that would have been less damning & revealing of their mentality.

April 20
“We didn't vote for you, Guaido. We're not a North American colony. We're not Colombia. Respect #Venezuela. The US wants to steal our resources. Trump, stop fucking us over.”
April 22
A reminder that in May 2017, supporters of Guaido’s insurrectionist Popular Will Party burned 21-year-old Orlando Figuera alive because he had dark skin and was therefore seen as a Chavista telesurenglish.net/amp/news/Venez…
Haha, pathetic: product Guaido is a bust 😅😅 "Just a few weeks ago, Gustavo Tarre, Guaido’s representative before the OAS, sent us a “friendly” email asking us to stop referring to Guaido as “self-proclaimed.”"
This is Urban Agriculture at it’s finest in #Venezuela: addressing food security. Venezuelans in Defiance of Trump’s Sanctions. via @EvaKBartlett
At the Fabricio Ojeda commune, I met 🇻🇪 enthusiastically talking about their array of outdoor beds and plastic roofed greenhouses. In 2016, they produced 17 tons, sold in the community at between 30-50% lower than average market price.
April 22
Possibly the most severe example among the pattern of attacks on online outlets breaking the Western media’s information blockade on Venezuela
#Venezuela | Minister of Communication @jorgerpsuv unveiled the identification of five people involved in attacks on the National Electric System
CODEPINK's @medeabenjamin says that Venezuela's embassy in Washington DC is under threat as the U.S. government teams up with the Venezuelan opposition in blatant violation of the Vienna Convention.
The collective which is currently inside of the Venezuelan embassy says that it's prepared to remain there, in order to protect the sovereignty of Venezuela. They say that the next two days are crucial.
Venezuelan embassy protection collective: "We're saying no to the economic sanctions that have been so harmful to the Venezuelan people. Any kind of military intervention is unauthorized by Congress and illegal."
OFFICIAL: #Russia has full confidence #Venezuela is capable against U.S military is.gd/1ODXdT #Aggression #Imperialism

#BreakingNews | Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigú: The #UnitedStates considers the use of force to influence Latin American countries and is "exerting unprecedented pressure" on #Venezuela.
Russian Defense Minister #SergeyShoigu said that the use of force to influence #LatinAmerican countries, by the #UnitedStates, is "exerting unprecedented pressure" on #Venezuela.
Solidarity activists defend #Venezuela's Embassy in #Washington, facing threats of a takeover by failed #Guaido coup plotters backed by the #Trump regime.
"We told the State Department that if they enter the Venezuelan Embassy, they are violating international law, and if they arrest members of the Collective for trespass or unlawful entry, these will be unlawful arrests." #HandsOffVenezuela
U.S. secret services are acting suspicious around the Venezuelan embassy, while activists have taken over the building protesting its expected handover to the unelected Juan Guaidó
Elliott Abrams declares he would never have voted for Hugo Chávez. Little does he know, Americans don’t vote in Venezuelan elections, even if they’re State Department officials.
I would never vote for Eliot Abrams so I know how he feels !
Like Cuba, #Venezuela to start measuring the human cost of🇺🇸economic sanctions.
How many patients, including children, have died as a result of🇺🇸regime sanctions as it aims to install a puppet in order to gain economic control over Venezuela?
Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza denounced the unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States and asserted that they are not against officials, but against the general population.
Important new @ceprdc study: US sanctions killed 40,000 Venezuelans between 2017-2018 and the sanctions announced in January will kill tens of thousands more if they are not reversed. cepr.net/press-center/p…
Sanctions might seem like a nonviolent way to make governments change their behavior.
But the fact is they ARE violent to the people who live in those countries
Sanctions called weapons of mass destruction by prof joy Gordon

Can not deny the truth in this...

April 25
Activists which make up the Embassy Protection Collective say that they'll remain at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC for as long as it takes to defend the diplomatic office as long as its under threat.
April 25
Co-director of @PopResistance, Margaret Flowers, says that the Secret Service was outside of Venezuela's embassy in Washington DC this morning, and that this could signal an attempt to takeover the diplomatic office tomorrow.
April 25
"We are on the side of the law. The Vienna Convention is very clear: That the embassies are sovereign territory. They'll be trespassing as they enter." @MFlowers8 of @PopResistance and the #EmbassyProtectionCollective
April 25
Chief of Russian Intelligence Sergei Naryshkin has denounced the "tearing apart" of #Venezuela and promoting of the humanitarian catastrophe in the Latin American nation by Western countries.
April 25
#Activists from the #EmbassyProtectionCollective are currently gathering in front of the #VenezuelanEmbassy in #WashingtonDC to defend the diplomatic office as long as its under threat.

April 25
@codepink @ArielElyseGold gives Elliot Abrams a lesson in anti-imperialism!!! #HandsOffVenezuela
April 25
#US activists disrupt war criminal’s, #ElliottAbrams, speech in #WashingtonDC
April 25
#LIVE |🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "We have come to make an important complaint so that the🌍understands the unilateral arbitrary blockade that the🇺🇸has imposed on🇻🇪since 2017."

April 25
🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters:"This blockade began with @BarackObama in 2015, this opened the framework for @POTUS to start carrying out executive orders which included sanctions."

April 25
#LIVE | Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "This economic war is not directly against the state, but against the economic sector, so that companies won't trust Venezuela."

April 25
#LIVE | Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "The blockade is a cruel and criminal crime, it is a diplomatic war".

April 25
#LIVE | 🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza: "As #ElliottAbrams said, since the coup d'état failed, we will now go against the people, chemotherapy patients, sick people, among others. I will leave this for the world to reflect upon."

🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "There is an offensive against🇻🇪there's also another round of sanctions coming our way, they are attacking the central reserve of the country. Who does that?"

April 25
#LIVE | Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "This is a brutal aggression. Another sanction is our country risk rank, which places Venezuela as the worst country in the world."

🇻🇪ForeignMinister @jaarreaza, press conference at the UN headquarters:"Our oil production has fallen thanks to the blockade,thanks to that we can't import,thanks to that we can't do anything w PDVSA but for the🇺🇸this is an achievement."

April 25
#LIVE | Venezuelan Foreign Minister @jaarreaza gives a press conference at the UN headquarters: "How far is #DonaldTrump willing to go to make people suffer?"

🇻🇪Foreign Minister @jaarreaza, press conference at the UN headquarters: "We will resist & only the🇻🇪people will decide what to do & when to do it. We will go together,opposition,government to stop these sanctions & inhumane treatment."

April 25
A study revealed that President #DonaldTrump’s actions against #Venezuela are mostly affecting not President #NicolasMaduro’s administration but the civilian population.
April 26
🇻🇪's @jaarreaza and @SMoncada_VEN met social movements in the US today at the New York Peoples Forum.
They discussed the devastating effects of US sanctions, and were warmly greeted by solidarity activists.

April 26
Venezuela's representatives spoke at the @PeoplesForumNYC, following an address at the UN where they highlighted the effects of the US economic war on the Bolivarian nation.

April 26
Like Cuba, Venezuela is to start measuring the human cost of the US economic sanctions.
April 26
#FromTheSouth | Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced the unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States and asserted that they are not against officials, but against the general population.
April 26
#FromTheSouth News Bits |🇻🇪's ambassador to the #UnitedNations, participate in a solidarity meeting at "The People's Forum" in New York, to discuss the damage done by the #UnitedStates blockade against the people of Venezuela.
April 26
Visit & supervision of the UnitedNationsFood&AgricultureOrganization #FAO representatives to the CommunityLivestock&AgricultureProgram #CLAP box packing station, in Fuerte Tiuna, 🇻🇪They will sign an agreement w the Govt.

April 26
Former #UnitedStates ambassador to #Venezuela, William Brownfield: "The military option also includes #CyberAttacks."
April 26
#UnitedStates Treasury sanctioned #Venezuela's Foreign Minister @jaarreaza, who condemned the move and denounced what he described as "criminal" acts by the U.S. against #DonaldTrump.
April 26
#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro: "In 20 years of revolution, we have been able to build a powerful education system in Venezuela that didn't exist before. Raising the level of school and university enrollment."

April 26
#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro: "In the midst of the war, we have maintained the Venezuelan education system, we'll continue advancing despite these difficulties"

April 26
Venezuela is unable to access over $20 Billion of its own funds, due to US sanctions. bit.ly/2GGVMsj
The US is murdering vast numbers with their economic siege.
April 26
Venezuela's Foreign Minister @jaarreaza met ex-Pink Floyd star Roger Waters in New York.
Arreaza said "A living legend of rock...supporting the free people who are being attacked by imperialism."

#Russia's Foreign Ministry has expressed outrage over what they say is another "crude" attempt by the #UnitedStates against #Venezuela regarding fresh sanctions aimed directly at the Foreign Minister @jaarreaza. #HandsOffVenezuela
"#Venezuela is independent and has sovereignty. Yankees go home!"
#Venezuela | Hundreds of thousands of people gather to celebrate the country's official departure from the Organization of American States #OAS. #NicolasMaduro #HandsOffVenezuela
#LIVE | #Venezuela's President of the National Constituent Assembly @dcabellor asks to decree April 27 as a day of national jubilation and a day of the Homeland.

#LIVE | #Venezuela's President of the National Constituent Assembly @dcabellor said that the sanctions against the Foreign Minister @jaarreaza are to intimidate other politicians of the world and prevent them from meeting with him.

#LIVE |🇻🇪's President of the National Constituent Assembly @dcabellor: "They won't subject comrade @jaarreaza with his sanctions. They won't subject the🇻🇪people, & we will make life impossible for those who want to destroy our Homeland."

#LIVE | #Venezuela's President of the National Constituent Assembly @dcabellor: "The #UnitedStates is genocidal. They are happy because their sanctions have caused the death of 40 thousand Venezuelans because of lack of medicines."

#Venezuela leaves #OAS because it is an imperialist organization" #NicolasMaduro. #HandsOffVenezuela
#InPictures | Venezuelans celebrate the country's official exit from #OAS.

Venezuela celebrates its definitive exit from the @OAS_official — or 'Ministry of Colonies' as some prefer to call it — following a two year withdrawal period.
It's the🇺🇸which is trespassing: "People are resolute.They will not voluntarily hand give this embassy over to the🇺🇸in violation of the Vienna Convention,or to the opposition—which is fake government which the🇺🇸has selected."@KBZeese (2/3)
President @NicolasMaduro himself is aware of the ongoing live-in at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington. @KBZeese also says that members of the collective have the rights of tenants and cannot be easily evicted. (3/3) @PopResistance
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter