#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
#Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective in DC Makes Statement After Power Cut: sputniknews.com/us/20190509107…
By @bodhibrian
A first hand account of a visit to the Venezuelan embassy in DC, where right wing opposition activists aligned with US coup plotters are trying to take over m.fightbacknews.org/2019/5/6/defen…
#Venezuela embassy in Washington DC is under siege by truculent, troglodite-like, pro-🇺🇸coup🇻🇪opposition thugs, with the benevolence of Secret Service agents. These bullies try to prevent food to reach the activists inside the embassy.
Cartoon @MintPressNews

#BREAKING | The Vice President of Venezuela's National Assembly, Edgar Zambrano, has been arrested for his participation in the recent failed coup attempt.
On April 30, the group of opposition lawmakers joined the attempted coup enacted by Juan Guaido and now fugitive from justice Leopoldo Lopez. bit.ly/2Vqr01i
#BREAKING | US police have cut power off from Venezuela's embassy in Washington. Concerns that a raid is imminent.
Activists inside have been defending the building from representatives of Juan Guaido.
credit: Brian Becker

President of @VFPNational has been injured by police, he was trying to deliver food to the activists defending Venezuela's embassy from representatives of Juan Guaido.
via @RealAlexRubi

We recognize the dignity and firmness of the Protection Collective of our former Embassy in the US. They are under siege, attacked, blocked and even had the power cut off. Sound familiar? It's imperialism's same illegal strategy against the Venezuelan people.
The Vice President of Venezuela's National Assembly was part of the recent coup attempt.
He will now face justice.
"This unlawful, despicable and intolerable action violates the norms and principles of international law that govern the relations between civilized nations. bit.ly/2HeH1gG
"Once again,we demand that the @StateDept to comply w the ViennaConvention on DiplomaticRelations & ProtectTheBuilding of our FormerEmbassy in Washington,avoiding AggressionAgainstGuests who are avoiding an IllegalOccupation." @jaarreaza
This report that Trump is frustrated w/ Bolton on🇻🇪will likely be spun by hawkish liberals in the most noxious way:
- Trump must've been swayed by his handler, Putin
- Trump is admiring yet one more strongman, Maduro -- "a tough cookie"
See thread😠👇🏼
She sounds like Guaido
@MaxBlumenthal should investigate which CIA School she went to-because it is clear she is another🇺🇸trained puppet
The EmbassyOccupiers have the permission of the Legitimate MaduroGovt.(supported by 100+countries in the🌍)
#Spain 's Foreign Minister Josep Borrell accused the #US of behaving like a "cowboy" in #Venezuela
Trump's lowlife neocons may well have inadvertently managed to totally rejuvenate the SpiritOfSolidarity within the majority of Venezuelans
This would be a suitable result for all their perversely evil actions
The world needs more journalists willing to report on how US economic sanctions are killing people in #Venezuela . Here are 2 minutes of truth on BNN Canada:
But it’s okay for🇺🇸to militarily interfere in countries which border🇷🇺& thereby threaten🇷🇺national security. What to do w Trump & Bolton? Send them both on a one-way ticket to the moon? No. Because I wouldn’t want to pollute the moon. #Russia
If John Prescott joined Jeremy Corbyn in an armed coup against the British state and was later arrested, do you think the Guardian would describe it as a 'kidnapping' or justified imposition of the law?
The US has imposed harsh #sanctions on #Venezuela and is threatening violent regime change. We know what that feels like in #Gaza. Here, @AnsaAlnaouq delivers a message: Sanctions Kill.
Pence lifts US sanctions from Venezuela's defector general, hopes to inspire more turncoats — RT USA News rt.com/usa/458686-ven…
Looks like @AmbJohnBolton, one of the primary architects of the criminal US invasion of Iraq, is here to show his support for another US invasion—this time of #Venezuela. #HandsOffVenezuela

Shame the way protesters are treated carrying out humanitarian acts. USA has become a banana Republic
What is a protecting power agreement?
-an arrangement between 3 countries to protect diplomatic property
-29 agreements exist today (including in *Caracas*)
-*ONLY* way to open consular services
DIPLOMACY NOW! #HandsOffVenezuela

This is what America style democracy looks like on display to whole world ir only msm would bother reporting it
No Coup for the rich, no war on the poor.
End US sanctions on Venezuela. Let the Venezuelan people elect their own government.
#HandsOffVenezuela #NoBloodForOil

Primera embajada 100% carbon neutral en el mundo... Desgraciadamente no voluntariamente 😈
#VenezuelanEmbassy #VenezuelaEmbassy #Venezuela
BREAKING: @SecretService and DC authorities have turned off water and electricity to activists--DC residents--besieged inside the Venezuelan embassy in the Georgetown neighborhood. This is a dangerous situation and totally illegal
SHAMEFUL and unacceptable
🇺🇸|Clashes ensued at the🇻🇪's Embassy in #WashingtonDC between representatives of the international NGO Code Pink who have barricaded themselves in the embassy & supporters of the right-wing 🇻🇪opposition outside. #HandsOffVenezuela
"It is a contradiction that the UN High CommissionerOffice for HumanRights has NotCondemned the AttemptedMilitaryCoup of 30A & defend the CoupLeaders who must RespondToJustice. Are MilitaryCoup d'état's set up in defense of HumanRights?"
#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro:
"Imperialism wants to accuse me of betraying Chavez's legacy. It's because I follow Chávez's legacy that they try a coup d'etat against me"

#LIVE | President @NicolasMaduro:
"I will never betray our commander Hugo Chávez."

We took an in-depth look at the cost of U.S. economic sanctions imposed on Venezuela, which have left the Bolivarian government without access to billions of dollars it needs to provide food and medicine to citizens. bit.ly/2Jc6JpO
The #US government has shut down electricity in the #Venezuelan embassy in Washington #DC
#Maduro: U.S Accelerationism is Helping #Venezuela become free of the U.S Dollar and Hegemony is.gd/5cefBN #USD

MAJOR: #Venezuela Begins Arrests of #Coup Leaders - MP #Zambrano first to face justice is.gd/5HxRXg #AN #ANC #Guaido #Maduro #NationalAssembly #SEBIN

ENOUGH TO DISCOURAGE WASHINGTON: #Russia does not need to increase #Military in #Venezuela is.gd/wWCr90

Since🇺🇸negates all international laws #humanright laws,diplomatic treaties,our constitution & every empathy,moral or decency nothing can hold us back.
When will people learn to stand up & fight4 a🌍w ethics & w/o domination of global elites?
Vienna Convention? US-Backed Opposition Lays Siege on Venezuelan Embassy in Washington For 8th Day southfront.org/vienna-convent…
Juan Guaido controls no institutions of government and his DC coup lobbyist, @carlosvecchio, has no power to issue a passport.
Yet @Google has decided that Vecchio is Venezuela’s ambassador even though he can’t even get into the embassy he wants to invade.

Meanwhile, @Wikipedia ignores international law as well as the facts on the ground in Caracas in referring to the ambassadorship of Venezuela as “contested.”

The electricity & water has been turned off by🇺🇸@SecretService & DC authorities. Now they know what life is like for the people of #USA under #Trump
By @TravelGov
Meanwhile the US embassy in Venezuela had an occupant !
Venezuela govt could have besiege the US embassy in Venezuela but didn't .
@SecPompeo has meldown over Venezuela govts arrest of coup backer Zambrano
Says the backer of an illegal coup in Venezuela . The Venezuelan people have had justice served against those who tried to overthrow the legit govt
I send solidarity greeting, full of deep admiration & gratitude to the Protection Collective of our Embassy in Washington, who with brave have faced the aggressions of a sick right and a criminal empire. That's the worthy people of🇺🇸#Love4EPC

Was just in position to hear @SecretService shift change at🇻🇪embassy.
Quote from senior officer: “on this side of the street are the pro-Guaidó people. They’re essentially🇺🇸gov. On the other side of the street are the anti-war protestors, paid by🇷🇺or whatever.”
To the vast majority of the🌍, the sight of a🇺🇸Admiral who heads the🇺🇸Southern Command deciding who should be president of another country --in this case #Venezuela & openly encouraging a military coup, looks like 19th century colonialism.
Considering we have over 800 military bases in 150 countries (out of 195 countries) I think we’ve blown passed imperialism and are now at straight up world domination.

#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter