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Apr 24th 2023
In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
Read 18 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
Two #Indonesian planes arrived on Wednesday at Damascus International Airport, carrying an official delegation, a relief team, and aid for those affected by the earthquake.
“The relief team includes experts in facing disasters, & the two planes loading 75 tons of relief aid for those affected by the earthquake” -Assistant Minister of Human Development and Cultural Affairs for Regional Development Coordination and Disaster Management Affairs,
He said that his country will provide all possible assistance to Syria to face the repercussions of the earthquake.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
#Indonesian 🇮🇩 community in #Syria 🇸🇾 offers humanitarian aid to those affected by the earthquake in Latakia
The Indonesian community in Syria and the Indonesian Diplomatic Club in Syria provided humanitarian aid for those affected by the earthquake in the coastal province of Latakia.
Indonesian Ambassador to Syria Fawzi Wagdi said the humanitarian aid convoy is offered by the Indonesian community in Syria and the Diplomatic Club to support the Syrian people in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
#Indonesia’s new criminal code is absolutely illiberal, but it is not anti-legal. It serves the interests of some #elites, but not others.

So, how do we best parse its impact on #law, #politics, or #society?

A short 🧵based on ideas from:…

Fundamentally, it pushes Indonesia’s criminal law system toward what I call a mobilizational legal regime, and away from being more of a ’rule by law’ order.

This is due to a reason many might find counter-intuitive: it’s actually empowering previously excluded groups.

In a mobilizational legal regime, the set of politically empowered actors (what I call the ‘polity’) is open and contested. In some other arrangements - including rule by law - it is closed and fixed.
The constellation of politics shapes how law is made and deployed.

Read 13 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
"#Indonesian authorities say #Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov has been taken to the hospital after suffering a health problem", reports ABC News.…
Maria #Zakharova published a video with #Lavrov to prove that he is well.
What is Lavrov hinting at?

The t-shirt of the #Russian Foreign Minister bears the name of American artist Jean-Michel #Basquiat, who died of a heroin overdose at age 27. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
Understanding con note conversion overhang is key to understanding the picture. Also optimization of a start up isn't an overnight affair, 6 months for mitigation of labour and machine maintenance. $AHQ

$50m buys 4 potential mines, Over 2bn NPV and 1bn/t resource.
It's the sitting that matters in turnarounds, not exiting post the horse bolting -80%.....

This has potential as an M&A target.

Smart money uses the con note selling as the mechanism to accummulate cheaply.

Stupid money exits post -80% decline

Smart money reviews the thesis and assesses the turnaround ability and future cashflow post optimization

2023 CF +A$50-100m Vs 50m cap

Plenty of buyers at 11c.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
#Hobbit-like human ancestors thought to have gone extinct 12,000 years ago might still be hiding away in #Indonesia, an anthropologist has claimed.


📸: Stuart Hay, ANU

Thread. 👇 Image
In 2004, late anthropologist Mire Morwood discovered #fossils of a tiny species of hominin on Flores, an #Indonesian island.

Named Homo floresiensis & dating back to the late #Pleistocene, this was a contemporary of early modern humans in Southeast Asia.

📸: Peter Brown Image
The diminutive hominin bore a resemblance to the australopithecines and even chimps to some extent.

Considering the kind of attention that #LordOfTheRings garnered in the early 2000s, it was only natural that the fun-sized H. floresiensis be nicknamed after #TheHobbit.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
#GaneshChaturthi2021 @LevinaNeythiri @changu311 @jkd18

-Lord Ganesha is not just loved in #Hinduism but #Buddhism & #Jainism too
-In addition to #India #Ganesha is revered in many SE Asian countries
-World’s tallest (90ft) Ganesh near Kolhapur, Maharashtra Traveltwosome
-#Ganesh in #Indonesia
-#Javanese manuscript known as Smaradahana narrates Ganesha’s birth
-Ceremony ‘Rishigana’ is performed to appease Ganesha
-During economic meltdown of 90s Lord Ganesha appeared on #Indonesian currency notes
-Ganesha in #Cambodia
-Lord Ganesha is known as Prah Kenes
-Many temples & manuscripts dedicated till 13th century
-Ganesha images in Cambodia are mostly two-armed
-In 1 description he appears with Lord #Shiva as his attendant & called Shri Vinayaka
Read 10 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
[Linguosco: Delivering Crafted Excellence] 📝📄📃📑⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Kosakata Kamis: Part 7 📖🔍
Tahukah kamu? 🤔🤨🧐
Kamu pasti sudah sering mendengar atau membaca istilah "clickbait" dari internet, kan? Nah, kira-kira istilah "clickbait" dalam Bahasa Indonesia itu apa ya?
"Clickbait" dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah "umpan klik". 🇮🇩
Umpan di sini berarti "sesuatu yang digunakan untuk memikat atau mendapatkan perhatian".
Klik di sini berarti "mengeklik sesuatu akibat persuasi dari umpan".
Umpan klik merupakan sebuah istilah yang merujuk kepada konten web, baik berupa berita, iklan maupun jasa. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menarik perhatian dan mendorong pengunjung untuk mengklik tautan ke halaman web tertentu. ➡️➡️➡️💻
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
Our session on Digital #Indonesia is now live co-hosted w/ @IIPCLondon @KBRILondon hearing from Mr. Odo Manuhutu, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy and senior figures from @tokopedia, @gojektech and @Accenture. #UKASEAN
Bapak Odo, Deputy Minister for Indonesia's Tourism and Creative cites leadership, close collaboration between government, business and the private sector as the secret of success along with skills development for Digital Indonesia.
Bapak Odo says the challenge in Indonesia is how to give access to the internet and technology to a broad spectrum of society for them to benefit in a digital future. #UKASEAN
Read 13 tweets
May 21st 2020
Today is 22nd anniversary of the fall of late President #Suharto amid mass student protests, rioting on 21 May 1998. I was then Reuters Jakarta correspondent, running from rubber bullets, tear gas almost every day. I witnessed incredible courage from people of #Indonesia. Thread
1. These are the lessons I learnt from #Indonesia
- Freedom is not free. You have to fight and sacrifice for it
- The fall of #Suharto was just the beginning of a long, back-breaking struggle to forge democracy, re-build or build democratic institutions for the future
2. Long-running regimes never want to give up power. They will use race, religion to shake new & democratic government. And nothing provoke people quite like race & religion.
- Hence, soon after Suharto's fall, religious & racial violence erupted in #Kalimantan, #Maluku etc.
Read 12 tweets
May 5th 2020
Prepare for the “New Normal”. Courtesy of @edwardsuhadi memberikan dgn jelas apa gambaran keseharian kita di masa sesudah #COVID19 berhasil bisa #FlattenTheCurve di bumi #indonesia nanti. Ke”normal-an” ini akan terus terjadi hingga 2 cara membuat jalan mulus kembali @blogdokter
Jalur pertama adalah ketika ada vaksin #COVIDー19 yang sedang d gadang-gadang di luar negeri 3 bln lagi selesai, tp apa #indonesian memiliki budget untuk membelinya? Untung pemerintah cepat memutuskan bahwa kita harus membuat vaksin dalam negeri Image
Masalah di jalur ini adalah kalaupun tercipta vaksin #COVID19 apakah kita bisa mengeduksi dgn baik para rakyat yang mudah “kapal nya oleng” ketika di goyang sedikit oleh teori konspirasi? Belum lagi bumi pertiwi mudah dicocok-logikan dgn agama ras dan etnis Image
Read 9 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
Villagers in #WestPapua's Tembagapura area (mainly Banti Village) sought refuge last night in Tembagapura Police Station (Polsek Tembagapura) located here:… after clashes between West Papuan seperatists & Indonesian security forces
Footage of the firefight from earlier in the week uploaded by @WellipPrai was filmed from this exact location:… inside the Polsek Tembagapura compound.
Alternative angle, filmed closer to the barrier wall in the Polsek Tembagapura compound, here:…
Read 10 tweets
Nov 13th 2019
BREAKING - Blast in #Indonesian city of #Medan at the canteen of police HQ by a suspected suicide bomber. No details yet. Information is tentative at this point
UPDATE Suicide bombing at police HQ at #Indonesian Medan city kills perpetrator, injures 4 cops. Sources tell me he was wearing an Ojek Online jacket, entered front entrance, reached Ops section, detonated. Pictures of bomber's body too gory to share.…
UPDATE #IndonesiaBlast Anti-terror police #Densus88 arrest 1 suspect with bomb-making skills from #ISIS affiliate Jemaah Ansharut Daulah #JAD. He allegedly fought in Syria in 2012. The arrest comes after Medan suicide blast at police HQ this morning…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
Press release fr lawyer M. Vidler, who represents Ms. Indah, #Indonesian journalist whose right eye was seriously injured by #HKPolice ytd, says “Ms. Indah is very lucky to be alive & but for her protective goggles, she would definitely have been #blind.”… ImageImage

該子彈相信為布袋彈或橡膠子彈,彈殼在現場附近被發現。當時Indah女士在灣仔天橋,她身穿帶有「記者」字樣的反光背心以及帶有「記者」字樣的頭盔,並沒有攙雜在示威者之中。 ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
3. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?
#ForeignTerrorists #RegimeChange #Imperialism #WarCriminal #Lies #Conspiracy
1. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?
2. Further Proof. The Truth may be long, but it always prevails.
Who fights against #Syria, against the Govt of #Syria & #Syrian Army?
As you can see, they are #Not Syrians!
Any question?…
Read 36 tweets
Jul 20th 2019
1. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world 🤨👇🏼
2. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world🤨👇🏼…
Read 169 tweets

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