1/ Washington Bike Summit cascade.org/connect-washin… info from @CascadeBicycle #WABikeSummit
2/ Spreadsheet to update w/locations of bicycle #traffic signals in North America docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
#bikes #activetransportation
3/ Updated @WSDOT Rapid Flashing Beacon design info wsdot.wa.gov/Design/Standar… following @USDOTFHWA RRFB rescission
4/ #30daysofbiking 30daysofbiking.com
#bikes #activetransportation #RoadSafety #walkability
5/ @BhamHerald on bicyclists in crosswalks bellinghamherald.com/news/traffic/r… #bikelaw #bikes #activetransportation #RoadSafety
6/ #WSDOTactive call for projects wsdot.wa.gov/LocalPrograms/… #SafeRoutesNow due 4/27, Ped/Bike Program due 5/11
7/ LifeRadius concept from @BlueZones bluezones.com/live-longer-be…. #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #HealthyFood #urbandesign #walkability #healthystreets #completestreets #parks
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