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Jul 24th 2021
This morning we saw something we will NEVER forget.

We were at the #Walmart in Southeast #Calgary. We were shopping for some groceries when my stepson saw someone take a package of meat and put it under their shirt and then slowly walk over to their cart. #Food #Hungry #Alberta
This person had very few things in their cart. My stepson knows what I do here at @HarvestHillsYYC & he asked if we could help them.

I said yes we could but that this person would feel ganged up on if we all walked over to them, so I told him to stay here and that I’d walk over.
I walked over to where they had their cart and said “I know what it is like to struggle. I would love it if you’d let me help you and I’d like to pay for your groceries.”

This person looked up at me and said “did you see me take the meat?” I said “yes I did. I’d like to help”.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
4 hours & 1 minute left til the deadline. Only $125 has been raised so far! @CalgaryFoodBank @HarvestHillsYYC





I will match each donation to a total of $2000.00 each!
Until 11:59pm tonight...I will match any and all donations made to @HarvestHillsYYC & @CalgaryFoodBank.


1.) Follow both @CalgaryFoodBank & @HarvestHillsYYC
2.) DM me proof of your donation via screenshot.

*I’ll match donations up to $2000.00 for each org*
Read 4 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Things like this make me mad 😡. @HarvestHillsYYC is a grass roots organization that only has at the moment a staff of twenty volunteers that also have lives and families of their own

But when someone makes a request and demands to be put to the top of the list ahead of others..
...and when they are politely told that it was not possible because there were other requests ahead of them...they accused The Harvest Hills Cares Calgary Team of not wanting to help!

They even threatened to go ahead and tell everyone about the “experience” they had.
Jenn had her volunteer call her in tears because that volunteer was threatened as well when all they did was respond in an appropriate manner.

I have included proof of these messages with all identifying information removed.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
If anyone out there in the world can help, please consider donating to us. We as a group....we as a team...we as a part of Calgary Alberta, will continue to help as many people as we can as long as there is a need to do so.
You can check us out at:



We accept e-transfers & PayPal:




Read 3 tweets

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