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Feb 2nd 2020
1/10 A 2020 play: Scene: Vladimir Putin, skyping in with POTUS45 and Other Corrupt Minions, June 2020

Putin: Amy WHO??? You jerks told me it was gonna be Joe Biden. Who the hell is this woman?

OCM: Uhhh… this short lady from Minnesota?

#Klobucharmy #AmyForAmerica
2/ 10 Putin: Okay, we can still do this. What dirt do you got on her?

OCM: Well, there’s this rumor about her being mean to her Senate staff.


OCM: They say she threw a stapler! Her staff were scared of her!

Putin: That’s all you got for me? A stapler?
3/10 <Silence>

OCM: We’ll do some digging.

Putin: <sighs> And you jerks said Biden. Go screw up some more government norms and GET ME THAT DIRT.

<Skype session ends>
Read 11 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
Let's see which retweet bots are super excited about the third Democratic presidential debate. #ThursdayThoughts

#Warren2020 #AmyForAmerica #YangGang #Booker2020 #FeelTheBern #KHive #MayorPete #Biden2020 #BetoForAmerica #Castro2020

cc: @ZellaQuixote
@ZellaQuixote A duo of extremely similar real estate bots (@RealtorFairfax and @FairfaxVAAgent) were the first two automated accounts to retweet the preceding tweet. Based on a brief jaunt through their timelines, they seem more focused on retweeting political hashtags than real estate.
@ZellaQuixote @RealtorFairfax @FairfaxVAAgent The third bot retweet comes to us courtesy of @BernieBot_2020, which retweets various Sanders-related hashtags (#Bernie2020, #FeelTheBern, #NotMeUS, and #NoMiddleGround.) We've run across it before.
Read 17 tweets

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