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Most recents (4)

Sep 21st 2022
1) I need some help with this case.

45y male presents with sudden onset worsening of his balance while walking * past few months.

The problem had started insidiously, around 4 years ago when he noticed that he found himself staggering while walking.
2) This progressively worsened over the next 1 year while he also developed difficulties with buttoning shirts and eating meals with hands.

This was associated with tingling and numbness of all 4 limbs, which began in the hands and feet and then progressed upto thighs and arms.
3) It was a problem of balance, he says, where his fingers seem to fly off target rather than inability to force his muscles according to him.

No h/o sudden give away or stiffness.

No headache, abn behaviour, fits, visual abn, double vision, bladder bowel abn or abn movement.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Functional Gait disorders ("FGD" for the purpose of this #twittorial) are common and disabling, usually accompanied by other symptoms. FGD are challenging for the non #MovDis physician and it can difficult to determine #inconsistencies and #incongruencies during examination.
A good approach is to identify #clinicalSigns to differentiate a #functional vs #organic cause

#Inconsistency is the variability in gait disorder severity over time.
#incongruency involves a combination of symptoms and sins not seen in organic disorders.
Read 19 tweets
Jun 15th 2020
My story starts in a small town from the northern region of the warm vibrant and culturally diverse #India.
#VoicesIWS Image
Born as 3rd daughter in a culture where birth of a daughter is resented by many, my parents had to deal with 'eerie' solutions from society to get rid of the "burden" that I was about to become. But, my visionary parent-warriors had their armours on! 😇
#genderbias #VoicesIWS
Read 15 tweets
May 26th 2020
Shoutout to #EAN2020 @EANeurology for the high yield pearls on #ataxia. Checkout the free #EAN2020 #ataxia workshops for more details but here are a few with my added comments. #MedEd #neurology #MedStudentTwitter #AcademicChatter #doubledoc #neurologyresident @movedisorder
If you think the patient has cerebellar ataxia, think about acquired vs inherited causes. Most common acquired causes are Vitamin (E, B12, B1), Immune (Celiac), Paraneoplastic (Hu, Yo, GAD). Or VIP -cuz it’s Very Important to rule out - as these can be treated. #MedEd #MedTwitter
Then if it’s an older person with autonomic and/or Parkinsonian symptoms - think #MSA-C. But this is #neurodegenerative. #MedTwitter #MedEd #MedStudentTwitter #AcademicTwitter #doubledoc we need research on how to delay progression. @movedisorder
Read 7 tweets

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