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Who is up for some more "#Delay, #Deny..." .@DVAAus proud sponsors?

#VeteransRCNow .@ScottMorrisonMP
@DVAAus @ScottMorrisonMP Meet Linda the Minister of Defence .@lindareynoldswa Image
@DVAAus @ScottMorrisonMP @lindareynoldswa As late as 3 December 2019 she made this statement in the Senate: Image
Read 11 tweets
1. fantasy thread.

@AlboMP: Australians believe our democracy is failing because we can’t trust our big parties. The crisis of confidence in our political leadership must be addressed NOW.

Why? Because #AustraliaBurns means we must trust our governance to survive and thrive.
2. Labor didn’t promise a National Integrity Commission to investigate and expose corruption in federal politics - a #federalicac - at 2016 #ausvotes, and belatedly did last year but buried it.

Why? Because we’ve rorted too. And like our opponents, we too like to rort in Govt.
3. But that bipartisanship is over. We must, as a nation, act swiftly and comprehensively to clean up our politics & restore the people’s faith that they can live their lives knowing their Govt is acting in the national interest, not their own.

Read 5 tweets
1. Remember Ros Kelly’s sports rort? ANAO report showed she trashed merit grants to favour marginal seats. Libs under Hewson went in for the kill, as did I. Sacked.

Now @senbmckenzie copies, AND got Coalition candidates, not thr MPS, to announce grants.

2. A reminder of the Sports Rorts scandal. I was working for @michellegrattan, Canberra Times editor, reported this political corruption solo for a while - senior press gallery journo told me to stop wasting my time ‘cause Kelly was a Keating ‘mate’.

3. A Gurdian sports rorts wrap with no mention of the eerie parallels to Ros Kelly - Hewson and Costello led the charge to end her career, which it did.

Read 13 tweets
This is where I usually get the boat every Monday morning and Friday evening to go to school. There was no boat today.

#StormBrendan is not unique for the west of Ireland. But it is a reminder if what we face should we not act on the climate crisis.

Warmer ocean temperatures leads to more intense winter storms (2-11% is a conservative estimate for wind speed increase). Rising sea level increases risk of flooding and means that where I was standing might well be in underwater in 20 years time. 48k without power in the West.
It's already not uncommon for boats to be disrupted for 4, 5, 6 days in a row where I live. Imagine how much worse it's going to get.

Storms destroy infrastructure, flood homes, roads and fields and kill people.
Read 9 tweets
Apart from refusing to take responsibility for failures of leadership during #AustraliaBurns and confirming no climate action will be taken, there was something excluded from Morrison’s interview which is noteworthy: Labor. A threadđŸ‘‡đŸ»
The only time Morrison mentioned Labor in whole interview was when he said he let Albo know he was going to Hawaii via text. He made similar comments during the Hawaii fiasco, implying if Albo knew, everything was above board and somehow Albo was implicated for receiving the text
This gibe in Labor’s direction is so natural and knee jerk to Liberals that usually - during their time in Opposition and Government - their interviews were focused entirely on Labor, entirely on trying to draw the answer into an attack on Labor’s credentials.
Read 18 tweets
1. Good one, Malcolm - how about indies, Labor, Greens propose NEG law, dare emasculated moderate Libs in safe seats to cross floor or face massive #independentsday campaigns to replace them.

@zalisteggall @helenhainesindi @MakeMayoMatter @WilkieMP

2. I suggested a cross political project to agree on basics, begin presenting pu up agreed climate change to Parliament.

3. @zalisteggall, who #WarringahVotes sent to Parliament replace climate change denier and policy destroyer Abbott, is taking the lead.


Read 24 tweets
Budgets and Bushfires: has government cost-cutting hindered firefighting? @MichaelWestBiz does some much-needed digging. The truth will shock. Bad enough to be saddled with a climate-denying gov but cost-cutting is the main reason why this inferno is now out of control
“How come we only had 4 trucks to defend our town?” pleaded distressed resident of Cobargo to Prime Minister Scott Morrison. “I’m not going to shake your hand until you give the RFS more funding,” another woman from Cobargo, Zoey, told the PM. Little did they know the truth.
Michael West found that spending on equipment dipped significantly in the years leading up to this terrible summer, and also that spending on “fire mitigation work” had fallen significantly.
Read 15 tweets
@Cdanslair @France5tv @Caroline_Roux @yann_rdp "Ce que l'#Australie vit, c'est un aperçu de ce qui l'attend à l'avenir, dans un monde qui continue de se réchauffer" explique @yann_rdp dans @Cdanslair @France5tv

#AustraliaBurning Image
@Cdanslair @France5tv @Caroline_Roux @yann_rdp «L’eucalyptus, qui constitue l’essentiel des forĂȘts en #Australie, a besoin du feu pour se reproduire. Ce cycle, gĂ©rĂ© rĂ©guliĂšrement par les aborigĂšnes, a Ă©tĂ© perturbĂ© par l’arrivĂ©e des europĂ©ens. Ils doivent rĂ©apprendre Ă  vivre avec leur environnement»
@yann_rdp dans @Cdanslair Image
Read 6 tweets
For those who state climate change doesn’t start fires, people do, please stop. You just don’t get it & understand obvious consequences of climate change on frequency, furiosity, difficulties of containment & proactive measures due to hotter/drier weather. #AustraliaBurns
For those of you that state it’s pointless Aust limiting CO2 emissions as it’ll have negligible impact on world temps, please stop. You don’t get it & understand how global effort works & how if everyone does nothing, nothing improves (yes, a $50 donation helps) #AustraliaBurns
Finally, those of you with absolutely no background or experience in climate change science who state climate change is not real, please stop. If you believe in the likes of Jones, Hanson, Bolt, Trump etc. and not climate scientists, I don’t care what you think. #AustraliaBurns
Read 3 tweets
Hey guys - there are a variety of links where you can donate to the victims of, families of, firefighters and families of firefighters (who perished) of the #AustralianBushfires
Here is the one which I donated to, the Aus Red Cross
Even thou our Gvt has yet to offer, we can! +
There are heaps more links to donate, this article takes you there:

Whatever little amount you can give would be a big help to everyone who has suffered, loss of their homes, memories, loved ones. The loss of 500 mill animals etc 😭 #AustraliaBurns
Read 5 tweets
Reminder: The climate crisis is the biggest public health threat in the world.

Right now the air quality in Australia's capital city, Canberra, is the worst in the world. Readings have reached over 38 times hazardous levels.

#AustraliaFires #AustraliaBushfires #AustraliaBurns
@TheLancet @sunrisemvmt @350 @StrikeClimate @Fridays4future @GretaThunberg @UNFCCC This is how bad the air looks from a drive into Canberra.

#AustraliaFires #AustraliaBushfires #AustraliaBurns

@TheLancet @sunrisemvmt @350 @StrikeClimate @Fridays4future @GretaThunberg @UNFCCC The smoke in Canberra is so bad, it just shut down the government agency responsible for emergency management due to poor air quality.

#AustraliaFires #AustraliaBushfires #AustraliaBurns

Read 8 tweets
There are various different kinds of negligence and failure for which Australia’s political leaders should be held accountable in relation to the #bushfirecrisis. Here’s a thread.

#AustraliaFires #AustraliaBurns
1. Despite at least 18 warnings since 2013 (and plenty before that) linking rising emissions to catastrophic fire risks, no serious action has been taken to reduce Australia’s emissions. We are literally the worst on climate policy:

2. Specific expert warnings about the fire risks for the 2019-2020 summer and recommendations for better preparations were all ignored, as were requests for further meetings by experts:

Read 11 tweets
1. Another Morrison press conference. Can’t quite believe it but someone seems to have taught him to stop smirking.

Or maybe he’s as scared as he looks that Australians now know exactly who he is and feel utterly betrayed.
2. You’d laugh if you weren’t crying - Unleader Morrison takes up yet another @AlboMP suggestion - take care of survivor’s mental health, and physical health (no more ‘oh smoke comes and goes’ bullshit).
3. Morrison admits he did not consult our firefighter leaders or front line Premiers before he acted and advertised yesterday. ‘Professional Discourtesy’ doesn’t begin to describe his arrogance. Incapable of effective leadership. Incapable.
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Lib MP has said Morrison hopes to make the fires his ‘Tampa moment’. Apart from the horrendous thought he’s enjoying using #AustraliaBurns to build his political capital 😳, he’s wrong that this crisis will build his political legitimacy. Instead, it will destroy it. A threadđŸ‘‡đŸ»
I noticed @latingle used example of damage Bush did to his presidency during Hurricane Katrina as example of a similar leadership failure, because Bush stayed on holidays as the crisis unfolded. This has been described as the beggining of the end for Bush:

I’ve read a study of this situation from perspective of political narratives and it suggested Bush lost control of the media narrative because he wasn’t present. This was juxtaposed against the Iraq War coverage, where he managed the narrative closely to create his own reality.
Read 18 tweets
The scale of the Australian fires is hard to communicate. For American friends, imagine driving from Philly to NY and not being half way through the devastation. 5 times the area of the Californian fires. #AustraliaBurns Image
For Irish friends, imagine all but Ulster and Munster in flames. #AustraliaBurns Image
For more map comparisons:

Read 5 tweets
Die Erde brennt und wir brennen mit ihr. Warum 2019 fĂŒr unsere Erde kein gutes Jahr war - und damit auch nicht fĂŒr uns. Ein Thread [0/10]

#worstof2019: Ein etwas anderer JahresrĂŒckblick

Unten: NASA Fire Map Stand 31.21.19
Die Erde brennt 1/10
Mit dem Amazonas, der "grĂŒnen Lunge der Erde", brennen seit August die RegenwĂ€lder Brasiliens, Boliviens, Kolumbiens, Paraguays und Perus. 2019 zerstören Rodungen außerdem 9.762 km2 Amazonaswald. #AmazonFires

#worstof2019: Ein etwas anderer JahresrĂŒckblick
Die Erde brennt 2/10
BuschbrĂ€nde in Australien bedrohen Mensch und Tier. Besonders die ohnehin schon gefĂ€hrdeten Koalas leiden unter den Feuern - "dank" ihrer Überlebensstrategie, höher in die BĂ€ume zu flĂŒchten. #AustralianFires

#worstof2019: Ein etwas anderer JahresrĂŒckblick
Read 14 tweets
Officials in Australia fear thousands of koalas may be dead in an area of New South Wales ravaged in recent months by wildfires.

#AustralianFires #AustraliaFires #AustraliaBurns #koalas


📾: AFP via Getty Images
“It may well be up to 30% of the population in that region because up to 30% of their habitat has been destroyed," Australia's environment minister, @sussanley, told @ABCaustralia last Friday. "We’ll know more when the fires are calmed down and a proper assessment can be made.”
Up to 28,000 koalas lived in the region before the fires, The Associated Press reported.
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#AustralianFires #AustraliaBurns #Bushfires #Victoriabushfires #sydneyfireworks


55 years ago Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin...

Gough Whitlam, the Australian Prime Minister, was touring Syracuse, Sicily at the time and flew to Darwin upon hearing of the disaster.
The Aus government began a mass evacuation by road and air; all of the Defence Force personnel throughout Australia, along with the entire Royal Australian Air Force's fleet of transport planes, were recalled from holiday leave and deployed to evacuate civilians from Darwin
Thirteen ships of the Royal Australian Navy were used to transport supplies to the area as part of Operation Navy Help Darwin; the largest humanitarian or disaster relief operation ever performed by the Navy.
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Nationals @DarrenChesterMP (Gippsland) on BBC on #bushfire emergency "Whether they are worse in years to come is a debateable point I suppose. One of the challenges we have is trying to reduce fuel loads in the months leading up to the summer period"

I call bullshit #Auspol 1/10
Factcheck: Bushfires in Victoria becoming worse:

1. "Extreme fire weather has increased since the 1970s in the east and south of Australia, including Victoria, with the fire season length extending from October to March." 2/10
2. "Climate change is now making hot days hotter, and heatwaves longer and more frequent. Drought conditions have been increasing in Australia’s southeast." 3/10
Read 13 tweets
Australia’s fires more than 25 times the size of the California fires & more than 3 times the size of the Amazon fires & still burning out of control... major fires now only an hour’s drive from Sydney.
The world media is not covering the scope of this...
Please share this❀
Not too mention Australia's prime minister is on vacation in Hawaii during these fires, and has cut $40 million from Australias fire service budget. Most of our fire service members are volunteers and not being payed. This is not right.
All the fires currently burning are greater in size then the whole country of Denmark and its only getting worse. Remember that Australia summer has only started and so much damage has been done already....
Read 10 tweets

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