@zalisteggall @helenhainesindi @MakeMayoMatter @WilkieMP
Now Morrison is forced to admit big adaptation to climate change imperative. Jobs, economy, nature are casualties of NOT acting.
He’s in a vice.
Turnbull stands with a red, green, yellow and blue majority against the Coalition.
Admits he’s following, not leading.
Admits the people forced him to act, and shows that they must keep pushing.
Tries to pretend to think about changing CC policy one day.
Courage ain’t for him. Leading is for idiots like Malcolm.
For first time since he became PM!
We’re seeing a door open to a return to a functioning democracy.
He’s hopefully the full stop to our wasted decades.
His answers show he never even tried before Australia burned.
Coalition’s CC wars = failure to lead on emissions and no preparations for apocalypse.
Public duty betrayal

Imagine a parallel ‘people’s government’ group Malcolm is part of.
True liberals, true nationals, centre left and left politicians, current and former, meet to agree on a statement of problem, goal, start putting up bills.
Voters In Warringah, Indi, Mayo & nearly Wentworth showed a way ahead
Republicans spreading fake arsonist theories, naturally.
BIG MONEY POWER behind the puppets.
Morrison’s admission today that frightening climate changes are here to stay & worsen = inevitable voters will judge harshly Coalition inaction on demanding the world act hard, and our adaptation.
Paul, dopey? Almost worse than knowing the facts & just caring more about his job title. Too stupid to read up, or understand his core leadership responsibilities, to keep us and our country safe?
Sir Nicholas Stern showed why he’s he’s dead wrong in 2007, helping trigger Howard’s embrace of an ETS.

The contempt, sometimes even the smirk, gone for now. It’s persuasion time! No plan, no truth, but he wants to keep his job title.