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May 13th 2023


A book that must be read by all direct equity investors but will be appreciated & understood by a few, that too only after witnessing an entire cycle play out in markets.

Few of my takeaways from this 💎 by Howard Marks.

👇🏽 Image

To consistently beat the market,
You either need a ton of luck or superior insight & awareness of psychology.

Because investing is at least as much of an art as it is a science, it is essential that one's investment approach be intuitive & adaptive always.

All investors can't beat the market, since collectively, they are the market.

Stellar returns majorly come from correct non consensus forecasts.

Here Second Level Thinking matters immensely.
And the number of people capable of it is tiny.

What is Second Level Thinking ? ImageImageImage
Read 30 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Started #audiobook on @KukuFMOfficial
It's good experience..... Image
Next Book .... Very new #Prespectice of #Mahabharat .. Image
3. Building Social Business...
Free from #Socialism ... Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Small habits can have a surprisingly powerful impact on your life – and you won't necessarily see this impact happening in real-time. You'll only see the results of your habits after a while.
When the lack of perceived progress gets you down, remember that you're doing the right things and that you're moving in the right direction.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 12th 2022

One of the first books I read on investing in 2009 was this 💎of a book on Warren Buffett called


A great read for investors, given current stock market conditions.

A 🧵


Buy an easy to understand business run by honest & capable management with MINIMAL VARIABLE PARAMETERS( Avoid Complex Bus.)

Pay less for your share than what it is actually worth in terms of future earning potential.
Hold onto it patiently !

🔸Gain basic knowledge of accounting & financial markets.
🔸Read business Magazines , Periodicals, Annual Reports & Concalls
🔸Get going !

A basic checklist that shall help you figure if you are actually a Long Term Investor or not.
Read 19 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
I got back in shape in a surprisingly short span of time. No magic diet nor workout. The real secret to success was building consistent habits. I learnt it from @JamesClear in his masterpiece #AtomicHabits

Visuals as a tribute for everyone to benefit!!

#BookSummary ImageImage
@JamesClear teaches us to create a good habit and to break a bad habit in 4 easy steps. These are really practical and when put to use deliver outstanding results!!

#bookVisuals ImageImageImageImage
Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy. Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
@Psy_of_Money by @morganhousel is full of condensed wisdom in every chapter. I have read it over and over and sent few copies to my friends.
It's my first attempt to create a chapter-wise visualization to help everyone.

#visualization ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
📘Pebbles of Perception by @EndersenL is a hidden gem of a book.

Not even 200 pages, but full of the first principles on how to live a great life.

Here's a list of my favorites 🧵
💬Rarely the first question that comes to mind is the best one, the one that will get us the answers we need.

Open questions ➡️Open conversations

Be curious. When in doubt, go deep.
There are 2 levels of thinking:

1⃣ you get the most immediate and visible answer. It's clear to everyone.
2⃣ you consider what else might be going on, perhaps caused/hidden by the 1st level.

Know in which level you're operating and which one you need to get to.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
💎 Excellent List of blogs to read #BookSummary

🎯 Must read Blogs on notes and summaries of Best non-fiction books

Thread👇 Image
1. Rated number one in my recent reads and best place to look good summary to read

2. With Tons of Book Summaries you will love to read any time

Read 20 tweets
Jul 5th 2020
Long Thread - #Booksummary

Here is the summary of my favorite 📖 book "Secrets for profiting in bull 📈 and bear📉 markets - By Stan Weinstein"

Tagging for feedback @Wealth_Theory @MarketScientist @AnyBodyCanFly @Rishikesh_ADX @AmitabhJha3 and reach

This book influenced me to change my trading strategy upside down from Short term to long term trading. Let see why..🤔 hope this thread will help you/your followers in some way.
🌈Lets get acquainted with some basics/Rules
⚡️First Check market indicators for overall direction
⚡️Scan the industry groups to know which one to zero in
⚡️Shortlist the stocks which have most potentially profitable formation within the favorable groups
Read 24 tweets
Jun 28th 2020
Long Thread - #Booksummary

My weekend learning from book 📗 You Can Still Make It In the Market written by Nicolas #Darvas

Trying to share my learning.. inspired by @MarketScientist @AmitabhJha3 @AnyBodyCanFly @RichifyMeClub @Wealth_Theory

Learn and become #AatmaNirbhar 🙏
👉 In this book Darvas documented his experiences from 1973-1975, he applied #Darvas box method when the stock market was recovering from its crash 📈of around 50% in 1973

👉#Darvas first developed and applied his methods very successfully in bull market where index tripled from 1950 to 1960.
👉Many doubted that his system works in a bull run only as he used to pick stocks at 52 week high.
Read 17 tweets

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