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Dec 15th 2022
Michael Sheren, #UNDP Senior Advisor, G20 Chair:

"... because the #Southern part of the world has value far greater than large elements of the Northern []. And we start thinking about & putting prices on water, on trees, on #biodiversity, we find, where does that sit?"

/2: "I'm doing a lot of work out of #Asia and I say that my next door neighbor Indonesia is the left lung of the world, and obviously #Brazil is the right. And #Africa - absolutely critical."

#NewDeal4Nature = #NewDeal4Colonialism
/3: "And #Africa - absolutely critical - and we need their natural capital as a system-based world more than we need that 66 billion we've got sitting in the basement of the Bank of England."
Read 10 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
A thread on #HeadlessCMS where you will know most of things about what it is, how is it different to traditional #CMS, why it matters, pros & con's, and the most popular Headless CMS.

👇 #100DaysOfCode
So before you understand what this #HeadlessCMS is all about, in the first place you should know need to understand the difference between a Headless CMS and a conventional (or traditional) #CMS.

👇 #100DaysOfCode
Traditional #CMS platforms, like Joomla for instance, come with a front-end delivery layer, otherwise known as the “head” — that dictates how the content is presented to the end-user (1/3).

,👇 #HeadlessCMS #100DaysOfCode
Read 20 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
Representation to Ministry of Finance by #CAAS for Hardships faced by taxpayers in getting GST refunds.

@weandgst @GSTsite @GST_Council @FinMinIndia @Infosys_GSTN @itatorders ImageImageImageImage
Pg 5 to 8 on Representation to Ministry of Finance on Hardships faced by taxpayers for GST refunds.

@nsitharaman @nsitharamanoffc @FinMinIndia @GST_Council @askGST_GoI @gstindia @InGSTPortal ImageImageImageImage
Kudos to team @caas_org for the drafting!
Read 3 tweets

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