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Nov 23rd 2022
A lot happened at #COP27 which will make the base for future #Climate negotiations. If the rifts deepen, expect a v bleak scenario with of course no 1.5 degree goal or saving principles of #equity and #cbdr. Here's a compilation of @htTweets stories on #COP27 in sequence
In a first in UN Climate negotiations, #LossandDamagefunding put on the official agenda of #COP27…
Climate funding: Should emerging economies pay? Row emerges after Antigua and Barbuda PM says emerging economies and big polluters like India and China should pay up for #LossandDamage…
Read 18 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
🎉Delighted to 📢 the arrival of this baby that several of us nurtured through the trying times of the past three years. Such an honor to work with an inspiring group of academics, activists, artists, & poets. 🥁

A🧵about the pursuits of #ClimateJustice in India & beyond! #COP27 Image
The central question we seek to answer here: What does it take to pursue the aspirations of climate justice in countries like India, with longstanding social & economic inequalities and a large population of climate-vulnerable populations? 2/ #LossAndDamage #Inequalities #COP27
Compensations for Loss & Damage/climate reparations is a crucial first step. While civil society leaders (h/t @SaleemulHuq) fight that battle valiantly, we must ask what would it take to realize #ClimateJustice in the trenches of the climate crisis. We focus on this question 3/n
Read 21 tweets
Jun 3rd 2021
EU #CBAM proposal was leaked today. While the main elements may not come as a surprise to those having paid close attention to this file in recent months – a few things are worth unpacking, especially as trade partners gear up to react. 👇A thread 1/n
On the table is a limited tool oriented towards managing domestic interests over external and climate considerations. It will initially cover a handful of sectors which, over time, can be extended to other ETS sectors deemed at risk of carbon leakage. Thus, final products... 2/n
.. will likely never be covered. The compliance mechanism will be a notional ETS, meaning exporters to the EU purchase credits at similar prices of the #EUETS and surrender those at the end of each year to cover their products' actual embedded scope 1 and 2 emissions 3/n
Read 10 tweets

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