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I welcome Eric's attempt to understand American society, although I can't really relate to it. It's no good leaving it to social scientists, who haven't a clue, despite it being their supposed area of academic expertise.
I too have put a lot of effort into trying to understand my own & closely related societies like America, i.e. the West, which are the only ones I know anything about.

My most important insight is that the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society don't.
That may seem trivial, but it's not, because we look to academics as authorities in their particular areas of supposed expertise, & for good reason.

We look to astronomers to explain the heavens to us, which they can now do extremely well.
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British & American "representative democracy" is a farce, a stitch-up which ensures government of, by & for the elites, especially in academia, which perpetuates the lie of government of, by & for the people.

The state has always facilitated society's self-exploitation.
I'm not a history buff, but many historical truths are denied or twisted by western academics, as they are in authoritarian regimes. America didn't go to war against a tyrannical British king, but against the British parliament, which continues to abuse its power.
America's founding fathers knew that forming a single nation from different European peoples of the same race would be difficult enough, & thus, in the 1790 Naturalisation Act restricted citizenship to Whites.

And so it has proven. America never became a genuine nation -
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#WhiteGenocide, or rather, #WhiteSelfGenocide, is NOT a far-right & White supremacist conspiracy theory, but really happening, in the context of #CivilisationalSuicide, which ALL earlier civilisations, incl. ancient Greece & Rome, ultimately committed.
The historical & present-day evidence for this is overwhelming, but most academics refuse to even consider it, thereby sealing our fate.

Why? Because none is as blind as he/or she who will not see.
Only, it's not too late - not yet - to turn things round, although time is running very short. Soon it will be too late, & the consequences do not bear thinking about, especially if you have young children or grandchildren.
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Anarchists recognised long ago that the state is the source of most social injustice, but were naive to believe that one could simply do away with it.

Now the state tricks us into identifying with it by deceitfully posing as our nation. But social injustice, & worse, remain.
What I mean by "worse" is the fact that #TheMatrix of state (#BigBro) & capital is now driving us to commit #CivilisationalSuicide, & you can't get a lot worse than that, notwithstanding that it has happened time & time again in the past, as with ancient Greece & Rome.
In Britain, where I live, it is the British state, establishment & Parliament, which are driving us towards oblivion, & yet we are taught to look to them to save us. The Jews might just as well have looked to Hitler & his Nazi party to same them.
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Racism! Racism! Everywhere!

When will it end?

It will end either with #CivilisationalSuicide, or with us quickly acquiring a much better understanding of evolved human nature & tribalism, which academics have thus far failed to come up with.
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"South Africa Is Falling Apart"

As will America & the West, which are on course to commit #CivilisationalSuicide, as historian A J Toynbee observed ALL successful civilisations ultimately do.…
If ALL prior civilisations destroyed each other or themselves, why would Western Civilisation be any different?

It's not. But those most responsible - social science academics & the elites who pass through their hands any university - are blind to socio-political reality.
What blinds them to socio-political reality is the fact that the system (the Matrix of state - BigBro - & capital) we are ALL enslaved to, serves THEM very well.
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#WhiteSelfGenocide #Ecocide & #ClimateChange are all expressions of #CivilisationalSuicide, which the historian A J Toynbee observed ALL successful civilisations ultimately commit.

If we want to prevent any one of these, we must understand their common, underlying, cause.
I don’t think #AJToynbee recognised the underlying cause of civilisational suicide, but I do.

It’s a consequence of civilisation itself perverting & corrupting evolved human nature, which was adapted to serve a tribal society’s long-term survival. A tribal society now long gone. Image
The primary purpose of the state is to facilitate a society’s self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites & favoured clients, which, decisively, includes the very academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state.
Read 13 tweets
I've known that Western civilisation is committing suicide ever since realising that instead of facing up to the existential need for a #SustainabilityRevolution, it was sticking with a mercenary, rapacious, DRIVEN & thus inherently unsustainable global economy.
We were warned in the 1970's & opted definitively for #CivilisationalSuicide when the economy was put into super-global & turbo mode in the 1980s.

There was nothing I could do, but look on in horror, & try to understand this madness, which I now do. But no one's interested.
How can anyone - esp. if they have young children or grandchildren - not be interested in the civilisation their future depends on committing suicide?

Simon & Garfunkel had the answer in their song, The Boxer:

🎶A man hears what he wants
to hear & disregards the rest🎶
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#BretWeinstein refers to an essay by #ArthurKoestler, The Nightmare That Is a Reality, published in January 1944, which has an important message for us today.

This is my response, the first tweet of a short thread, so please click on it.
The Holocaust was just one, especially horrific, act in a much longer play that is the history & suicide of Western, i.e. European, civilisation.

As historian A J Toynbee observed, ALL successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide. Why would ours be an exception?
There's no reason to suppose our civilisation is an exception, & a mountain of evidence to suggest otherwise.

We're naturally inclined to look to the brightest & most successful (e.g. #BillGates, #Elonmusk) for wisdom & advice, but they are blinded by their own very success.
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The TRUTH is that DIVERSITY is Orwellian newspeak for #RacialMixing, the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.
We shouldn't be surprised that Orwellian newspeak is such a prominent part of what it now means to be British, Britain itself being an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
America too never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
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The sight of the Union Flag & photo of the Queen behind the minister makes my skin crawl.


Because Britain is an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain is not a nation, but a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. ImageImage
However, the fact that I can tweet the above without fear of state retribution is something I value very highly & attribute to Britain's & the West's respect for the individual's freedom to speak his or her mind. In most countries it would not be possible.
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There are two fundamentally different ways a society can be organised:
1) Undemocratically, from the top down.
2) Grassroots-democratically, from the bottom up.

Britain, like all so-called nation states, is organised undemocratically from the top down.
We enjoy some very important rights & freedoms in the UK, but our so-called parliamentary, i.e. representative, democracy is a farce, a political stitch-up, which facilitates government of, by & for the elites & favoured clients of the state, NOT the people at large.
And it's the same in America, which never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Read 22 tweets
There are no genuine nations, just mercenary #PatronStates deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.

THIS abuse is responsible for #ClimateChange & our inability to halt it. @MikeHudema
Whereby climate change is just a SYMPTOM of the CANCER that is our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious, driven, & thus inherently unsustainable global economy.

This is what even #DavidAttenborough is STILL in denial of.
We were warned about the inherent non-sustainability of a global economy (the household of man) being given priority over ecology (the household of our planet) in the early 1970s, as I recall, but our leaders & their academic advisors ignored these warnings.
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The #GreatReplacement #WhiteSelfGenocide, the #WarOnWhiteness.

These are all dismissed by most academics, politicians, the MSM & #Wikipedia as far-right & White supremacist conspiracy theories, just as they dismiss the fact that we are committing #CivilisationalSuicide.
#GlobalWarming is a SYMPTOM of the CANCER that is our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy, which is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Many of us recognised this cancer in the 1970s, when a number of books brought it to public attention.

I expected our leaders & their academic advisors to rise to the challenge, but instead they went into denial, putting the economy into super-global & turbo mode.
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#WhiteWealth, #WhiteSelfGenocide, #Ecocide, #CivilisationalSuicide & #GlobalWarming are ALL connected.

Civilisation facilitates the abuse of POWER, which corrupts evolved human nature, so that instead of serving society's long-term survival, it leads to its self-destruction.
This is why ALL past civilisations declined & fell, & why our own civilisation will be gone before the end of this present century - unless this fatal flaw is recognised & corrected.

Ours is the first civilisation with the potential to do so.
This potential resides in our understanding of Darwinian evolution, which tragically the social sciences made a taboo of applying to human nature & society, in overreaction to its misconceived abuse in Nazi Social Darwinism & racial ideology.
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I have known since the early 1970s that our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & (even back then) overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Initially, I assumed Western leaders would also recognise the existential challenge this posed & rise to it. It wasn't until well into the 1980s, after they had put this economy into super-global & turbo mode, that I realised they had no such intention, but had gone into denial.
Nowadays everyone talks about #ClimateChange, but this is just a SYMPTOM of a rapacious economy, which our leaders, & presumably their academic advisors, are STILL in denial of the inherent non-sustainability of.
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The inspiration for both nationalism & socialism is deeply rooted in evolved human nature & tribalism, which the Nazis manipulated & abused for their own evil purposes.

In overreaction to this abuse, western academics demonised human tribalism itself, which was a huge mistake.
Tribalism is as essential to being human as is our sexuality, which most of us are able to control in a civilised fashion, without the need for state intervention.

It is by demonising human tribalism that the state is able to manipulate & control it, along with society itself.
This is how #BigBrother operates in liberal democracies, like Britain & America, while tricking us into loving him by deceitfully posing as our nation. The Nazis proved very useful in this regard:
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George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, projecting them onto a future Britain & unwittingly making it difficult for us to recognise how #BigBrother would manifest himself in liberal democracies like our own.
Manifest himself he does, but not as in 1984. Instead, we are left many freedoms, while at the same time being enslaved - rich & poor alike - to BigB & #TheMatrix of state & capital. As in the film, most are completely unaware of it, & the well-served have no reason to become so.
But enslaved we are, to a system that is inherently unjust, inhumane, & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

Thus enslaved, our leaders have been unable to initiate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which our very survival depends.
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There is an existential threat to our survival which I see 3 aspects to: #Ecocide, #CivilisationalSuicide & #WhiteSelfGenocide.

That we are committing ecocide is undeniable. Ask #DavidAttenborough.

The other 2 are more controversial. Most people would deny both outright.
I believe all 3 to be true, which I elaborate on in this thread:
The choice between fight or flight is instinctive, but there is no instinctive response to the threats we face. We have to think about them, which exposes us to the subconscious temptation of rationalisation & denial, which we have clearly succumbed to.
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United we Stand. Divided we Fall.

There is no truer truism than this.

Britain, America, & our entire civilisation are hopelessly divided & thus on course to fall. And it will not be long in coming.

We are committing #Ecocide, & #WhiteSelfGenocide.
#ClimateChange is contained in #Ecocide, which is a consequence of us prioritising economy (the household of man) over ecology (the household of our planet).

Our grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy is the goose which lays the golden eggs.
As in Aesop's fable, there is an insatiable collective desire for ever more golden eggs (i.e. money, which is the most versatile form of power). Thus the economy has to grow, which it does at the expense of the environment, sustainability, our children & future generations.
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