Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Elonmusk

Most recents (24)

There's no news of #Modi's visit to the #US when you turn on #CNN on TV in India.

So I looked up #NBC online.

I had to scroll past 11 screens to find any news of Modi's visit.

#XiJinping, on the other hand, was on the first screen.

These are the first six screens.

(1/) ImageImageImageImage
Things more important than #Modi to the #USA:

1. Missing #titanicsubmarine
2. #Biden calls #Xi a dictator
3. Two people killed in #Georgia
4. Charges against #HunterBiden
5. Sweltering heat in #Texas
6. Judge strikes down #Arkansas ban on transition care for minors

(2/) ImageImageImageImage
7. House vote on impeaching #Biden
8. Supreme Court #Alito
9. Limit #Chinese purchase of #US farmland
10. #Sanders to investigate #Amazon safety record
11. NH senator assaults employee
12. #Iowa building collapse
13. #Idaho man shoots 4
14. US ranks 43rd on #gender parity

Read 11 tweets
Was passiert eigentlich, wenn die Welt die #Klimaziele NICHT erreicht?
Andere Länder entwickeln längst #PlanB.

Ja, Pläne von #Superreichen für Reiche.
Aber die Ergebnisse solcher Forschungen und Projekte werden uns allen nützen.
Dafür brauchen wir #Superreiche!
Nicht alle Städte erscheinen mir realistisch oder schön.
Aber aus allen Projekten kann man lernen.

Und ja, für solche Projekte braucht man Menschen mit Ideen und Menschen mit Geld, mutige oder leichtsinnige #Superreiche.
Auch durchgeknallte Typen wie #ElonMusk.

Read 10 tweets

Solo 24 ore prima era così addolorata.

Elon Musk ha una figlia con la maternità surrogata, ovvero l’utero in affitto, ma è ricco da fare schifo quindi per la ducetta tutto o.k.
La maternità surrogata è una pratica - che la proposta di legge di Fratelli d’Italia appena licenziata dalla Commissione Affari costituzionali della Camera - considera "un reato universale", cioè punibile anche se commesso all’estero, con la reclusione fino a due anni. Image
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Rhoo ben alors, on dirait que le WEF panique, devant l'éveil et le refus des peuples 🤣🤣
A force de rendre public son agenda de dépopulation et de destruction des peuples, depuis "The Great Reset" et les vidéos des conférences du WEF, à trop forcer
les peuples à entrer dans l'agenda 2030 qui organise leur mise en esclavage ... le "Great Awakening" arrive. L'éveil des peuples, favorisé par des réseaux sociaux tels que comme Twitter, enfin libéré par le grand libertaire #ElonMusk , qui permettent de donner écho
des thèses et vidéos développées depuis longtemps sur des comptes twitter mais longtemps censurées (tels que @mmtchi , etc), et sur les plate-forme libertaires plus confidentielles telles que #Rumble et #Odysee . Et éveil des peuples favorisé par le travail inlassable de
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My god Russia has launched #ZelenskyWarCriminal and Russians and their West owned collaborators make it trend.

There are two atrocities playing out right now. Russia drown us here and Russians and their West paid collaborators drown us out so we can’t be heard.
They put tape on our mouths while we drown and blame us. It’s not coincidence that first thing #TuckerCarlson did on his show is drown us.

It’s not coincidence that #ElonMusk gave Tucker platform to drown us. Or that he ensured this message be heard.
I will repeat this until time ends. Without its West collaborators, Russia has no weapons. These people are war criminals. These people are same ones that cover up Russian war crimes in Syria and frame White Helmets rescuers. You ask how you did not know about Holodomor?
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In a recent interview, Elon Musk discussed his optimism about the future of AI. He said that he believes AI has the potential to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as climate change and poverty.
#AI #ElonMusk #Optimism #Future #Technology

Musk also said that he believes AI is "close" to achieving full autonomy. This means that AI will be able to make its own decisions and take actions without human intervention.
#AI #FullAutonomy #ElonMusk #Technology #Future
Some people are concerned about AI, but Musk believes that the benefits outweigh the risks. He said that AI can be used to improve our lives in many ways, such as by making our healthcare system more efficient and our transportation system more sustainable #AI #ElonMusk
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- How it works and hidden traps


#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk… Image
1. In March 2023 Elon Musk announced that Twitter is going to open source the algorithm and its code base to address the concerns of the spread of misinformation and the manipulation of public opinion through in-house censorship.

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github… Image
2. Twitter mentioned in its blog post that they uploaded the source code in two repositories on GitHub, the code sharing platform.

#Twitter #opensource #code #Github #blueTick #ElonMusk… Image
Read 16 tweets
#BreakingNews Twitter declares war on YouTube Censorship by unveiling game-changing video expansion

#Twitter #Elonmusk #YouTube Image
In a bold move aimed at reshaping the online video landscape, Twitter has announced a significant expansion of its video capacity, allowing users to upload and share videos of up to two hours in duration.
This strategic decision positions Twitter as a genuine competitor to YouTube, challenging its long-held hegemony in the realm of video content.
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1/11 🚀 Elated to share top 10 takeaways from @elonmusk's @Tesla shareholder meeting on May 16, 2023. Buckle up! 🌌
2/11 🚌 An attendee asked about an RV or a camper. @elonmusk revealed no current plans for an RV, but the upcoming Cybertruck could be converted into one. Fun times ahead! 🤠 #TeslaRV #Cybertruck

#TeslaShareholderMeeting #ElonMusk #Tesla
3/11 🐦 Regarding his $44B takeover of @Twitter, Musk called it a "short-term distraction." Also, @lindayacc is on board as the new CEO. And guess what? Tesla might try traditional advertising! 📺 #TwitterTakeover #TeslaAds
Read 12 tweets
#ElonMusk met en garde contre l’utilisation de #WhatsApp ! Elon Musk aura-t-il la peau de Whatsapp ? Retour sur une déclaration récente. Le patron de Twitter a vivement critiqué l’application, accusée d’écouter ses utilisateurs à leur insu. Thread 1/6 ⏬ Image
« On ne peut pas faire confiance à WhatsApp », a twitté Musk, appuyant par cette déclaration le tweet devenu viral d’un lanceur d’alerte, l’ingénieur Foad Dabiri. 2/6 ⏬
Ce dernier a remarqué que WhatsApp avait activé son micro pendant qu’il dormait et a posté une capture d’écran du tableau de bord de confidentialité d’Android. Réagissant à la polémique, WhatsApp s’est défendu de tout espionnage, affirmant que le problème venait d’Android. 3/6⏬
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/10 🚀 "Powering Up Your Tech Startup: Crafting Compelling Pitch Decks"

Navigating the world of #startups?

Your pitch deck can make or break your big break. Let's dive into some effective writing strategies with real-world examples. 🧵

#TechStartups #PitchDeck
1. Remember, your pitch deck is a STORY.
2. Talk about the PROBLEM.
3. Then showcase your SOLUTION.
4. Be upfront about your BUSINESS MODEL.
5. Provide a clear MARKETING & SALES STRATEGY.
6. Prove why your TEAM is the best to solve this problem.
7. Your FINANCIALS matter.
8. And finally, ask for the INVESTMENT.
Read 13 tweets
Twitter reacts to @elon hiring @lindayacc and the hashtag #RIPTwitter actually Trended #1 until #TwitterCEO made an executive decision to have that RIPTwitter trend removed! Image
#RIPTwitter trending because of @lindayacc ties to #WEF Image
Read 20 tweets
🪂 @BNBTurbo Airdrop Campaign

🏆Prize pool: 6.9 billions #TURBOAI ~ 50.000 USD
🐸Winners: Top 5000 rankings


Snapshot: May 26, 12 PM UTC
Distribution: May 28, 12 PM UTC

#BNBChain #BNBTurbo #Turbo #TurboAI #Giveaway $TURBO #Airdrop #PinkSale Image
Token Airdrop allocation on Tiers:
🥇 Rank 1-500 (30%)
🥈 Rank 501-1500 (35%)
🥉 Rank 1501-3000 (25%)
🥜 Rank 3001-5000 (10%)

#Memecoins #MemeCoinSeason #MemeSeason #BNBTurbo #Turbo #TurboAI $TURBO #Airdrop #PinkSale #Giveaway
Whitelist Campaign for:
🐸Complete Zealy quests to get 500 WL spots and join @BNBTurbo Launchpad on Pinksale (KYC📃+Audit 🛡)

⚡️How to qualify? Be in Top 500 ranked on:… Image
Read 7 tweets
1/ Elon Musk on ollut merkittävä vaikuttaja Big Datan hyödyntämisessä. Hänen investointinsa Twitteriin ja Teslaan ovat auttaneet keräämään ja käyttämään valtavia määriä dataa. #ElonMusk #Tesla #Twitter #BigData
2/ Microsoft on toinen Big Datan kerääjä ja hyödyntäjä. He ovat keränneet dataa tuotteidensa, kuten Windowsin, Officen ja Androidin, sekä palveluidensa, kuten Bingin, Azuren ja LinkedInin, kautta. #Microsoft #BigData
3/ OpenAI, jonka Elon Musk perusti, keskittyy yleisen tekoälyn (AGI) kehittämiseen. Vaikuttavia tekoälymalleja, kuten ChatGPT, on kehitetty tätä tarkoitusta varten. #OpenAI #ChatGPT #AGI
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Elon Musk On The Meaning Of Life🙇‍♂️ ( via @joerogan ) #shorts #elonmusk… via @YouTube Image
Humble thyself to understand
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#ElonMusk : La #SiliconValley et le complexe militaro-industriel (4/5) Les technologies de Musk ont un très haut potentiel de #surveillance. Ainsi, les caméras embarquées des voitures #Tesla inquiètent la plupart des services de renseignements. Source : @LaurentOzon Thread 1/7 ⏬ Image
La Chine a carrément interdit ces véhicules lors d’un important colloque du PCC cet été. On le sait, la Silicon Valley est liée depuis plusieurs décennies au complexe militaro-industriel américain dans le développement de technologies de surveillance. 2/7 ⏬
Ainsi, Peter Thiel (le cofondateur de PayPal avec Musk) a fondé Palantir, une société spécialisée dans la collecte et l’analyse des données pour les services de renseignement (notamment français). 3/7 ⏬
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Réponse à Musk avec "9 impressions"!
Techniquement impossible. Preuve que les non-bleus sont masqués, pestiférés (lui, Président des USA lors de la #Covid19 aurait fait de camps de concentrations pour "malades", à la #Philippot).
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech, #Liberté d'#Expression... Image
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech #Liberté #Expression selon l'inculte #ElonMusk & sociopathe cliché de romans/films #SciFi du "cool" anarcho-libertaire, tyran une fois aux pouvoirs soutenu par des teubés, trolls & lèche-cul excités: "Paie pour une visibilité" ou "Parle toujours!" #Coluche. Image
#Shadowban #FreeSpeech #Liberté #Expression selon l'inculte #ElonMusk… ignorant donc que la "Liberté d'expression" est lié à la #DEMOCRATIE : Sous-entend de pouvoir s'exprimer & d'être entendu!
Et dire que "on" a importé le système Bachelor-Licence/Master/PhD en #France et #UEImage
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#CarlaHinrichs, die Sprecherin von #LastGen trendet. Was ich da alles gelesen habe, ist echt unterirdisch! Wer die nahende #Klimakatastrophe noch immer leugnet, weil wir zufällig einen regnerischen April haben, dem ist echt nicht mehr zu helfen. Oft habe ich das Gefühl, dass die
meisten Menschen der Situation völlig gleichgültig begegnen. Von wegen, das ist doch alles so weit weg, und das stimmt doch sowieso nicht. Das kommt davon, weil genügend #Lobbyisten, die #HaltDieFresseBild und genügend Parteien wie die #CDU, #FDP und #noafd gegen den #Klimawandel
reden. Deshalb werden #Klimaaktivisten schlimmer verfolgt als Verbrecher. Ich sehe echt schwarz für die Zukunft. Global gesehen, scheint sich nämlich auch nichts zu tun. Der #Amazonas wird weiter in Rekordtempo abgeholzt. Unser #Plastikmüll weiter in verschiedene Länder
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Bon, là je pense qu'un 🧵pour tenter de mettre en regard la panique des zélites devant l'ébullition des RS, à commencer par Twitter libéralisé sous le grand @elonmusk , liberté d'expression qui remet en cause l'agenda liberticide et la mise en esclavage des peuples
poursuivi par l'agenda 2030 du WEF, de l'ONU, de l'OMS, et des multimilliardaires, des Big Banks et des fonds de pension.
Pour mettre en place cet agenda, le consentement des peuples, obtenu par la peur, est essentiel. D'où le matraquage du "réchauffement climatique".
Le problème des zélites, c'est que plus personne ne croit à cette escroquerie.
Twitter a permis de tout révéler, au grand dam du WEF, de l'ONU, de l'OMS, de la commission européenne, de l'UE.…
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1Stability AI推出StableLM
3Elon Musk威胁起诉Microsoft
4OpenAI更新API密钥造了Stable Diffusion的Stability AI刚刚发布了一套名为StableLM的开源大型语言模型(LLMs)。
Elon Musk近日宣布,由于Microsoft在AI领域的某些行为,他可能会对该公司提起诉讼。具体争议细节尚未公开,但这表明AI领域的竞争日益激烈。
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How to Learn Anything-Fast🧠: The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a method for learning and understanding complex concepts quickly. 📖⚡

It is based on the idea that you don't truly understand something unless you can explain it to someone else.

(Open thread...🧵) Image
Step 1:
Choose a topic you want to learn about and write it down.

Step 2:
Pretend you are teaching the topic to someone who has no knowledge of the subject.

Write down everything you know about the topic, in plain language.
Step 3:
Identify the gaps in your knowledge or where you are struggling to explain the concept clearly.

This is the most important step in the process because it forces you to confront what you don't know or understand.
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How to reach Mars with #Starship. 🚀🌌

Step-by-Step Process...🧵

#StarshipLaunch #elonmusk #SpaceX #BocaChica Image
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Tell the simple #Truth and give people #freewill & #freespeach!

@elonmusk @UnrollHelper



Tell the simple #Truth and give people #freewill & #freespeach!

@elonmusk Image



Tell the simple #Truth and give people #freewill & #freespeach!

@elonmusk Image
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the real enemy in "Akira" is, of course, the United States.
let's face it, this is one of the only things that the United States of America has actually been any good at: indiscriminate bombings.
there's a kinship between Shima Tetsuo here, out of control of his own body, and @elonmusk. really!

what's Elon Musk's self-image? what's his ego? there's really not much to his self-definition: he's powerful and he's The Best™. best at what? why, best at everything of course!
Read 16 tweets

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