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Aug 19th 2022
The Story of Race is a Story of Labor. In fact, most Europeans colonized North America for land and economic opportunities, not for religious freedom. There was no concept of race at that time. People identified by country of origin not by skin color. #WhiteSavior doc thread 🧵:
In 1676, enslaved Africans joined with European indentured servants in a large rebellion against the colonial government in Virginia. #WhiteSavior
Alarmed by the natural alliance between the indentured and enslaved, the ruling class passed a series of laws that segregated and permanently enslaved those of African descent, while also giving their European counterparts new rights and status. #WhiteSavior
Read 58 tweets
Sep 28th 2021
"Diversity" has two, very different, meanings.
In the mouths of politicians it is Orwellian newspeak for a global #MeltingPot & racial mixing of human beings, the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.
This Orwellian shift in the meaning of "diversity" is a consequence of an overreaction on the part of Western academia to the evils of Nazism, as elaborated on in the following thread:
The Orwellian shift in the meaning of "diversity" was accompanied by an Orwellian shift in the meaning of RACISM, which used to means hatred or contempt for someone or some group on account of their race or ethnicity, but now simply means racial or ethnic prejudice.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
We wouldn't have this madness if we hadn't had DIVERSITY imposed on us.

Why did we have DIVERSITY, which is Orwellian newspeak for a global MeltingPot, imposed on us?
Here's why we had DIVERSITY imposed on us by Big Brother & his moral-supremacist minions.
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Jun 19th 2021
DIVERSITY is Orwellian newspeak for #RacialMixing, a global #MeltingPot, the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.

It's a moral-supremacist ideology, which goes to the opposite extremes of Nazi ideology of #RacialPurity.
It began as a well-intentioned, but misconceived, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazism & its criminally insane "racial ideology", which conflated race & ethnicity. Ashkenazi Jews are not a different race from other Europeans, but belong to the same, White, race.
However, the trauma Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis caused many to deny & despise their own race, which, spreading from academia & institutions like the BBC & @thetimes, in Britain, has become a major self-destructive cultural element in Western civilisation.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 18th 2021
ONE gigantic error was responsible for this tragedy, as it was for the 1000s of vulnerable girls sexually abused by grooming gangs, but to speak its name is taboo, i.e. RACIST.

Its name is DIVERSITY, which #BigBrother has been imposing on us for decades.…
BigBro & his minions want us to believe that anyone criticising DIVERSITY is inciting xenophobia & racial hatred, which is how they have succeeded in suppressing virtually all opposition to it. Remember #EnochPowell?
Enoch Powell was the most eminent political figure demonised as a RACIST for opposing the madness of mass immigration & DIVERSITY. But the madness, the method to which I elaborate on below, continues to this day.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
#BretWeinstein refers to an essay by #ArthurKoestler, The Nightmare That Is a Reality, published in January 1944, which has an important message for us today.

This is my response, the first tweet of a short thread, so please click on it.
The Holocaust was just one, especially horrific, act in a much longer play that is the history & suicide of Western, i.e. European, civilisation.

As historian A J Toynbee observed, ALL successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide. Why would ours be an exception?
There's no reason to suppose our civilisation is an exception, & a mountain of evidence to suggest otherwise.

We're naturally inclined to look to the brightest & most successful (e.g. #BillGates, #Elonmusk) for wisdom & advice, but they are blinded by their own very success.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 5th 2021
The sight of the Union Flag & photo of the Queen behind the minister makes my skin crawl.


Because Britain is an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain is not a nation, but a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. ImageImage
However, the fact that I can tweet the above without fear of state retribution is something I value very highly & attribute to Britain's & the West's respect for the individual's freedom to speak his or her mind. In most countries it would not be possible.
Read 11 tweets
May 13th 2021
There are two fundamentally different ways a society can be organised:
1) Undemocratically, from the top down.
2) Grassroots-democratically, from the bottom up.

Britain, like all so-called nation states, is organised undemocratically from the top down.
We enjoy some very important rights & freedoms in the UK, but our so-called parliamentary, i.e. representative, democracy is a farce, a political stitch-up, which facilitates government of, by & for the elites & favoured clients of the state, NOT the people at large.
And it's the same in America, which never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Read 22 tweets
May 12th 2021
The Nazis made an extremely ugly issue of RACE, which they confused with ETHNICITY. Ashkenazi Jews & Slavs are not a different race from Germans, but comprise a single, White, European, race, which includes many different ethnicities.
In pathological overreaction to this Nazi madness, traumatised Jewish academics & others went to the opposite but equally insane extreme of denying the reality of race altogether, while demonising human tribalism, which is very sensitive to racial & ethnic differences.
This initial response to the evils of Nazism was born of trauma & understandable. It was also a well-intended, but misconceived, #NeverAgain response, which was sized upon by #BigBrother & his minions as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 1st 2021

Os voy a contar la historia REAL de cómo Toni Nievas se embarcó en el proyecto #TodoVaASalirMalLaSerie que destruyó para siempre su carrera.

Abro hilo. Image
Antes que nada: Toni Nievas es un ex-cómico olvidado de casi 50 años que salió hace tiempo en @Buenafuente.
Yo fui la CM en su último proyecto y estoy escribiendo desde su cuenta.

Ya os enteraréis por qué.
Hace un año, Toni logró convencer a una productora para grabar un piloto de programa de televisión.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
In a democracy, citizens can be critical of their government or particular institutions, but to question the purpose & legitimacy of the state itself is a different matter.

This, however, is what we urgently need to do, much as #MartinLuther did in regard to the #CatholicChurch.
Attached is a response to my comment, which illustrates just how delusional many Americans are regarding American history & the intentions of its founders, although he is only stating the official (Orwellian) narrative of American history & "nationhood". Image
It's not just America, of course, but every so-called #NationState that is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
This is a hold-up, in which I'm pointing the pistol of truth at wealthy Whites: Your Money or your Race?

The choice is yours. If you want your race to survive, you must care for & share with it. Otherwise it will perish.

I invite you to join me in caring for our race.
Britain, as a #NationState, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which cares nothing for our race, but quite the contrary, wants to racially replace & mix us out of existence.

Let us form a genuine nation, a #NationRace!
In order to achieve this goal, we must proceed peacefully, legally & grassroots-democratically, while cultivating good relations with the state & with other races, some of which will want to form their own nations, while others will want to remain part of the British #MeltingPot.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
British #RepresentativeDemocracy is a farce, which I want to replace with #GrassrootsDemocracy, whereby, within a single party, called #ContraPot, we organise ourselves into genuine communities & nations, representatives of which will convene in a #ContraPotParliament.
#ContraPot is in contradistinction to Britain's existing #PotParliament, at Westminster, which is committed to the #MeltingPot of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism, from which it derives part of its spurious moral authority.
Another part of its spurious moral authority, Parliament derives from its claim to represent a nation.

Britain is not a genuine nation, but a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the power they wield & abuse. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Dec 30th 2020
This was my response to a woman who describes herself as

"a thoughtful decent human being who recognises inherent prejudice".

#woke #antiracism #originalsin #prejudice #socialcontrol #DIVERSITY.
Many Native Britons left the British Isles for America, to escape tyranny of state, church &/or capital.

The tyranny of state, capital & now even the church (of #AntiRacism) has been reimposed on their descendants.

And the strange thing is, most don't seem to even notice.
The woman, @BoudicaThe, I was engaging with has now blocked me, which is a shame, but typical of those who share her ideology, which they make a moral virtue of: "I'm not engaging with bigots & racists!"

Here are screenshots of our exchange, as far as it got: ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
Western "democracies" are having the madness of mass immigration & DIVERSITY (Orwellian newspeak for #RacialMixing, & only a strength to #BigBrother & his strategy of divide & rule) imposed on them by a moral supremacist elite, whose moral authority I challenge. Image
Their moral authority is based on a misconceived, #NeverAgain, knee-jerk response to the criminally insane Nazi ideology of #RacialPurity, going to the opposite but equally insane extreme of imposing #RacialMixing.
Genuine human diversity is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation, which racial mixing, i.e. DIVERSITY, certainly on the grand scale it is being imposed on us, will destroy in a global #MeltingPot.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16th 2020
When England & Scotland united in 1707 to form Great Britain, it was in the interests of & dictated by both countries ruling elites. Their peoples were not asked. Neither were the Welsh nor the Irish.
The elites had dictated a change in "national identity". And now they're at it again, changing us from a White European "nation" into multi-racial global "nation" & #MeltingPot.

Again, the people were not asked, but are having it imposed on them by their ruling elites.
Is Britain not supposed to be a democracy, in which the PEOPLE decide?

The vast majority of Native Britons did NOT want Britain to become a global melting pot for all humanity, in which they would soon be reduced to a racial minority.

This, however, is what is happening!
Read 6 tweets
Nov 7th 2020

George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, projecting them onto a future Britain & unwittingly making it difficult for us to recognise how #BigBrother would manifest himself in liberal democracies like our own.
Manifest himself he does, but not as in 1984. Instead, we are left many freedoms, while at the same time being enslaved - rich & poor alike - to BigB & #TheMatrix of state & capital. As in the film, most are completely unaware of it, & the well-served have no reason to become so.
But enslaved we are, to a system that is inherently unjust, inhumane, & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

Thus enslaved, our leaders have been unable to initiate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which our very survival depends.
Read 39 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Gross (& that's putting it mildly) income inequality is what defines America & reflects its Orwellian nature.…
Yes, Orwellian!

George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, under Hitler & Stalin, projecting it onto a future Britain.

He unwittingly blinded us to how #BigBrother operates under liberal democracy, tricking us into loving him by posing as our nation.
"National income going to middle Americans fell from 62% to 43% between 1970 & 2018, while the number of billionaires has surged: from 66 in 1990 with a combined wealth of $240bn, to 614 today, with a total fortune of nearly $3tn."

And this makes no mention of poor Americans.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020
Britain is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which is betraying Native Britons to mass immigration & an ideology of White racial self-denial & self-contempt, which is a pathological overreaction to the evils of Nazism.
By deceitfully posing as our nation, Britain tricks us into loving Big Brother, who tells us to celebrate DIVERSITY, which is Orwellian newspeak for a global #MeltingPot into which our Native European race will dissolve & disappear.

I am opposed to this, making me #ContraPot.
Alone I am powerless. I need support.

If you share my sentiments, please support me, & we will create a new political party & movement, which will put the Orwellian British state in its place, peacefully legally & grassroots-democratically.
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Oct 22nd 2020
Civilisation perverts evolved human nature to be self-exploitative & thus ultimately self-destructive, which #WhiteSelfGenocide is an expression of.

If we want to end ecocide & civilisational suicide (of which #ClimateChange is a part), we must also end White self-genocide.
The British parliament is committed to White self-genocide, but no MP will admit it, even to themselves. Orwellian doublethink makes it difficult to grasp. Also, if something seems insane - which this is - we dismiss it as not credible.

But credible or not, it is happening.
The statistics on UK demographic change clearly reveals it: Native (White) Britons will soon be a minority in the UK.

Behind this madness lies an ideological overreaction to the evils of Nazism, which goes to opposite, but equally insane extremes in regard to race.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
Post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY are working out really well, are they not? Just seems to be a bit of a problem with indigenous Whites & their prejudices. When are they predicted to become a racial minority? Clearly, it can't be soon enough. 🙃…
Let us be clear about multi-racial society: It was imposed on us by our own lilly-white elites, who in so doing wanted to virtue-signal their own lack of racial prejudice.

DIVERSITY is in fact Orwellian newspeak (thus my use of capitals) for a global #MeltingPot.
Which is the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.

And DIVERSITY is far from being the only thing that is Orwellian about British society. We are up to our necks in it.
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Sep 24th 2020
Those who fear & hate the truth seek to censor & suppress it by designating it as #HateSpeech.

An example: The #NationState is an Orwellian construct based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.

This is true, but in many it incites fear & hatred.
The fear & hatred it incites is especially strong when one names a particular nation state - say Britain, France or America - but it is true for ALL nation states.
Notwithstanding their Orwellian nature, the UK, France & America are still 3 of the best states in the world to be citizens of, as attested to by the millions of migrants & refugees who want to settle in these countries.

We're ALL dependent on the state, no matter how Orwellian.
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Sep 23rd 2020
It's time we recognised Labour for the party of moral supremacists that it is.
That's not how they see themselves, of course. They see themselves - most quite sincerely - as moral authorities. But it's an authority based on inverted Nazi ideology of racial purity & supremacy, which goes to opposite but equally insane extremes.
The opposite of racial purity is racial mixing, which is what mass non-white immigration & DIVERSITY is really all about, & Orwellian newspeak for a global #MeltingPot, the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.
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Sep 17th 2020
The religion of #AntiRacism serves the British state & establishment (i.e. #BigBrother) as an instrument of socio-political rewards, intimidation & control, which supplements the religion which equates state & nation, which is how we are tricked into loving BigB.
We are ALL - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike - dependent on Big Brother & #TheMatrix of state & capital, & thus enslaved to them.

As in the film, The Matrix, we are unaware of our enslavement, until red pilled, which at the moment I am the only one who is.
If I am mistaken about being the only one who is red pilled, please let me know, so that we can work together in red pilling others, & then cooperate in creating a new world order of #ContraPot, as an alternative to the existing world order of Big Brother's #MeltingPot.
Read 3 tweets

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