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#ParivartanYatra #UttarPradesh #Day15 #BanEVM
भारत मुक्ति मोर्चा व बहुजन क्रांति मोर्चा EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट-2
#संत_कबीर_नगर जिला मुख्यालय मे EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा का आगमन होने पर नेतृत्व मा.वामन मेश्राम साहब का गर्मजोशी से स्वागत ImageImageImageImage
किया गया, बाद शहर मे EVM मशीन के खिलाफ नारे लगाते हुए पैदल रैली निकाली गई|
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#ParivartanYatra #UttarPradesh #Day15 #BanEVM
भारत मुक्ति मोर्चा व बहुजन क्रांति मोर्चा EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट-2
#संत_कबीर_नगर जिला मुख्यालय मे EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा का आगमन होने पर नेतृत्व मा.वामन मेश्राम साहब का गर्मजोशी से स्वागत ImageImageImageImage
किया गया, बाद शहर मे EVM मशीन के खिलाफ नारे लगाते हुए पैदल रैली निकाली गई|
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#ParivartanYatra #Day15

@BMM4India@BKM4India EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट2 नांदेड मे प्रोटॉन संगठन व स्थानीय सांगठनिक कार्यकर्ताओ द्वारा परिवर्तन यात्रा का भव्य स्वागत. हुआ बाद जिला नांदेड शहर मे जाहिर जनसभा प्रबोधन कार्यक्रम का आयोजन हुआ |
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#ParivartanYatra #Day15

भारत मुक्ति मोर्चा व बहुजन क्रांति मोर्चा EVM भंडाफोड राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट2 नांदेड मे प्रोटॉन संगठन व स्थानीय सांगठनिक कार्यकर्ताओ द्वारा परिवर्तन यात्रा का भव्य स्वागत हुआ बाद जिला नांदेड शहर मे जाहिर जनसभा प्रबोधन कार्यक्रम
का आयोजन हुआ, जो सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न हुई |

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#ParivartanYatra #Day15
@BMM4India@BKM4India की EVM भंडाफोड़ राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट2 की ओर से नांदेड शहर मे डा.बाबासाहब अम्बेडकर व छ.शिवाजी महाराज को अभिवादन किया और नांदेड के स्थानीय लोगो ने परिवर्तन यात्रा का स्वागत किया |
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#ParivartanYatra #Day15

भारत मुक्ति मोर्चा व बहुजन क्रांति मोर्चा की EVM भंडाफोड़ राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट2 की ओर से नांदेड शहर मे डा.बाबासाहब अम्बेडकर व छ.शिवाजी महाराज को अभिवादन किया और नांदेड के स्थानीय लोगो ने परिवर्तन यात्रा का स्वागत किया |
#ParivartanYatra #Day15
भारत मुक्ति मोर्चा व बहुजन क्रांति मोर्चा की EVM भंडाफोड़ राष्ट्रव्यापी परिवर्तन यात्रा पार्ट2 की ओर से नांदेड शहर मे डा.बाबासाहब अम्बेडकर व छ.शिवाजी महाराज को अभिवादन किया और नांदेड के स्थानीय लोगो ने परिवर्तन यात्रा का स्वागत किया |
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1/27 Unlocking Financial Agreements with @Ergo_Platform's Unique Contractual Money.

Here is how ⬇️ Image
2/27 Ergo is a next-gen Proof of Work smart contract platform that enables new financial interactions, underpinned by a safe and rich scripting language and flexible and powerful Zero-Knowledge proofs (Σ-protocols).

I will explain what Σ-protocols mean a bit later.
3/27 Ergo is self-amendable, allowing it to absorb new ideas and improve itself in the future.

Prioritizing useful features without compromising security & using a research-driven but practical development approach.

Ergo is all about functionality.

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It's #TheSsum release day. I managed to take a peek at the game before it gets stuck with the connection is unstable problem. @Cheritz_DL so how?

P/s: The chats remind me of #mysticmessenger 🥺 ImageImageImageImage
4 hours later and I'm still stuck. Well then...goodbye for now.

Just checking up on the game. I still can't play it. The only consolation is that my name appears on the screen 😭😭😭

#TheSsum @Cheritz_DL Image
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Dernière ligne droite de #2020whatayear 🙃
Pour la clôturer, Wedodata revient tout le mois de décembre sur ses projets avec un🎄📅🎄#calendrierdelAvent 🎄📅🎄
Juste l'envie de prendre le temps et de retenir la créativité dans cette folle année😅
L’occasion surtout de remercier nos 17 freelances 🙏 nos 5 stagiaires 🐥 nos 35 clients 🤝 et leurs 65 projets 🎁
#staytuned pour voir (ou revoir) la diversité de ces réalisations web, vidéo ou print. #dataviz
#Day2 #rapport Rendre + ▶ accessible et dynamique ◀, le bilan annuel de la radioprotection des 400 000 travailleurs concernés en France📚, c'était le défi posé par l'IRSN. Données #opendata + graphes à télécharger = UX-design et dev pour @radioprotection Image
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Every dream, when it comes true, lays the foundation for newer goals, newer aspirations, and newer dreams. Spending the next year studying at @IIMAhmedabad could perhaps be the biggest adventure I've signed up for yet. @PGPX_IIMA Admit!! #backtoschool #MBA…
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, others build windmills. - Chinese Proverb

#Day1 #PGPX #MBA #IIMA #DailyQuote #ThoughtForTheDay #MotivationMonday #quoteoftheday
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Did this doha series last year. Planning to do another one from tomorrow, but it will be for a shorter duration
#Day1 #Rahim

बिगरी बात बने नहीं, लाख करो किन कोय.
रहिमन फाटे दूध को, मथे न माखन होय.

If milk gets spoiled, you can’t make butter out of it similarly in life if relationship gets damaged, it’s difficult to mend it
#Day2 #Rahim
रहिमन देखि बड़ेन को, लघु न दीजिए डारि.
जहां काम आवे सुई, कहा करे तरवारि.
Rahim says we should never throw away small things for the lure of bigger one. There are places where only a needle is useful instead of a sword
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@KritrishaDivya Even with Arjuna holding off the full Kuru host, Drona proves to be a handful to the Panchalas, Bhima and the twins. They were like dry hay caught in fire that was Drona. Krishna sees the destruction suffered by Panchalas and gives an idea. #Kurukshetra #Day15
He says, in order to protect the remaining soldiers and stop Drona from fighting, let us have him believe that his son Ashvatthama died. Arjuna hates the idea. Yudhishtira is hesitant. Meanwhile Bhima finds an elephant named Ashvatthama and kills it #Kurukshetra #Day15
Then, Bhima comes to the forefront and shouts that he killed Ashvatthama. Drona is shocked to hear it but recovers quickly and attacks Drishtadyumna with a renewed anger. Panchalas struggle to save their prince. #Kurukshetra #Day15
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ButvKarna sliced that arrow into 12 pieces, saving Drona. Drishtadyumna had to now fight multiple warriors Karna, Shalya, Duryodhana, Shakuni and others. But retreating was not the Panchala's way and he wounded tham back, all of them. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Drishtadyumna, while withstanding the cumulative attack, killed a warrior called Drumasena and broke Karna's bow, enraging him. Shalya, Shakuni, Ashvatthama, Duryodhana and Drona surround him. At that instant, Satyaki comes to Panchala's rescue. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Another violent duel takes place between Karna and Satyaki (This guy is superhuman!). Vrishasena arrives to help his father but Satyaki engages both of them. At that instant, Arjuna is seen from a distance. Duryodhana is concerned. #Kurukshetra
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Kripa countered Shikhandi, Shakuni fought Nakula. Dushasana met Prativindhya. Ghatotkacha was again stopped by Ashvatthama. Vrishasena countered Drupada and Virata had to fight Shalya. Nakula's son Shatanika tried to attack Drona but Chitrasena stopped him #Kurukshetra #Day14
Arjuna found Alambusha facing him and Drishtadyumna faced Drona. The battle restarted.

Yudhishtira was the first to draw blood in his fight with Kritavarma who severed the former's bow. The king took up another and wounded Kritavarma in arms and chest. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Kritavarma foight back angrily. But Yudhishtira gained and broke the Yadava's bow. Kritavarma picked another and wounded back Yudhishtira and his charioteer. The Pandava took up a lance and hurled it, injuring Kritavarma's right hand. #Kurukshetra #Day14
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Karna stalled Arjuna for a while, but soon, lost his bow, horses and charioteer to Arjuna and ascended Kripa's chariot. Kuru soldiers retreated at this and were sent back by Duryodhana who came to the fore to fight Arjuna. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Ashvatthama stops Duryodhana from going on that dangerous mission and proceeds to fight. Till this moment, we realise he was as averse to fighting the Pandavas as Bhishma, Drona and Kripa were. His valour sees the death of eight Panchalas. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Drishtadyumna and Ashvatthama thrn met for a duel. A long drawn one but in front of Drishtadyumna, Ashvatthama destroyed the Panchalas. Yudhoshtira and Bhima came to the forefront to stall him. Drona joined his son. #Kurukshetra #Day14
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Ashvatthama became unstoppable. A host of Panchala princes fall to his fury. Another sharp arrow of his makes Ghatotkacha faint. Drishtadyumna fears the worst and has him moved away from the fore. The Pandava warriors retreat. #Kurukshetra #Day14
While they rearrayed themselves, Somadatta attacks Satyaki. Bhima, perhaps mindful that Satyaki was exhausted with multiple duels, girls a mace at Somadatta. Satyaki simultaneously shoots back an arrow. Under the twin attack, Somadatta falls to the ground. #Kurukshetra #Day14
Seeing his son fall, Bahlika attacks Bhima. The oldest man (as he is the younger bro of Shantanu perhaps) of the battle gives a tough fight but Bhima kills him at the end. Ten sons of Dhritarashtra too follow him to Yama's abode #Kurukshetra #Day14
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After seeing Jayadrata killed, Kripa and Ashvatthama attacked Arjuna. But he repulsed both and made Kripa fall unconscious. Though he was gentle in his defence many of his arrows wounded Kripa. Eventually both had to flee #Kurukshetra #Day14
Arjuna gives into to guilt seeing Kripa wounded so badly by his oen arrows. He then sees Karna attacking Satyaki. He tells Krishna to lead him yo Karna so that Satyaki who is fatigued, could be protected. Krishna disagrees #Kurukshetra #Day14
By now, the Upa Pandavas have come to Satyaki's aid. Krishna tells Arjuna that between them thry can manage Karna. As Karna was still in possession of Vasava Shakti, Krishna does not want Arjuna to face Karna then. #Kurukshetra #Day14.
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#inktober Ich kann zwar nicht zeichnen, das dafür aber gut ^^
Um zu üben mach ich dieses Jahr bei #inktober2019 mit + mach's mir nicht so schwer, sondern versuch jeden Tag dazu zu lernen + ich hab türkise Tinte verwendet, weil die Farbe schön ist, nicht aus politischen Gründen.
1 day late, but here's your bait
#inktober2019 #inktober2019day3 #inktober2019bait #bait #Inkpad
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First African American female pilot and First African American holder of an international pilot license #WomensHistoryMonth #Day1
First African-American female astronaut & First African-American woman in space. #WomensHistoryMonth #Day2
Actor, writer, director, producer, author, poet, and civil rights activist. #WomensHistoryMonth #Day3
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