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Aug 14th 2022
These options advance SDGs but have trade-offs too.
#Enablers: #Awareness and educational programs (#SDG4 and #SDG12), technological solutions/#innovation (#SDG9), innovative #policy designs (#SDG16), involvement of multiple #socialactors (#SDG17)

92 Interventions are identified from 1000+ literature that helps to #Avoid or #Shift or #Improve in emissions.

#foodwaste reduction- 34 interventions: 10 Avoid, 10 Shift, 14 Improve

sustainable #dietary choices- 58 interventions: 15 Avoid, 7 Shift, 36 Improve
Read 12 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
To those spouting at #PWD’s on #ODSP to “get a job”, may I remind you that #ODSP is for ppl who are #DISABLED that either can’t work or can’t work F/T, & even if we attempt to try and find work #ODSP claws back 50% of every $ made above 200$ … 1/6
it is #legislatedpoverty, we only receive 1,169 a month to live on, can you live on that ? I dare you to come up with a budget on that amount rn, guess what, you can’t, no one on #ODSP is living high on the hog I can guarantee you that … 2/6
yes there are #benefits but it’s a #bureaucratic nightmare, everything needs to be approved, forms need to be filled out, these are often #discretionary and the caseworker can deny it if it doesn’t meet a certain #eligibility 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
It's weekend and it's the end of the month. The #markets are closed.

So there is the perfect time to analyze the #momentum & relative #strength of the markets.

This information is relevant for all #investors, but especially for #trend #followers 📈📈📈


The #momentum of the markets are one of the most powerful forces in the evolution of the #asset #prices.

The #reversion to the mean is the opposite force, which is equally powerful. Momentum works on a short and medium term (up to 3 to 5 years).
There is a ton of academic research related to the momentum and the benefits of using it and relative strength. But presenting it this is not the purpose of this #thread.

Relative strength is actually a comparison between the #momentum of two or more #markets.
Read 35 tweets
Aug 3rd 2019
The next two weeks will be about holding fort to attempt getting past the trading errors of this week.

Bad trades, bad decisions.

#trading #markets
The thing with bad decisions in trading or any other endeavor is that it begets other bad decisions.

The first thing is to get back to the basics and put things straight.

The simple things go out of whack with these bad decisions.


Read 6 tweets

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