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Nov 4th 2020
NÓW @ @OANN the TRUTH abt #CoronaVirus!AGAIN @POTUS=RIGHT!The DAY àfter the Elections the TRUTH wld be told!Dr Brian Tyson,dr George Fareed,MD,#RECOVERED PATIENTS: #HydroxyChloroquine SAFED their lives!100.000 PEOPLE r #DEAD bc #OBSTRUCTION by #FMN & #DEEPSTATE LEFTISTS!SUE THEM!…
Have you been lied 2 4 the last eight months? What u r abt 2 C could change your life. The following documentary was made with the help of doctors and medical scientists, but that won’t stop YouTube, Facebook & all the other tech giants from censoring it.…
They don’t want u 2 know the truth,but that doesn’t matter bc.@OANN=committed 2 exposing the truth wherever we find it. Th= program cld be the most important 28 minutes of ur life &, in fact,it cld even save ur life or the lives of ur FRIENDS & FAMILY
Read 35 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
Businesses in Xintangzhen in #Guangzhou Urgently Ordered to Evacuate
"Urgent notice! Urgent notice! All businesses at Erheng Road, Sanheng Road and Siheng Road must close now. All employees must leave immediately. Erheng Road , Sanheng Road and Siheng Road. All businesses...
... rental places, shops, and factories, all must evacuate now. Evacuate immediately. rheng Road , Sanheng Road and Siheng Road will be closed right away. Evacuate immediately if you hear this."
In the afternoon on Apr. 26, Erheng Road , Sanheng Road and Siheng Road at...
...Xintangzhen, Zengcheng District in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province were all closed. All businesses were ordered to evacuate. Personnel in protective personal equipment could be seen in front of Huike Hotel. The booking system of the hotel shows that all rooms have been...
Read 4 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
"Jincheng community(in #Harbin, #China). Do you see this? There are air conditioners in this unit (Jennifer's note: the shooter of the video says "air conditioners", but the Chinese characters on the gates say "suspected #COVID2019 cases". It is not clear whether he uses...
..."air conditioners" to replace "COVID2019" to avoid "sensitive terms"). A big lock. Locked down already. People cannot come down. People cannot go up. My goodness. Has it been locked down or not? You say it. See this sister. She has a red armband on."
This video was...
Read 4 tweets
Apr 18th 2020
Exercise Cygnus uncovered a major problem with PPE in the UK, The @Conservatives GOV choose to not bulk up stock piles & instead went for the cheaper option of relying on global supply chains. #Coronavirustruth this is why our #NHSheroes are dying.…
Read 17 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
Chinese citizen Tan Jun Sues #Hubei province for covering up the #CCPVirus epidemic
He tried to file his complaint with Xiling District Court at Yichang City in Hubei province on Apr. 13. The court refused to take his case, and asked him to file his case with ImageImageImage
2.. Wuhan Municipal Intermediate Court. He was then summoned to the police station on the same day. The police required him to write a quarantine statement to promise that he won't post any materials, photos, screenshots online that are related to his lawsuit.
Tan Jun said he...
3...had posted his complaint to Wuhan Municipal Intermediate Court on Apr 15, and it should arrive on Apr. 16.
He demands that:
1) The Hubei provincial government publish an apology in the Hubei Daily for one day.
2 )The costs of the lawsuit are borne by the defendant.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
Yi Peizhuang, an Civil Affairs official of #CCP, says that nearly 400 children in #China have become "children temperately lacking guardians" due to #CoronavirusPandemic
As far as I know, in China, grandparents(sometimes uncles and aunts too) usually help with... Image
...looking after their grandchildren. If these children have no guardians at all, it could mean all their parents, grandparents on both mother and father's side, have all died out. Maybe even their uncles and aunts on both sides all died too.
Plus, the 400 children were only those were "found and helped" by the Civil Affairs Minister. We don't know how many have not been "found and helped". #CCPVirus #COVID2019 #Coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #coronaviruschina #Coronavirustruth
Read 3 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Urgent Notice
All county, town and village departments,
All government departments in all towns and villages must continue to implement the level 1 response measures, resume all previous disease prevent and control measures and make sure nothing goes wrong when leaders... Image
..from the province come to make unannounced inspections this week. Implement all control measures at all communities, esp. old communities. For densely populated places such as hotels, markets, liquor stores and parks, resume temperature taking and registering (mainly...
..applied to people from other places, Hubei and Wuhan.) In the meantime, take control measures in villages according to local situations. All the above measures must be implemented within one hour.
Xingtai County(of Henan Province) Coronavirus Pneumonia Control Office
Read 6 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Urgent #Lockdown Notice
1. All communities immediately resume the previous disease prevention and control measures
2. Set up inspection points at all major roads of all villages and towns. Take the temperature of and register any person coming from outside
3. Adopt strict... Image
...disease prevention and control measures including disinfection, taking temperatures of and registering people at densely populated sites such as supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, parks.
The above measure must be adopted by 12:00 today.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
The statue of Christ in #RiodeJaneiro 🇧🇷 is lit up on Easter #Sunday with images of medical workers in honor of everyone fighting the #coronavirus #pandemic around the #world.

There were also flags and messages of support in solidarity with the countries affected by #COVID19. ImageImageImageImage
Part 2. ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Apr 13th 2020
Exclusive: #Africans Not Allowed into #McDonalds in #Guangzhou, #China
A friend's African friend living in Guangzhou, #Guangdong Province not allowed to visit McDonald's during #CoronavirusPandemic. People are encouraged to notify the police "for medical isolation" if they...
...see any Africans. According to an official notice issued on Apr. 11 by Guangzhou Nolan Fine Chemical Co., over 1000 Africans in Guangzhou tested positive with #CCPVirus #COVID2019 at Kuangquan Street, Yuexiu District in Sanyuanli, #Guangzhou, #China. Anyone who spots...
Read 4 tweets
Apr 7th 2020
If the CM is not able to manage his own surrounding effectively how the hell is going to take charge of the state.

Why was the tea seller allowed to run his stall in the first place.
Safety protocols being followed in Maharashtra hospitals not up-to the mark. The State Govt mst start using d 1200 crores funds it got from d Centre for upgrading it's medical facilities & safety equipment fr health care workers rather than hiring PR firms to pump up d CM's image Image…
Coronavirus outbreak has reached community transmission stage in Mumbai, says BMC
Rather than putting all resources in the containment of the virus the state machinery is busy in PR stuff for an inefficienct Maharashtra CM.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
Fact Check from @JakeSherman of Politico this morning:
"YOU’D BE FORGIVEN, in this time of trouble and distress, for wondering whether your federal government has a handle on this pandemic, or if it’s a complete and utter train wreck. #Coronavirustruth
2-"FIRST THEY TOLD US they had the coronavirus under control; now they tell us hundreds of thousands of people could die.
3-"FIRST THEY TOLD US you’d need prolonged physical contact with someone with the virus to be exposed; now there are reports suggesting the disease might be transmitted in the air.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
This is criminal. The @CDCgov makes faulty recommendations and then administrators have the indecency to threaten physicians who want to protect themselves with their own PPE?! #GetMePPE #COVID19 #Coronavirustruth @drsanjaygupta @HelenBranswell @medicalaxioms @DrJenGunter
And then this? What is going on right now? @NYGovCuomo is asking for volunteers yet a NYC hospital is threatening termination for speaking out that they are not protected?…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
Milking The Pandemic: @GalgotiasUni
University issues guideline to students: Pay fees for the next academic year by April 7, 2020 or face the music. #galgotiasuniversity #Coronavirustruth
Report by Student Journalist @GarvitBhirani
Student Account (1/2)
Read 4 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
From Tim Alberta: “I spent nearly three hours inside the Sam’s matter their politics or worldviews, the conversations were animated by a common sentiment: fear." #Coronavirustruth #mondaythoughts…
"Because he’s working from home, Duane has had the chance to watch the White House briefings. Every day, he tunes in hoping for reassurance from the president. Every day, he turns off the TV feeling more unsettled than ever."
“First it’s a hoax, and then it’s a real threat, now we need to get back to work by Easter. What?” Duane said, squinting in mock confusion. “He’s out of control. I just wish he would step aside and let the scientists and medical professionals speak to the country..."
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
From Politico this morning: "TRUMP’S NATIONALISM HAS GONE DOMESTIC: President DONALD TRUMP’S worldview is that nations alone, in their own self-interest, act to protect themselves and enhance their circumstances. Large, multilateral institutions are usually cumbersome and stodgy.
2-"ISN’T THAT WHAT WE’RE SEEING AROUND AMERICA right now? Rhode Island is rounding up residents of other states. Florida Gov. RON DESANTIS has said New Yorkers and New Jerseyans need to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival. New York Gov. ANDREW CUOMO is sniping at
3-"Rhode Island Gov. GINA RAIMONDO. Texas Gov. GREG ABBOTT has restricted vehicle traffic from Louisiana and is requiring travelers from multiple states to quarantine. MUCH AS THE UNITED STATES HAS BRUSHED ASIDE THE UNITED NATIONS and other multilateral institutions,
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
💌Letter to Washington💌

I went Sam's Club last week, wanting to know how everyday Americans were reacting to the #COVID19 crisis.

3 hours later, I'd stocked up on a single item: fear.…
I met a Trump voter, Peter Molloy, who's super high-risk (needs oxygen every night before bed), super worried, and went *off* on the president's handling of #COVID19 >>>… Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
Growth rate of #COVID2019 cases,bench-marked with larger pool of countries.

Graph 01: Benchmark at 100+ cases (Day 0+ 12 days graph)
Graph 02: Benchmark at 500+ cases (Day 0+ 5 days graph)

#Coronavirustruth: India, so far is containing better. We are not safe yet. Stay home.1/3 ImageImage
Per day India graph of #COVID2019 cases.

Strict measures,taken in time,have kept Indian rate-of-growth contained so far.

So far, we have,unlike many Western countries, been ahead of the curve in containing the threat of #CoronaVirus.
However, we are not yet safe. Stay home. 2/3 Image
An important question is raised about testing strategy of India whenever #COVID2019india graph is plotted. Are we testing enough? Are cases under-reported?

Graph 01: Why under reporting charge does not make sense
Graph 02: The current testing strategy.#Coronavirustruth

3/3 ImageImage
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Mar 30th 2020
A divine proclamation came out to the world last year June 6th 2019, during the World Ifa Festival - Otura Meji. We foretold about the impending rage of this invisible pandemic war, but few heard us.

Please note that Efod/ Urim and Thurim are in the holy Books.
They are the same as our ancient readings that have not failed us till date. On this throne, I work very closely with all the nations of the world most especially the nation of Cuba.
Centuries go by, the nation of Cuba hold dearly the tenets of our ancestors and rely on the blessings of the mystery of nature, and as a result they have the best medical care in the world. They are the ONLY country that have come out boldly to help the world.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
Bodies Being Loaded Into A Freezer Truck At Maimonides Hospital Brooklyn NY

VIDEO 1 of 3

Bodies Being Loaded Into A Freezer Truck At Maimonides Hospital Brooklyn NY

VIDEO 2 of 3
(2 part 2nd video)

Bodies Being Loaded Into A Freezer Truck At Maimonides Hospital Brooklyn NY

VIDEO 3 of 3
(2 part 2nd video)

Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
1. A forehead thermometer producer in #CCP ruled #China is talking about doing damage to the US hit hard by #CCPVirus in a very CCP way:
Zhang Xuandong, owner of Haofeng Electronic Technology Co. in Dongguan, #Guangdong Province in #China, says in a chat group of...
2... forehead thermometer producers which has 178 members, "Produce some fake products and sell them to the US. They (thermometers) should read 36.5 ºC when the actual temperature is 39 ºC. In this way, more and more American people will be infected. Let's see if...
3...they still have people left to go to other countries to harm others!"
After one member sends three laughing emojis, Zhang continues to say, "Isn't that a great idea? Without using one single solider, we make money, as well as make peace for the world."
Another member says...
Read 5 tweets

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