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Sep 30th 2022
How was PG&E convicted of mass manslaughter in the 2018 #CampFire?

We finally have the case they pleaded guilty to: 42 days of secret testimony in front of a Butte County grand jury.

We've made all 5,000+ pages available, but since you likely haven't got time to read 'em...'s a link to our story.

And a brief thread on what @ABC10's #FirePowerMoney team found inside 👇

Dozens of PG&E employees testified under oath.

Prosecutors started with what they found at the origin point of the Camp Fire:…

A broken cast-iron C-hook that held up the bare wire, estimated to be a 97+ year old original part on PG&E's Caribou-Palermo line.

This hook broke first, likely because it was was on a tower that sat on this wind-prone hilltop.

But there were many more:
Read 44 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Enfin une « bonne » nouvelle en provenance des États-Unis 🇺🇸 : La #sécheresse en partie résorbée en #Californie après plusieurs épisodes d’#intempéries ces dernières semaines. L’État de l'Ouest #américain était en proie à une sécheresse historique à l’automne dernier. #Thread 🧵 Image
📈Contexte : Les #USA contigus ont connu un été météorologique (Juin-Août) 2021 record 🌡, l’un des plus chaud jamais enregistré, à égalité avec l’été 1936. Sur la période Janvier-Août 2021, les températures sur tout l’ouest américain ont été bien au-dessus des normales. @NOAA ImageImage
Zoom 🔎 sur l’Ouest américain : Tout simplement l’été météorologique le plus chaud depuis le début des relevés en 1895. Près de 3°C au-dessus de la normale 🥵 (1901-2000). Du jamais vu !

Source : @NOAA ImageImage
Read 36 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Here is a thread of places offering discounts and freebies for you during this trying time. New offerings will be added ASAP. Call ahead to verify, as needed! Please RT.
🍽️FREE LUNCH & DINNER🍽️ for #DixieFire & #CaldorFire evacuees and survivors at FISH in #CarsonCity, NV. No questions asked! They serve it daily from 11:30 AM-5 PM. 775-882-FISH (3474)
👧BOYS & GIRLS CLUB PLACERVILLE CLUBHOUSE👧is free for #CaldorFire & #DixieFire evacuee kids - you don't have to be a member! Kids get breakfast, lunch and snacks, too. 530-295-8019, 2840 Mallard Dr, #Placerville.
Read 39 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
MEDIA: I know you are distracted by new shiny things but the #DixieFire is still burning. More evacuations yesterday. More homes and structures are being lost. A lot of resentment is circulating amongst evacuees and survivors. Don’t forget them. Because they will remember this.
And this mainly refers to Northern California media. No one cares from national media anymore and I don't expect them too with the Caldor situation. Except maybe industry news.
Before anyone says "Why aren't you reporting on it?" - I've never been to the Dixie Fire area and I only due intensive fire coverage on Napa/Sonoma/Solano/Mendo/Lake/Marin/Yolo. Self-imposed coverage area. *I am* relaying evacuee and donation information for Dixie Fire, however.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Here are ways you can donate to help survivors & evacuees. Remember, cash is always preferred! This list will be updated regularly. Thank you for your donations! 👇
@gcwrescue is helping to rescue, rehabilitate, and release WILD animals impacted by the Caldor Fire. Donate:
has volunteers operating shelters in Reno and Gardnerville. Donate:… (select disaster relief).
Read 41 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
🙋VOLUNTEERS NEEDED🙋 #DixieFire #CaldorFire
Here is a list of volunteer opportunities to help evacuees, survivors, and animals impacted by these fires. New opportunities will be posted.👇
Needs volunteers to help provide relief and support to evacuees at the many evacuation centers in the region. Apply online or contact or call (775) 225-3392.…
Needs volunteers to help with resource distribution. You do not have to be Catholic! You must be vaccinated. Learn more or call Lisa at or (775) 322-7073, ext. 235.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 30th 2021
🌎🔥 Early this month the @IPCC_CH report stated: "Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying"

From Siberia to the Amazon, see where fires raged on Earth August 2021 🧵⬇️
#ClimateEmergency #ExtremeWeather #heatwave
📹 #Caldorfire via @SPACEdotcom
🇬🇷 Aug 3 - Greece

100+ forest fires in 24hrs, thousands evacuated.
– "We are no longer talking about climate change but about a climate threat"

[This is the fire thread: the Earth on fire August 2021 🧵⬇️]
#ClimateEmergency #ExtremeWeather #heatwave…
🇺🇸 Aug 4 - US #RiverFire

[This is the fire thread: the Earth on fire August 2021 🧵⬇️]
#ClimateEmergency #ExtremeWeather #heatwave…
Read 23 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Yesterday's #Washingtonfire in Tuolumne County was an excellent reminder of why size is a poor metric for fires. It was only 81 acres, not enough to even need a 209 report. But bc of where it started, 8 homes were lost, pets and livestock were killed. It was a disaster. 1/5
You might think "oh, it's only 8 homes." But these were all primary homes, not cabin/vacation homes. Since we scientists like to normalize when we compare things, you could even argue that at 1 home/10 ac, it has the highest area-weighted losses (0.1 h/ac) of 2021 so far. 2/5
By contrast, the mammoth #DixieFire is closing in on 750K ac and has burned ~1,200 structures. Even if 1,000 are homes (a high estimate), that's 1 home/750ac (0.0013h/ac) area-weighted. Which fire is worse? It's an absurd question -> both are disasters to those affected. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
1/ If you are looking at any of the interactive #GISsurfer wildland fire maps I have posted, here is a thread that will help you use the map. #DixieFire #FrenchFire #CaldorFire #McFarlandFire #MonumentFire #SchneiderSpringsFire
2/ To search on an address click Menu > Search.

To change the basemap, click the button next to the “Menu” button. Basemaps I usually use are:
USA basemap
ESRI scanned topo USA
Open street map
3/ To turn on geolocation tap Menu > My location.
A symbol will appear and follow you as you move.
Tap that symbol to see your coordinates and accuracy value.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
The original tweet was mine @buriedbybooks and I corrected the wording of that tweet and apologized as noted below
The #DixieFire is still being investigated but it is unclear yet as to what happened
PG&E has come forward to provide information and details.
It is still under investigation.
Here’s my correction and the screenshot as I have deleted the incorrect tweet so as not to cause further confusion
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
Une ligne électrique exploitée par PG&E semble, encore une fois, être à l'origine du #DixieFire - qui est maintenant l'#incendie le plus grave de l'histoire de la Californie.
Le risque était connu et la ligne devait être enterrée prévenir un départ de feu.…
En 2018, c'est déjà un incident sur une ligne aérienne de PG&E qui était à l'origine du Camp Fire : 620km² brulés dont la petite ville de Paradise, 85 morts.
Incapable de faire face à ses responsabilités PG&E s'était déclaré en faillite.…
Les faillites américaines ne sont souvent qu'un refuge temporaire contre les créanciers : PG&E sort de ce statut en juin 2020 sans changement notoire dans son activité ou sa gouvernance.
Juste quelques engagements, notamment sur la modernisation du réseau.…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
NEW: @PGE4Me's federal probation judge, William Alsup, demands answers on the #DixieFire and #FlyFire.

He asks about the tree that fell on PG&E's power line at the Dixie origin point-- demands inspection images showing what it looked like before it fell.
#FirePowerMoney @ABC10
This judge found PG&E committed safety violations in the 2020 #ZoggFire, which killed four people.

He based that finding in part on 2019 inspection photos of the power line, showing the tree leaning in the power line's direction.
#FirePowerMoney @ABC10…
The #DixieFire is just the latest in a long list of criminal investigations (also convictions) against PG&E for causing big disasters:

#FirePowerMoney @ABC10 #CampFire #KincadeFire #SanBruno #ZoggFire…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 5th 2021
Horrific situation in Northern California... The #DixieFire has ballooned into California's 6th largest fire on record. 6 of the state's 7 biggest fires on record have occurred since last August! by @HazardWriter (1/x)
Fire conditions remain elevated to critical today in northern California and the interior Pacific Northwest. Red flag warnings up all over due to dry, windy weather and possible dry lightning. (2/x)
Drought and heat, intensified by climate change, are making these fires worse. In addition to the widespread extreme to exceptional drought, look how hot it was in June-July across the West. (3/x)
Read 7 tweets
Aug 5th 2021
#DixieFire off Above the Cresta Dam, Feather River Canyon in Butte County is 278,227 acres and 35% contained. Unified Command: @CALFIRE_ButteCo and @LassenNF…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
#DixieFire off Above the Cresta Dam, Feather River Canyon in Butte County is 274,139 acres and 35% contained. Unified Command: @CALFIRE_ButteCo and @LassenNF…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
#DixieFire off Above the Cresta Dam, Feather River Canyon in Butte County is 254,466 acres and 35% contained. Unified Command: @CALFIRE_ButteCo and @LassenNF… ImageImageImageImage
#DixieFire Cont. ImageImageImageImage
#DixieFire Cont. ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2021
In less than 10 days, the #DixieFire destroyed eight structures, spurred thousands of evacuations, and grew into the largest wildfire in California this year.

Here's how it became the state's biggest of the year…
Earlier this week, it swelled over the Nevada state line for the first time, and on Thursday afternoon, it ignited a 2,500-acre spot fire near Highway 395 that is still growing…
As of Saturday, the multicounty fire had swelled to more than 181,000 acres and 18% containment.

Cal Fire deputy incident Cmdr. Chris Waters said the Dixie fire is unlike anything he has experienced in more than two decades of fighting fires…
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
It looks to me like a big spot fire just popped up right outside East Quincy, CA from the #DixieFire within the last 1-2 hours. Very close to the town. Called Dixie command and they seemed unaware of any fire near Quincy. Keeping my eye on it. Image
Plumas County Sheriff's office hung up on me because they're so busy dealing with this. I'd say keep your eye on their Facebook page for evac orders coming through. I'll reach back out if and when things settle down for more information. #FlyFire
Radio Hill 2 camera now pointed on this #FlyFire.… Image
Read 4 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
A look at the #DixieFire this morning from the Bloomer Lookout camera, west of Berry Creek.
Here is the correct version Plumas sheriff just posted re: evacuation terms:

Plumas sheriff has just posted on its Facebook page that there is confirmed structure loss in Feather River Canyon. They are working to get numbers and locations.

Read 10 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
BREAKING: PG&E says some of its equipment may have contributed to the start of the #DixieFire - which has burned thousands of acres and prompted evacuations near the site of the 2018 Camp Fire, the deadliest in California history. @KQEDnews
In a preliminary report filed with state utility regulators - PGE says early on the morning the fire started, a dam it operates on the Feather River lost power. PG&E says a worker saw - from a distance - what he thought was a blown fuse on a nearby power line.
PG&E says the worker wasn't able to get to the scene until nearly 10 hours later because a bridge on the road to the line was out of service. When he got there he saw that two fuses had been blown, that a tree was leaning on the line and that a fire was burning near the tree.
Read 9 tweets

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