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May 20th 2023
People are asking LLMs to write stories like a waking mind does, then declaring their own supremacy as creators when tools structured to work like the dreaming mind spit out what have always been described by the engineers as dreams rather than coherent waking-state narratives.
The extra funny part is people thinking that in an era perhaps most accurately characterized as a collective psychedelic experience, the waking-mind economy is somehow going to maintain its tide wall against this tsunami of unconscious material.

Bad trip recipe, that.
It's like the foolishness of expecting kids to think like adults. These are distinctly different modes of cognition that exist together in an ecology of strategies adapted for different purposes. Exploration-tuned systems are vital complements to exploitation-tuned systems.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 8th 2022
Amidst terrible fomo seeing all the cool conferences, I’ve been dying to share the news of our latest discovery 🥳 You thought jumping spiders peaked in their coolness? Buckle up!!! We need to talk about #jumpingspiders potentially #dreaming. @PNASNews
A thread with #videos 1/7 Image
While filming hanging jumping spiders at night, we noticed surprising things happening. Regular phases of curling up their legs and twitching in what seemed like uncontrolled movements. Reminding us a lot of sleeping dogs or cats, we asked: could this be REM sleep? 2/7
Too wild you think? So did we. We followed up anyhow. Luckily, fresh spiderlings are translucent during the first week, giving us the unique opportunity to check out their retinas (they can’t move their “eyes”, but their retinas, which is extra cool). 3/7
Read 9 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Ich habe ein größeres systemtheoretisches Störgefühl gerade: Wenn Wissenschafts- & Politikbetrieb am Beispiel eines Berichtes so eng verzahnt sind wie vielleicht bisher nie, die unterschiedlichen "Systemanforderungen" in der Diskussion aber wenig thematisiert werden. 1/6
Vielleicht ließe sich ja etwas Gutes daraus mitnehmen, #dreaming: Dass zugelieferte Berichte, von Teams besetzt so, wie es im "System Politik" läuft (auch: wer steht für solche Arbeit zur Verfügung aus #Science), öfter genauer auf den Prüfstand kommen? Kind of review. 2/6
Das "Wer steht denn zur Verfügung" mit welchen Kapazitäten. Oder dass bestimmte Aufträge mit sehr expliziten Präambeln versehen werden? Quasi ein noch gezielteres Eingehen auf unterschiedliche Systemanforderungen & die Bruchstellen. 3/6
Read 6 tweets
May 29th 2020
To build BHARAT’Atmanirbhar’. We would need to change our mindset from Workers to creators. Would be starting a learning for #Entrepreneurs... are you in game for it ? Let me know, each day will share “Mantra” for success. Let us build a #NewIndia together 🇮🇳
Lesson-1 ( L-1)
It is the responsibility of every #Entrepreneur to add value to his customer.
3 “C” which are essential for any business to offer its clients
1. Cost
2. Convenience
3. Consumer/ Customer Experiences

Best to achieve all, but min 2 are must to be successful. 👍
#Entrepreneurship not only about building great business(es), but also about building a great team. 4 characteristics needed in people.
1. Smart,not academically but otherwise
2. Hard Working
3. High Integrity
4. Grit
ability 2get knocked down but passion to get up again
Read 23 tweets

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