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Apr 23rd 2022
Começando a listagem de tweets recuperados para Força Aérea Brasileira 🇧🇷.
O tweet com id 1517590260028481537 criado em 2022-04-22 19:44:48 foi apagado após 0:05:15. Ele falava sobre:
(3/3) tco/oAIGZBPrGC...
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Mar 1st 2022
1) Welcome to an #accredited #tweetorial on a unique emerging (in Ph3 now) option for specifically reversing the #antiplatelet effects of #ticagrelor: it's #bentracimab. Expert faculty is antithrombotic agent reversal guru @md_pollack of @UMMCnews, working to create #AHealthierMS
2) This program is intended for #healthcare professionals and is supported by an educational grant from PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals. Faculty disclosures are listed at, and prior programs are available for 🆓CE/#CME credit at
3) It is an unfortunate fact of life that one cannot prescribe #anticoagulant or #antiplatelet (together, #antithrombotic) therapy without increasing a patient's #bleedingrisk. That is why it should be an individualized risk:benefit decision, ideally . . .
Read 51 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
Hoje (6/11), um C-130 Hércules da #FAB decolou de São Luís/MA com destino a Macapá/AP transportando equipamentos que serão utilizados para o restabelecimento do fornecimento de energia no Amapá.
Acesse e saiba mais.
@DefesaGovBr @Minas_Energia
A missão continua!
Um C-130 Hércules da #FAB acaba de decolar de Manaus/AM para Macapá/AP transportando equipamentos que serão utilizados para o restabelecimento do fornecimento de energia no Amapá.
@DefesaGovBr @Minas_Energia
Na tarde de hoje (7/11), o C-130 Hércules da #FAB pousou em Macapá/AP e descarregou os equipamentos que serão utilizados para auxiliar no restabelecimento do fornecimento de energia no Amapá.
Acesse e saiba mais.
@DefesaGovBr @Minas_Energia
Read 7 tweets
Oct 4th 2020
Gegen die grundsätzlich deregulierte Lohnarbeit zu agieren, ist zwingend. Nur so können bessere Lebensbedingungen erkämpft werden - auch wenn dabei auf das bürgerliche Recht und Klasseninstanzen zugegriffen werden muss. Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitszeit sind mit der
Arbeitsverdichtung und mit der Arbeitsbelastung, der konkreten Tätigkeit, ein "Mechanismus" der Ausbeutung, die von belesenen kulturalistischen Gruppen immer mal wieder geleugnet oder verkannt wird. Zum einen, weil sie weniger körperlich gefährdet lohnarbeiten, zum anderen, weil
es in ihren Zirkeln die Nähe zum adminsitrativen Personal der Kapitalien gibt. Beim #fab e.V. in #Kassel, einem Assistenzdienst, sind nun gesundheitsgefährdende, rechtswidrige Arbeitsbedingungen festgestellt worden. Der Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter (fab e.V.)
Read 29 tweets
Feb 23rd 2020
Boletim de atualização #APPT @PneumoPR sobre o novo #coronavirus #2019nCoV

📌 🇰🇷 Coréia do Sul elevou o alerta para o nível máximo após o número de casos atingir 602.
📌 Desde 22/ Fev o @CDCgov passou a *Não recomendar #viagens #🛫 para #idosos ou portadores de doenças crônicas como #DPOC para: a #CoréiadoSul #🇰🇷, #Japão #🇯🇵 além da #China 🇨🇳, incluindo #HongKong.
📌 Itália 🇮🇹 - Número de casos de #COVID19 ultrapassou 100, sendo 89 na região da Lombardia.

📌 China 🇨🇳 - Número de casos atingiu 76.936 com 2.442 óbitos.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
*ATTENTION PLEASE*#AI #digitalhealth #tweeps Today @IndraJoshi10 and I at @NHSX are launching our new "Artificial Intelligence: How to get it right report" with help from A LOT of people across the digital health ecosystem… 1/ 14
The report goes into detail on our plans for the NHS AI lab but, more importantly, the research that sits beneath that - particularly the work on governance: ethics and regulation with invaluable input from @reformthinktank @oxfordethicslab @turinginst @FutureAdvocacy 2/14
We (@IndraJoshi10 & me) hope that the report makes it clear WHY we think #AI is important for health and care & HOW we can make sure it is utilised in the 'right' way - not just for the sake of it - within safe & ethical boundaries 3/14
Read 14 tweets
Oct 7th 2019
Since my recent "tweetorial" about the history of ring sideroblasts & Prussian blue seems to have been well received, I thought I’d follow up with the fascinating and sordid history of the term, “Refractory Anemia” (RA). (This ugly #MDS image is from a book I edited years ago.)/1
The 1982 #FAB #MDS classification included chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), plus 4 categories with the term RA: 1) RA, 2) RARS (i.e., RA w/ ring sideroblasts), 3) RAEB (RA with excess blasts), and 4) RAEB-t (RAEB in transformation to #AML). But where did "RA" come from?/2
Iron salts had been used since the 17th century to treat “chlorosis” – i.e., the green sickness, characterized by weakness and pallor. Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689) is usually given credit for first rational use. Here's a classic painting of a young woman fainting from chlorosis./3
Read 25 tweets
Oct 6th 2019
There is an interesting history behind these cells, so familiar to hematologists & pathologists: ring (formerly 'ringed') sideroblasts. While most commonly associated with #MDS or inherited disorders like #XLSA, they can also result from ethanol or TB drugs - even hypothermia./1
Sideroblasts and siderocytes - red cells and their precursors with iron granules in the cytoplasm visualized by a chemical reaction - were first described by Hans Grüneberg in 1942, a Jewish refugee from Germany working in London @ucl from 1933. /2
In 1955, Sven-Erik Björkman, working in Jan Gösta Waldenström's hematology unit @lunduniversity (thus far this tweetorial has 100% umlaut surnames!) noticed 4 of his anemic patients had weird sideroblasts: the iron granules encircled the nucleus. One of them developed leukemia./3
Read 23 tweets
Nov 26th 2018
This is a little bit of a stretch but bear with me. One for fans of #BVXP, #HZD, #ABCAM and perhaps even Phil Fisher.

First, keep in mind these words from the #BVXP Bioventix FY18 report: Image
Set them against this from #FAB Fusion Antibodies' HY18 report today: Image
With FY17 results, Fusion was cut in half by guiding the disappearance of a fair whack of revenue. HY18 today shows it. They today guide to "modest" 18-19 growth.

Along with that revenue warning, news that a key customer collaboration agreement may not be renewed. Image
Read 10 tweets

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