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Apr 17th 2022
A🧡thread on #Navalny so that hopefully it is clearer to Westerners why Ukrainians are sceptical of him (and no, Ukrainians aren't fools who need stuff explained to them !NEWSFLASH! our opinion kinda matters). As a teaser: twit by the man himself criticizing arms support for πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Peculiarly, despite criticizing #putin, #Navalny somehow supports #Kremlin's strategies, first, most obvious, his stance on the matter with #Russian annexation of #Crimea (our "#Sudetenland" if you will) is pretty clear - he supports it!
One thing on Crimea annexation he's not happy with - he would like to legalize it internationally (and indeed he'd a handy figure to do so, after toxic #putin is done).
Although, he isn't really as liberal as Russian propaganda paints him (hm.. why would they do it, huh?)
Read 27 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
Thread of threads on #Russia's #fascism.
PS: No, it's not just #putin
Yes he uses #Russian chauvinism to implement his #facsist mafia state policies
But he didn't invent it, he only enables it. It's not even the first genocide against #Ukrainians in last 100 years.
Read 8 tweets

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