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Aug 17th 2022
#Updates on @videolan being inaccessible on ISP platforms.
As per the last #RTI response, @GoI_MeitY
had said, “No information is available with this ministry related to website”.
We have filed a second appeal for it & are awaiting a response.
After not receiving satisfactory response from @GoI_MeitY, we have filed two applications under the Right to Information Act, 2005 with @BSNLCorporate and the @DoT_India as well.
#WebsiteBlocking #FreeSpeech #blocked #rtItBot
Latest tests on various carriers show different messages being displayed every time we try to load the "" website.
@ACTFibernet states that "The website has been blocked as per order of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology under IT Act, 2000."
Read 10 tweets
Jun 17th 2021
While we are witnessing a rise in the blocking and removal of content online, it becomes important to track these instances of free speech violations and ignite conversations around the status of free speech in India.
#Twitter #socialmediaban #censorship
If you have posted any content that has been removed or any warning has been issued by any social media platform. Please fill the form or email us at to tell us more.…
It is through comprehensive documentation that systematic change can be brought, we have aimed to do that with our Free Speech Tracker and Internet shutdowns tracker as well. Please help us collate more information on content removal by filling this form.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
Our analysis reveals that the #SourceCode that has been released as the “backend code” is grossly incomplete. Though any effort at transparency needs to be lauded, much of how the @SetuAarogya operates is still opaque…
@NICMeity @GoI_MeitY
The code released on 20th November does contain code that corresponds to the #frontend of the website and the code released also contains code that lets the website interact with the application through the #webview.
#COVID19 #ContactTracing
However, some of the libraries/modules that the code depends on have not been released and very little of the released code is meant to run on the #backend.
#coders #aarogyasetu #COVID19 #FOSS
Read 8 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
It thus become more important than ever before to document instances of free speech violations by the state and build a repository from all over the country.
#RightSideBroadcasting #FakeNews #HumanRights
The #tracker entails publicly available data collected by volunteers with via various sources including news sources, court orders etc. as well as by crowd-sourcing information from the public at large and verifying it.…
The aim of this project is to ignite conversations & deepen understanding around the status of #FreeSpeech in India. Right to freedom of speech and expression is the spine of a #Democratic nation. A tracker like this is a mirror which shows us how deep the water is.
Read 5 tweets

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