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Jul 22nd 2022
This thread is for those overlooked precious pups. Young, happy, active & healthy, lost in a sea of faces Ones that make you laugh, smile & celebrate life
Love w/ your whole💗
Lifetime Companions
DM @SuzanneSugar
📩 Image
#NYCACC #131195
1yr 88 portly lbs
Who can resist 🍖🤭
He takes them so gently
Look at those Leash Skills
❤️🐶😻 & U
Player & Lover
Friendly & Outgoing
Listed the longest😱
DM @SuzanneSugar
#NYCACC #147942
2yr 45lbs🥰
TBK 7/23
Have been waiting for this video
Everything I want to see
Affectionate & Adventurous 🤗💘
Brindle Magic😍
Puppy Manners
Perfect, teach him what you want
Incredibly Sweet
DM @SuzanneSugar
Read 7 tweets
Feb 2nd 2019
Black History Fact for 1 February (Pre-1492)

Source: Urban Intellectuals

#blackhistory #FridayFeeling #BlackHistoryMonth #blackhistorymonth2019 Black History Fact for 1 February (Pre-1492)
Black History Fact for 2 February (STEM):

#STEM #blackhistorymonth #blackhistorymonth2019 #SocialMedia Black History Fact for 2 February.
Black History Fact for 3 February (Pre-1492):

Queen Candace was an Ethiopian Queen who ruled the Kingdom of Kush.

Legend says that her real name was Amanirenas and that she was a fierce warrior.

#BlackHistoryMonth #blackhistorymonth2019 Black History Fact for 3 Feb: Queen Candace of Kush.
Read 36 tweets
Nov 17th 2018
My greatest achievement has to be our social investment program.

Our people now refer to themselves as Omoluabis.

If properly internalized, 50% of our problems as a race would have been solved. #Friyay
Our school feeding program which we revived and expanded is live changing.

We put together a youth empowerment program that is acclaimed worldwide. #OgbeniTillDayBreak
Osun has the lowest youth unemployment rate in country.

Nothing else gladdens my heart than these. #OgbeniTillDayBreak
Read 3 tweets
Oct 26th 2018
#ratometer #happycustomer
#FridayFeeling #Friyay #weekend

Your Responsibility as a Consumer

1. Be Aware
Gather all the information and facts available about a product or service, as well as keep abreast of changes in innovation and technology.

2. Beware
Be alert to the quality and safety of products and services before you purchase.

3. Think Independently
Make decisions about well-considered needs and wants.

4. Speak Out
Inform manufacturers and government of your needs and expectations.

5. Be an Ethical Consumer
Be fair and never engage in dishonest practices which affect other consumers negatively.

6. Complain
Inform businesses and appropriate regulatory authorities about your dissatisfaction with a product or service, in a fair and honest manner

7. Share Experience
Read 5 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
1/ The first stage is the EXCITEMENT STAGE: U got d idea, u know what u want n u just figure out how to go get it. U can't wait to get started, u r anticipating n excited about d new journey u r about to embark. This stage is laced with slight apprehension as u know
you av not yet av it all figured out. But d excitement out-weight d trepidation. U love ur idea, u love d new job, u love d new skill u r about to acquire n sky is going to be d limit of ur discoveries.
Ur motivation is 100%, u r looking forward to all d people u will meet
in this new journey n all that life has waiting for u.
U started n everything just seems wonderful, d new discoveries r intriguing n u r just discovering all this stuff u don't know about before n becoming aware of all ur new career has in-stored for u. It is fun, u r
Read 13 tweets

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