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May 15th 2023
1/ Did you know that the Iranian regime has been waging a sophisticated campaign in the U.S. Congress against the #Iran uprising & those seeking change in Iran?

The campaign uses MAHSA, who was murdered in Sep 2022 by the regime, to cover its true agenda.

2/ The regime in #Iran aims to derail the revolution & target those seeking regime change, particularly the MEK, the main Iranian opposition.

Using various individuals & dubious groups as cover, Tehran seeks to demonize the MEK & NCRI’s President-Elect @Maryam_Rajavi.
3/ By portraying the ongoing revolution in #Iran as an attempt to return to Shah’s dictatorship, the regime hopes to deflate the uprising inside Iran and discourage international support.

Read 29 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Massenvergiftungen von Schülerinnen im #Iran, ein #Thread:
Die Zahl der vergifteten Schulmädchen übersteigt inzwischen die Tausendergrenze. Die Vergiftungen dauern seit drei Monaten an. Man kann sie nicht mehr zählen. Das Ausmaß deutet auf eine wohl organisierte Gruppe hin.👇🏾
Das Bildungs- sowie das Gesundheitsministerium haben implizit angedeutet, dass eine „eigenwillig, extremistische“ Gruppe, die Frauen von Bildung abhalten möchte, dahinter stecke.
Der Sicherheitsapparat hingegen haben sich bisher nicht geäußert, es hat keine Festnahmen gegeben.👇🏾
In sozialen Medien machen viele Regime-kritische Persönlichkeiten den Staat und dessen Anhänger für die Angriffe verantwortlich.
Auch Eltern vergifteter Schülerinnen sehen es so. Heute riefen sie auf einer Versammlung: „Tod der Islamischen Republik.“ 👇🏾
Read 9 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
#IranRevolution will reach victory when we all put our focus on the people of Iran shouldering the fight against the IRGC.

#WomenLifeFreedom #Mahsa_Amini #IranProtests #IranRevolution2023
After more than 120 years of struggling for freedom against dictatorships, the Iranian people deserve democracy. #WomenLifeFreedom #IranProtests #IranRevolution
Comparisons of bad and worse are never accepted, torture and killing political dissidents will not be allowed in a future Iran. There shouldn't be any praise of the SAVAK or the brutal IRGC, both of which have suppressed the Iranian people. #WomenLifeFreedom #IranProtests
Read 6 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
Querfront-Proteste gegen @ABaerbock begannen gestern in #Aachen mit konspirativ geplanten illegalen "Spaziergang" durch Teile der Innenstadt, inkl. Schildern, Fahnen & Lautsprecher-Bollerwagen. Es nahmen rd. 30 "Querdenker", Rechtsextreme, #AfD- & "dieBasis"-Leute teil. [1/11]
Querfront-"Spaziergang" in #Aachen (s.o.) war geplant, zwei Medienaktivisten – darunter eine Rechtsradikale aus #Düren – waren pünktlich vor Ort. Nachdem ein #Stolberg|er den Termin bei Facebook publiziert hat, gab "Querdenken 241" Planung zu (▶️ ). [2/11]
Obschon in der Querfront-"Sponti" gestern in #Aachen (s.o.) eine #AfD-Funktionärin, -Mitglieder & Rechtsextreme waren, trug ein Mann die Fahne der "Antifaschistischen Aktion". Im Livestream ist zu hören, wie er sagt, Selbstverteidigung sei erlaubt, sollte Antifa stören. [3/11]
Read 14 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
Lähmende Zerwürfnisse in der @DIELINKE_Aachen sind seit Monaten gravierender, als bekannt: Progressive, Antifaschisten & Linksradikale im KV wollen konstruktive Oppositionsarbeit & Sozialpolitik, die laut agierenden Wagenknechte & "Freien Linken" wollen Radikalopposition. [1/4]
@DIELINKE_Aachen Uneinigkeit in der Linken #Aachen (s.o.) zeigte sich auch gestern: Der KV hatte dazu aufgerufen, am Rande der AKV-Ehrung @ABaerbock|s die #IranProtests zu unterstützen; Wagenknechte waren bei der Querfront, die antifaschistische Gegenproteste & Grüne als "Nazis" bepöbelte. [2/4]
@DIELINKE_Aachen Zurück gehen Differenzen bei Die Linken #Aachen auf Corona-/Impf-Proteste, woran Wagenknechte teilnahmen. Der KV kritisierte das offen. Im Zuge der AC-Sozialproteste sorgten Querfrontler & "Freie Linke" erneut für heftigen, andauernden Streit (▶️ ). [3/4]
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Feb 4th 2023
The #GAMAAN's survey report on “Iranians’ Attitudes Toward the 2022 Nationwide Protests” is available in this link👇🏽…

The survey was conducted December 21-31, 2022. 158,000+ respondents inside #Iran, and 42,000+ outside Iran competed the survey.
In response to the question “Islamic Republic: Yes or No?” 81% of respondents inside #Iran responded “No” to the Islamic Republic, 15% responded “Yes,” and 4% were not sure. Of the Iranian respondents abroad, 99% responded “No,” opting against the Islamic Republic

Regarding an alternative regime type, 28% inside Iran and 32% outside Iran would prefer a presidential republic, 12% inside #Iran and 29% outside would prefer a parliamentary republic, and 22% inside Iran and 25% outside Iran would prefer a constitutional monarchy.

Read 17 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
#Baloch protesters on the streets after Friday prayers in #Zahedan today.

#Baloch citizens have been holding anti-regime protests in different cities of Sistan Baluchestan every Friday since Zahedan's 'Bloody Friday' (30 Sep 2022). #IranProtests #زاهدان #مهسا_امینی
#Baloch protesters on the streets after Friday prayers in #Zahedan today.

#Baloch citizens have been holding anti-regime protests in different cities of Sistan Baluchestan every Friday since Zahedan's 'Bloody Friday' (30 Sep 2022). #IranProtests #زاهدان #مهسا_امینی
Iranian military drone is flying over #Zahedan as #Baloch citizens hold their weekly anti-regime protests after Friday prayers in Zahedan today.

#IranProtests #زاهدان #مهسا_امینی
Read 8 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
“Many people say that if they get killed in the protest, their family will die of hunger.”

My new piece on why protests in #Iran have quieted down - for now. There are several reasons for this, as explained in the piece, and below 🧵… #iranprotests
First, it’s important to point out while street protests have tapered off, a quieter form of rebellion has taken hold. Embers of discontent continue to smolder and will flare up again for sure, even if authorities have the upper hand for now. (2/9)
Thousands of women in Tehran now walk outside without a hijab. It’s a new form of civil disobedience that will be difficult to contain in the future. There’s a limit to how many teenagers and young women the state can beat and arrest before things implode. Iran knows that (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
1. #Iran's Sistan & Baluchestan province: According to the latest statistics on poverty, published by the regime's Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, #IranRevoIution #IranProtests
2. this province retains its position as the province with the highest portion of its population living in absolute poverty. With the exception of access to drinking water, in which Kerman province ranks lower, #IranRevoIution #IranProtests
3. Sistan and Baluchistan has the worst position with regard to education, health, housing, financial services, and energy. 2021-22, more than half of the population of this province lived under the absolute poverty line. #IranRevoIution #IranProtests
Read 4 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
1. @surfshark: 10 countries imposed the strictest form of internet censorship in 2022 – national internet restrictions: Asia - Afghanistan, #Iran, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan
2. #Iran – out of 11 cases, 10 were related to protests, and 1 was connected to political turmoil. Cases included 2 social media disruptions and 4 local and 5 nationwide internet disruptions. #Censorship #IranRevolution
3. Platforms blocked in 2022 include WhatsApp and Instagram, while Twitter and Facebook have been blocked since 2009. #Iran #Censorship #IranProtests #IranRevoIution
Read 3 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
1. #IranProtests
Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province - January 23
Retirees and pensioners of the communications industry protested low pensions and bad economic conditions. Image
2. #IranProtests
Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan Province - January 23
Retirees and pensioners of the communications industry protested low pensions and bad economic conditions.
3. #IranProtests
Gilan Province - January 23
Retirees and pensioners of the communications industry protested low pensions and bad economic conditions.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
I have watched the Iranian people rise up against the dictatorship of the shah and the religious dictatorship...I believe Iranian people demand for freedom&democracy has prevailed over decades of brutal, oppressive rule under both the shah and mullahs.
#IranRevolution2023 #Iran
The reason the uprising has continued so long is because of people’s demand for justice, also the organized resistance that has been able to lead the effort to overthrow the religious dictatorship, and the MEK’s very important role
#IranRevolution2023 #Iran
There is a democratic, secular, non-nuclear alternative to this regime. And one can see that in the ten-point plan of Madam Rajavi and the NCRI, there is an alternative.
#IranRevolution2023 #Iran #Iranprotests #IranRevolution
Read 4 tweets
Dec 23rd 2022
How to evaluate the Baghdad II Summit in Amman?

Has this second Summit helped defusing tensions & strengthening cooperation as #Russia-#Ukraine conflict increasingly impacts this MENA region?

A THREAD 🧵 1/13 Image
1/13 Let’s start with positive points. In continuity with Baghdad I Summit (August 2021), the conference built on a solid policy line:

Iraq & regional stability are interdependent: reg. tensions play out in Iraq. Iraq’s instability can spill over & fuel regional tensions.
2/13 The Summit helped the process of Iraq’s balanced & diversified FP to continue despite the change of PM.

Some GCC states knew little & looked with suspicion at new PM Mohamed Shia al-Sudani backed by traditional Shiite parties. In-person meetings help building trust. Image
Read 15 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
Beste mensen, hier is mijn 10e wekelijkse analysedraad🧵over #IranProtests👇

De bijna 3 maanden durende strijd voor vrijheid v dappere Iraniërs ging deze week krachtig door en het regime reageert steeds gewelddadiger.
De repressie is enorm naarmate het regime gefrustreerd > 1/20
raakt door zijn onvermogen om de opstand neer te slaan, ondanks massa-arrestaties, martelingen, verkrachtingen en moorden.
Het geweld dat het regime in Koerdistan en Balouchestan heeft gepleegd, toont één ding aan: het regime is klaar om zijn zware >
wapens en tanks in te zetten om afwijkende meningen de kop in te drukken. Het is van plan zijn toevlucht te nemen tot het Syrische draaiboek. Maar het zal niet werken.

Hieronder behandel ik belangrijke ontwikkelingen van deze week en het toekomstperspectief vd opstand: >
Read 20 tweets
Dec 10th 2022
The #Iranian regime is using protester executions to instill terror among the population. Read today’s update on #IranProtests from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar.… 1/6
The regime’s disrespectful handling of the bodies of dead protesters could further inflame popular resentment. 2/6
Prominent Iraqi Shia cleric and spiritual leader Ali al Sistani reportedly expressed concern about “the situation in Iran and the Shia religion,” according to reformist Iranian cleric Mohammad Ashrafi Esfahani. 3/6
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Dec 4th 2022
Nope, #Iran has not abolished the #MoralityPolice, as Western media euphorically claim! Rather, it is an appeasement & diversion tactic of the regime after more than 2.5 months of #IranProtests & thus not to be mistaken as a concession: Here's why🧵
Iranian state media have circulated a prosecutor's statement from Sat. suggesting such a step. But there is no legal decision on the matter.
First of all, one should not forget: the rigid hijab/dress code is an indispensable pillar of the Islamic Republic, inseparable from its identity.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
Nein, #Iran hat nicht die #Sittenpolizei/#MoralityPolice aufgelöst, wie westl. Medien nahezu euphorisch verbreiten! Vielmehr ist es ein Beschwichtigungs- & Ablenkungsmanöver des Regimes nach über 2,5 Mon. #IranProtests & somit auch keine Konzession diesen gegenüber: Here's why 🧵
Iranische Staatsmedien verbreiten ein Statement eines Staatsanwalts von gestern, der solch eine Auflösung suggeriert. Doch es gibt keinerlei rechtliche Entscheidung hierzu.
Zunächst sollte man nicht vergessen: die rigiden Hijab/-Kleidervorschriften sind ein unabdingbarer Pfeiler der Islamischen Republik, untrennbar mit seiner Identität verbunden.
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Dec 4th 2022
Beste mensen, hier is mijn 9e wekelijkse analysedraad 🧵over #IranProtests👇

De strijd tussen "Beauty & the Beast” wordt steeds harder en bloediger.
Bijna 80 dagen nadat de protesten begonnen, lijkt het regime uitgeput en gefrustreerd door zijn onvermogen om de opstand te > 1/23
onderdrukken, en toevlucht te nemen tot meer executies, strengere gevangenisstraffen, marteling, verkrachting & intimidatie.
Volgens Iraanse mensenrechtenorganisaties is het aantal doden & gearresteerden nu respectievelijk meer dan 500 & 22.000.
De repressie is dus enorme. >
Vandaag wil ik ingaan op 2 punten die ik belangrijk vind voor de voortzetting & uitkomst vd huidige protesten in Iran:

1- Actie vd Iraanse hacktivistische groep “Black Reward”:
Zeer belangrijke geheime documenten die onlangs door deze groep zijn gehackt en gepubliceerd, >
Read 23 tweets
Nov 29th 2022


This thread focuses on #Iran’s PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) utilised by the regime dictator to control #IranRevoIution.

Bear with me. This may be long.
First, let us look at the PSYOPS used by #Iran's regime to control and slow down #IranRevolution2022 comprises different methods and strategies used in different scenarios in different periods.
#MahsaAmini Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) used by #Iran's regime to
Let us give an example according to "Priority Number 6." (Sacrificing own agent), which indicates that promoting the sacrificed agent was a famous and vital person from the regime's body.
#Iran Let us give an example according to "Priority Number 6.
Read 20 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Nov 29—Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Refinery truck drivers are on strike. Many other truckers across the country are also on strike.
This movement has the potential of delivering a crippling blow to the ruling regime.
More footage of the truckers' strike in Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Nov 29—Sanandaj, W #Iran
Truck drivers are on strike and reports show many of them have been on strike for three weeks now. Hundreds of trucks are parked at a city terminal and nearby roads.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
In the past 11 weeks of #IranProtests, over 400 have been killed by security forces, including at least 50 minors.

Over 18,000 have reportedly been arrested, w at least 10 facing charges that could lead to the death penalty.

A 🧵on the scale of repression & int'l accountability
Yesterday, @UNICEF condemned violence against children in Iran.

It noted that Iran is a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child & must "fulfil the rights of children to life, privacy, freedom of thought & peaceful assembly."…
The over 50 Iranian children & adolescents killed since September underscores the total disregard that Iranian authorities have for their international obligations. They weren't just killed at protests, but while in the car w/ their parents, or in raids at schools. Image
Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
Beste mensen, hier is mijn 8e wekelijkse analysedraad🧵over #IranProtests: Het was weer een week vol strijd, verdriet en hoop.
Strijd tegen een monsterlijk regime dat bereid is om alles te doen om een dag langer aan de macht te blijven.
Verdriet na het verlies van vele > 1/24 Image
strijders in de provincies Koerdistan en Sistan Baluchistan.
Hoop na de grote overwinning voor het Iraanse volk de afgelopen donderdag in Genève. Hier nam de mensenrechtenraad vd VN met grote meerderheid een historische motie aan om de mensenrechtenschendingen van het > ImageImage
Iraanse regime tijdens de #IranProtests te gaan onderzoeken.

Ik probeer hieronder de belangrijke ontwikkelingen van deze week op een rij te zetten:

Toename repressie:
Zoals verwacht verhoogde t regime zijn repressie overal & in het bijzonder in de provincies Koerdistan & > Image
Read 24 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
Embarrassing moment for #Iran's embattled Govt when members of its national team at #Qatar stadium boycotted the anthem of the Khomeinist Republic, which is different from Iranian national anthem pre-1979. /1

Some Iranian fans at #Qatar stadium for #EnglandVIran booed the national anthem of post-1979 Khomeinist #Iran, and took to social media to explain difference btwn the Khomeinist anthem and national anthem pre-1979. /2

Iranian woman at #Qatar stadium for #EnglandVIran unfurled a lion and sun flag, #Iran's 🇮🇷 before the 1979 Khomeinist Republic. She was cheered by the crowd but stopped later by security for politicizing a sporting event. /3

🎞️ by @emilykschrader

#Qatar2022 #FIFAWorldCup
Read 7 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022
The #Iranian regime has adopted what increasingly resembles a counter-insurgency approach rather than a counter-protest one to manage the ongoing unrest. Read today’s update on #IranProtests from CTP and @TheStudyofWar.… 1/6
At least 16 protests took place in 12 cities across eight provinces in #Iran. 2/6
Security forces are conducting a brutal crackdown in #Javanroud, #Kermanshah Province. Security forces have isolated Javanroud, blocking major roads into the city, and shot live ammunition and nerve gas at protesters. 3/6
Read 6 tweets

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