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Nov 10th 2022
1/ Want to continue the learning streak of #Kidneywk ?
#MedTwitter #NephTwitter, we bring another #ASPNFOAM group tweetorial based on pathology webinar @ASPNeph on T-cell mediated rejection(TCMR) in kidney transplant (Tx) Image
Let's start with a vignette! 13 yr M with CAKUT s/p DDKT 6mo ago, p/w with doubling of Cr from 0.7 to 1.5 mg/dl, normal vitals and PE. UA normal. A lot of recent stressors and concern for non-adherence.
Sounds like a familiar scenario?
What is the potential cause of graft dysfunction in this patient?
Read 28 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Drug Induced Acute Interatitital Nephritis #AIN #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
In it’s pathogenesis allergic reaction mechanisms are involved #AIN #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
The p-i concept in #AIN indiuced #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney also consider genetic susceptibility
Read 10 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Different mechanisms related to Cyrstal Induced Kidney Damage
#CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Sulfadiazine, Acyclovir, Methothrexate, Ataxanavir clinical vignettes of #CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Summary of some medications causing crystalline nephropathies. #CystalDamage #AKI #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 6 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
#DrugToxicity a focus on mithocondrial damage. Consider different factors related to drug toxicity.
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Proximal Convoluted Tubule involved in toxicity due to hi density of mitochondria #DrugToxicity #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Clinical presentations of #DrugToxicity #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 6 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Plenary #3 at @ASNKidney #KidneyWk on Wearable Devices for Fluid Management: nanomaterials for #KidneyHealth - Silicon integrated circuits
Devices mounted in the human body at different sites to monitor health status: different capabilities, minimally invasive (i.e. neonatal)
#WearableDevices #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Some approved by FDA, other already deployed outside the US
#WearableDevices #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 11 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices and the Kidney beyond Cardiogenic Shock (high incidence of AKI) #CirculatoryDevices
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImageImageImage
Intravascular Devices: IAMP and Impella and their relationship with GFR and/or AKI
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImageImageImage
Impact of these intravascular devices on Kidney Function and AKI
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
Focus on POCUS in CRS #FluidManagement
First of all understand what is POCUS and how to use it
#KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Focused Clinical Questions in #AKI. Which are our regular tools and how they perform? @NephroP
#POCUS #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Physical Exam in Real Life, Fluid Balance (I&O’s) in real life vs. FoCUS
#POCUS #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 8 tweets
Nov 5th 2022
A MUST: “mRNA as a medicine” Melissa Moore, MD leads us through drug development, from Penicillin to MABs #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
More than 100 monoclonal antibodies have been approved by @US_FDA but they have multiple limitations #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Proteins have been used as medicine, but only a small proportion can be used, whereas mRNA enable the body to produce “own medicine” #KidneyWk @ASNKidney
Read 9 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
RRT in Septic AKI: is important to define objectives @DrRonWald #KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImageImageImage
AKIKI-2 Trial aim is to define the optimal initiation time
@DrRonWald #KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImageImage
Also modality seems to show no difference in survival @DrRonWald #KidneyWk @ASNKidney ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
The most anticipated nephrology trial of the year has been published!
“Empagliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease” #Kidneywk…
EMPA-KIDNEY trial is a randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial designed to assess the effect of empagliflozin on progression of kidney disease & CV disease, & to examine safety profile of the drug in a wide range of pts. w/ CKD
The trial included patients without diabetes, patients with an eGFR of less than 30 ml per minute per 1.73 m2, and patients with low levels of proteinuria
Read 18 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
People are living in crisis from hunger 🚨 @USDA est that 30 mil in USA (includ 12 mil children) are experiencing food insecurity.
Many Americans are just a job loss, missed paycheck, or 🏥 medical emergency away from experiencing hunger.
#HCWvsHunger 🍎 #UrineItToWinIt 🍏
Food insecurity (FI) is lack of *consistent & socially acceptable* access to enough safe food for an active, healthy life. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated FI for so many.
#HCWvsHunger 🍎 #UrineItToWinIt 🍏
Why should FI matter to #NephTwitter? It’s a social determinant of health w/ *major* implications 👉 poorer overall levels of health, chronic med conditions, & lower levels of psychosocial/physical functioning.…
@mcstarr1 @RenalFellowNtwk
Read 14 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
/the information dilemma_

A 17-tweet summary of my academic contribution to the #KidneyWk 2021 meeting.
@ASNKidney: Thanks for selecting my work for presentation...I appreciate it.
My disclosures
I am a physician-programmer. I analyze #SoMe data, with a keen focus on Twitter. I primarily analyze tweets in #NephTwitter and #CardioTwitter, and I have analyzed tweets for Oncology and Endocrinology organizations as well.
We face an information dilemma we face in medical communities. The dilemma originates from customized search results. How can anything customized *to/for you* be a negative?
It's negative when ≥2 people are searching for the same thing (the truth) & getting different results.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
Polarization in #KidneyWk Educational Community by Avrum Gillespie @AvrumGillespie
The agenda #KidneyWk
Why we tweet. #KidneyWk
Read 15 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
Michelle Lim @whatsthegfr on Visual Abstracts. She runs the NSMC Graphical Communication Rotation. No one, even @AndrewMIbrahim himself (sorry), would be a better speaker for this talk. Great get by @ASNKidney #KidneyWk
History of the Visual Abstract #KidneyWk Check the QR code
What are Visual Abstracts and
What Visual Abstracts are not.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
Analogy: The humble coffee cup #KidneyWk

This is going to be good!

Busy clinical services, balance, sub-specialization, research demands, business getting complex. #KidneyWk
Getting to the goal! #KidneyWk
Read 18 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) has a role in:
👉 BP regulation
👉 Electrolyte Homeostasis

Overactivation of MR leads to:
👉 Inflammation and Fibrosis
👉 Sodium retention

#KidneyWk #Nephpearls #Cardiorenal ImageImage
Finerenone: potent and selective non-steroidal MR antagonist (MRA) that is distinct from steroidal MRAs

#KidneyWk #Nephpearls #Cardiorenal ImageImage
FIDELITY pre-specified pooled analysis
#KidneyWk #Nephpearls #Cardiorenal ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
High Impact Clinical Trials
TESTING Study: Steroids vs. Placebo in High Risk IgAN @VladoPerkovic

💥Conclusion: A 6-9 month course of oral methylprednisolone reduced risk of major kidney outcomes by 47% and kidney failure by 41%
#KidneyWk ImageImageImageImage
TESTING Study - Basline Characteristics Image
Effect on primary outcome based on full and reduced Steroid dose ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 19th 2021
Happening now at #RPA21:
The Challenges of Social Media Education: A data-driven specialty-specific introspection…

I'm live on the RPA platform and Twitter for your questions Image
My disclosures

I created Nephrology On-Demand in 2010

I launched @NODanalytics in 2015

I made @NODanalytics free for educational use in 2018

I created to mitigate the perils of customized search Image
Many specialties are gravitating to Twitter for education & learning.
Some are more advanced than others; it is very evident that #NephTwitter is far more advanced than other specialties: longer experience w/#SoMe education & more offerings. Image
Read 40 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
💥”Adverse Effects of SGLT2”
- amazing talk by @jardine_meg

#KidneyWk @ASNKidney

⚡️SGLT2i adverse events data from the major SGLT2i trials including the CV outcomes trials, Heart failure trials, CREDENCE trial and DAPA-CKD Trial Image
⚡️Overall the serious adverse events associated with SGLT2i use were lower than the adverse events seen with placebo use in most of the large SGLT2i trials👇🏽 Image
⚡️SGLT2i associated adverse events were similar across the eGFR spectrum meaning that low eGFR was not associated with higher risk of adverse events compared to high eGFR - as seen in the CREDENCE trial👇🏽 Image
Read 30 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
A summary of our oral abstract at #kidneywk. Prelim outcomes utilizing both Ellipsys and WavelinQ for #endoavf creations. Compiled and presented by Dr. Genena, one of our fellows. 1/x @ASDINNews #NephTwitter
Let’s be clear. This isn’t intended as a direct device comparison. This isn’t about if one device is “better.”

These are a compilation of my experiences, thoughts, opinions and limited to my hands only. Yours may be different. That’s ok. Probably preferred. Share and learn. 2/x
It is more of a comparison between the endo-anastomoses. I hypothesized outcomes would be discerned by the location of the anast, so that’s how they are divided and grouped.

Ellipsys: prox RA - perforating vein anast
WavelinQ Ulnar: UA - UV
WavelinQ Radial: prox RA - RV 3/x
Read 15 tweets
Oct 25th 2020
💥COVID-19 in Dialysis Patients
@ASNKidney #KidneyWk #COVID19

⚡️Limiting Spread of Infection in the HD unit by @KidneySW
Some key pearls 💎

⚡️The 1st patient to die due to COVID-19 in the United States was a Hemodialysis patient (died on 28th Feb, 2020)
⚡️How contagious is SARS-CoV-2 virus?
⚡️More contagious than Influenza but less contagious than Measles
⚡️Each SARS-CoV-2 positive person can infect 3 more people👇🏽
⚡️ESKD patients are 5x more likely to have COVID-19 than other Medicare beneficiaries

⚡️ESKD patients are 8x more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 than other Medicare beneficiaries👇🏽
Read 7 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
Continuing our #KidneyWk virtual e-poster tour! Check out this thread for some interesting research on #exercise, #PhysicalActivity, & #PhysicalFunction in CKD and ESKD!
A comparison of #frailty measures among individuals referred for #KidneyTransplant in Canada (PO1704). #KidneyWk @FilteredDoc @tennankore @CNTN_RCEN
A pilot RCT to embed technology-enabled group-based #Exercise programming in the clinic: The Exercise Is Medicine in Chronic Kidney Disease Trial (PO2057). #KidneyWk @felipelobelo @ahadbootwala @Shuchi_Anand @JasonCobbMD
Read 9 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Fluid overload is bad news for patients:
1. Causes AKI
2. Prevents organ and patient recovery
3. Increases mortality

Ill share some of the data masterfully presented by @criticalbeansmd today at #KidneyWk starting with the take home points, in case this is the only tweet you see
Fluid Overload is very common, is all over the place and it has several definitios.

Patients accumulate weight at least for the first 7 days if the ICU doesn’t have some sort of FLUID STEWARDSHIP program in place. Remember fluids are drugs #KidneyWk.
There is no single situation in which Fluid overload is beneficial for patients. On the contrary. It is bad in every situation, doesnt matter how we slice or present the data. Liberal fluid strategies are always worse #KidneyWk
Read 13 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
All nephrologists should be learning #POCUS now. It is safe, reproducible, cheap!!! Some uses are:
1. Rule out obstruction
2. Dx cause of hemodynamic inestability
3. To guide vascular access

@WBeaubien #KidneyWk
Beyon the basic applications in #AKI
1. Assessment of kidney perfussion
2. Detection of early AKI
3. Prediction ofpersistent AKI
4. Detect kidney congestion

2D US is ok, but using other modalities like doppler we can get more granular data on kidney hemodynamics.

However using only color doppler or power doppler is not good enough. #KidneyWk
Read 9 tweets

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