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Nov 24th 2022
Can #drinking excess amount of #water lead to death?

1. Water is life-saving and is essential for survival. However, ingestion of excess amounts of water, especially over a short period of time can lead to serious health hazards, including #death.
#MedTwitter #internalmedicine
2. How much water is needed on daily basis?

The normal daily requirement of water is 2.5 to 3 liters.
The requirement may be higher in summer months. Requirement also increases during #exercise (due to sweating), during fever, diarrhea or vomiting.
3. Why do some people drink excess amounts of water?

There is a misconception that drinking more water is good for #health.
Some people can drink more water due to #psychiatric illnesses.
#athletes can overestimate fluid loss and drink an excess amount of water.
Read 9 tweets
May 9th 2020
For all those who argue as nauseum about #lowcarb !! I'm a doctor and I'm not an idiot to tell people to stay off medicines and focus on inner immunity and health. All my life I struggled with a hypocaloric high carb diet. That's why I feel deeply about this whole topic. #health
I was a plump child and was always told to eat less and exercise more. I was always hungry. I grew up to a fat teen with a terrible body image. It drives me up the wall to see people unnecessarily arguing about the so called balanced diet. I tried all gimmicks : Alas
Thank God that I came across #IntermittentFasting and #lowcarb. It's never about #weight. It's about #Health. #weightloss and a #positiveattitude is the by product.
Thank you to all those who have been a part. I'm 3 years menopausal now. And pretty much fit for my age. #fit
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