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Aug 25th 2022
The big impact of a disease in little kids. Characteristics & Outcomes of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in the #PedsICU. Great work @kindly_kel @picudoc13 @DrKenRemy1 @RBC_PICU @MKleinBiostats @JanineZeeCheng @ColinRogerson5 @AlexRotta @caseymccluskey…
#MIS_C is a clinical syndrome of systemic inflammation that occurs 4–6 weeks after exposure to #SARSCoV2 affecting the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, and GI system. Review by @MontyMazer @yoncabulutmd @nina_brodsky @drsturge @RBC_PICU @DrKenRemy1…
In this paper, we used the @vps_llc to track trends in #MIS_C in 115 #pedsICU’s since the beginning of the pandemic, and compared outcomes over time (and by strain). Of the 145,580 children admitted to the PICU, 1,338 children (0.9%) were admitted with #MISC.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
#PedsICU conversations
Just out our paper in @PedCritCareMed led by the fabulous @AnnaZanin_MD 🇮🇹 on the Live Tweeting the Discovery of #COVID19 related Syndrome in Children (#PIMS #MISC)

Nuestro artículo sobre descubrimiento Sínd niños y @Twitter…
Doctors have discussed clinical cases since its inception, COnversations among peers and sharing is key for medicine knowledge advancements

Los médicos siempre conversaron entre ellos y así la medicina avanza

(Rembrandt) #historicmedtwitter… Image
These conversations abled naming of diseases, etc. Unfortunately, many of those inventions/discoveries remained in silos, and massive global dissemination was impossible in real time. Moreover, tracking the origins and giving merits was difficult.
Read 19 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
Another child in #Nebraska has been dx'd with MIS-C [Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome] a condition linked to exposure of #covid19

2 Nebraska children diagnosed with condition linked to virus…

#coronavirus #lexington #MIS_C can find out more information about MIS-C on the #CDC website…

#covid19 #coronavirus #lexington #MIS_C
And here are the signs & symptoms of what to look for. If you think your child has been exposed or could have been exposed to #covid19, & they become ill phone your doctor or take your child to the nearest ER or call 911.

#coronavirus #lexington #MIS_C Image
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