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The damage to Economy & the loss of National wealth under Modi is just mind boggling . #IndianEconomicCrisis
India's manufacturing sector, which constitutes 77.63 % of the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), grew 2% in October, according to data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) on Friday.…
🎅Ji is Robin hood in reverse, loots from poor people & gives to the select few Rich people
Banks write off Rs 2.02 lakh cr in FY21; Rs 10.7 lakh cr in last 7 years
#IndianEconomiccrisis #ModiMadeDisaster…
Read 60 tweets
1/ As dawn broke in London today, members of the diaspora and friends of India in the UK dropped a huge banner reading #ResignModi from Westminster Bridge. #indiaIndependenceday #IndependenceDayIndia #IndependenceDay2021
2/ Earlier they held a candlelit vigil at the Indian High Commission to remember all those killed under the Modi regime #ResignModi #IndependenceDay #IndependenceDayIndia2021
3/ They have released a statement explaining the reasons for the action ( thread) #ResignModi #indiaIndependenceday #IndependenceDay2021
Read 8 tweets
#Caution 🤔😟
I was shocked to read the news that the #Sensex is again beyond 50,000. When, the whole world is in danger, so the economies of countries are collapsing, the #economic cycle is slow, the productivity of Co.,
is negatively affected. In such a negative environment, it is beyond understanding why the 'Sensex' kite is flying high in the sky❓Or are some Harshad Mehta and Ketan Parekh-like #Tadipaar giving it air❓
#OrgyOfDeath by #pandemic in #India has no effect on the #SENSEX

यह खबर पढ़कर चौंक गया कि #सेंसेक्स फिर से 50,000 के पार! जब पूरी दुनिया खतरे में है, सभी देशों की अर्थव्यवस्था चरमरा रही है, आर्थिक चक्र धीमा है,कंपनियों की उत्पादकता नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित है।इस नकारात्मक माहौल में भारतीय सेंसेक्स की पतंग आसमान में ऊंची क्यों उड़ रही है❓
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Milind Kotwal writes
केंद्र सरकार ने राज्यांना ऑक्सिजन प्लँट लावण्यासाठी PM cares फंड मधून पैसे दिले अशा अर्थाच्या पोस्ट आणि मेसेजेस फिरायला लागले आहेत, त्या पाहिल्यावर त्याची शहानिशा करण्यासाठी थोडा रिसर्च केला.

वस्तुस्थिती अशी आहे:
पंतप्रधान कार्यालयाने ५ जाने. ला जाहीर केले की PMCares Fund मधून १६२ऑक्सिजनचे प्लँट निरनिराळ्या राज्यांच्या हॉस्पिटलमध्ये बसविण्यात येतील. हे प्लँट विकत घेऊन बसविण्याचे काम केंद्रीय आरोग्य मंत्रालयाच्या अखत्यारीतील Central Medical Supply Stores तर्फे होते आहे
त्याचा राज्य सरकारशी फारसा संबंध नाही. आत्तापर्यंत १६२ पैकी फक्त ६०प्लँट कुठे बसवायचे हे नक्की झाले आहे इतर अजून ठरलेले नाही. या ६०पैकी फक्त ११चे काम पूर्ण केलेले आहे

Read 4 tweets
Bhakts are in an abusive relationship with Modiji. Political parties are public servants. These public servants have just built the world’s tallest statue who by the way banned their political daddy; on a crumbling nation.
#ModiHataoDeshBachao #ModiMadeDisaster
You’ll seem to be so blissfully blinded by Modi’s glare. The nation is being torn to pieces, your temple is being built and yet you all are running towards destroying a mosque for new temple now. When will your thirst for blood quench? #ModiAbandonedIndia #ModiHataoDeshBachao
Farmer’s are protesting because your PR man has generously filled Ambani’s and Adani’s pockets. These billionaires don’t care about you, bhakts, worship them as much as you like, THEY WILL NOT BAT AN EYELID IF YOU WILL NEED OXYGEN TOMORROW. #ModiAbandonedIndia #ModiHataoDeshBacha
Read 6 tweets
"जब चुना है उसे क़त्ल-ए-आम का हुनर देखकर,तो मायूस क्यों हो लाशों का शहर देखकर"
व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुपों में भाजपा के समर्थक, ध्यान रखिये भाजपा के समर्थक लिखा है जनता के समर्थक नहीं तुरंत से लिख रहे हैं नेगेटिव न्यूज न डालो,मृत्यु के आंकड़े न बताओ,ऑक्सीजन की कमी के आंकड़े न बताओ...
तड़प तड़प के मरीज मर रहे हैं ये न बताओ,
केवल और केवल पॉजिटिव न्यूज डालो,
असल में इसके पीछे उनका मनोविज्ञान है कि जनता मरे तो मरे लेकिन ये न्यूज दबनी चाहिए,
मोदी की इमेज मैनेजमेंट पर कोई खरोंच नहीं आनी चाहिए उन्हें जनता के परिवार के सदस्यों को खोने की कतई चिंता नहीं है...!
इन्हें भाजपा के वोट खोने की चिंता है,
उन्हें चिंता है कि न्यूट्रल लोग जो प्रोग्रसिव लोग मीडिया द्वारा झूठ मूठ की गढ़ी गयी मोदी की विकास वाली इमेज से प्रभावित होकर भाजपा को वोट डालते थे कहीं वो छिटक न जाएं ये मोदी का मिसमेंजमेंट देखकर.
युद्धस्तर पर पूरी की पूरी ताकत जनता की...
Read 7 tweets
Thread: 1/5
People say if not @narendramodi then who? Do they then think that #Modi is immortal?

Folks, he is going to hang one day for his uncounted crimes, sooner or later and then some one will replace him.
2/5 So don't fuck around with that question, if not modi then who? Perhaps the person should look into the mirror and then ask himself/herself, will he/she not make a better PM than a person whose 'entire' life is shrouded in mystery,
3/5 who sold tea at a station that did not exist, did studies from schools and colleges where there are no classmates and abandoned his wife after marriage. Not only that, today he stays alone in a 10 acre prime property in Delhi,
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Thread: 1/3

8 Crore business establishments went on a one day strike against #GST

1 Million #BankEmployee went on a two day #BankStrike against privatization of public sector banks.
12 Lakh #FarmersProtests are sitting at 3 entry points of Delhi since last 110+ days & #300DeathsAtProtest have lost their lives during this protest.

One mass murderer @narendramodi refuses to listen. He campaigns in #Bengal in the name of democracy
while quelling all dissent anywhere in the country. He wants to win #BengalElection2021 at any cost, even if it means fomenting trouble, riots, hate and bigotry.

And when he loses Bengal (which I believe he will), @JPNadda will take the blame....
Read 3 tweets
#FreedomHouse और #V_Dem की रिर्पोटों ने मोदी सरकार की लोकतंत्र विरोधी करतूतों को देश दुनिया में उजागर कर दीया है।

#वी_डेम की डेमॉक्रेसी रिपोर्ट लोकतंत्र को 5 पैमानों पर मापती है।
*चुनावी प्रक्रिया कैसी है।
*देश में उदारता कितनी है।
*लोकतंत्र में लोगों की भागीदारी कितनी है।
*विचार-विमर्श का माहौल कैसा है।
*सरकार का रुख़ सबके प्रति समान है या नहीं।
ये रिपोर्ट लोकतंत्र को उसकी पूरी व्यावहारिक जटिलता के साथ देखती है ,केवल चुनाव होने को लोकतंत्र नहीं माना जा सकता, देश लोकतांत्रिक तरीके से चल रहा है या नहीं, यह देखा जाता है।
और #फ्रीडम_हाउस रिपोर्ट इस धारणा से संचालित होती है कि सभी लोगों के लिए स्वतंत्रता उदार लोकतांत्रिक समाजों में सबसे अच्छी तरह से हासिल की जाती है, और यह आकलन करती है कि सरकार के दावों की तुलना में रोज़मर्रा की ज़िंदगी में लोग लोकतांत्रिक अधिकारों का कितना इस्तेमाल कर पाते है।
Read 4 tweets
बीमा क्षेत्र में FDI की सीमा 49% से बढ़ाकर 74% करके मोदी सरकार ने इसे 'निवेश प्रोत्साहन' कहते हुए, बीमा क्षेत्र में निवेश करने वाली विदेशी कं के प्रबंधन,स्वामित्व और नियंत्रण पर प्रतिबंध हटा देगी। मतलब,30-40 सालों से बीमाक्षेत्र पर कब्जा करने की कोशिश करनेवाली विदेशी कं अब,
कानूनन भारत में कमाया हुआ मुनाफा विदेश लेकर जायेगी।
1956 में अपने राष्ट्रीयकरण के बाद से,#LIC ने सरकार से कभी कोई पैसा नहीं मांगा।
इसके विपरीत, सड़क, बिजली, सिंचाई, रेलवे और पंचवार्षिक योजना जैसे सार्वजनिक कार्यों में आज तक ₹ 29 लाख 84 हजार करोड़ का निवेश किया है। विदेशी कं
सार्वजनिक हित में कम लाभ वाली विकास परियोजनाओं में #LIC की तरह में भरपूर निवेश नहीं करेंगी।
विदेशी पूंजी के हावी होने पर 'जनता का पैसा, जनता के कल्याण के लिए' की मूल संकल्पना ही नही बचेगी। सिर्फ शेयरधारकों के मुनाफे को प्राथमिकता मिलेगी,आम जनता की बचत असुरक्षित होगी।
Read 4 tweets

On Sept 20th, the Indian government essentially signed the death warrant for millions of farmers.

Recently, they passed 3 "market-friendly" bills that put the livelihood of these farmers in jeopardy.
Before I start going off, I should warn ya'll that I mention SA and bring up some stats in regards to people dying by suicide.

Also, apologies if the thoughts/tweets are weirdly ordered. My mind won't stop racing 🤷🏾‍♀️
Seeing as 40% of the Indian pop is in farming, that's 552,001,754 lives that will now be affected by these three bills.

What are these bills trying to do? I'm glad you asked :)

Long story short, they're removing the minimum wage.
Read 68 tweets
దూలెక్కి బిజెపికి వేసిన ఒక్క ఓటు ఏమి చేసిందో చూడండి.
1. ఆర్ధిక వ్యవస్థను నాశనం చేసింది.
2. నిరుద్యోగం పెంచింది,
3. ఆకలి చావులను పెంచింది,
4. నోట్లు రద్దు చేసింది,
5. జియస్టి తో చిన్న వ్యాపారాలు పతనం చేసింది,
6. ప్రభుత్వ పధకాలు లేకుండా చేసింది,
7. ఆర్ధిక నేరస్తుల పత్రాలు మాయం చేసింది,
8. కార్పోరేట్ శక్తులకు ఊడిగం చేస్తుంది,
9. ఏయిర్ ఇండియా అమ్మకం,
10. యల్ ఐ సి అమ్మకం,
11. రైల్వే స్టేషన్లు అమ్మకం,
12. భారత్ పెట్రోలియం అమ్మకం,
13. షిప్పింగ్ కార్పోరేషన్ అమ్మకం,
14. కంటెయినర్ అమ్మకం,
15. బియస్ యన్ ఎల్ అమ్మకం,
16. విదేశీ పెట్టుబడులు తీసుకురావడం విఫలం,
17. విదేశాంగ విధానం విఫలం,
18. కరోనా కట్టడి విఫలం,
19. మనువాద మతోన్మాద దాడులు పెరిగాయి,
20. కార్మిక హక్కులు కాలరాయబడ్డాయి,
21. యూనివర్సిటీలు అమ్మకం,
22. పర్యావరణ పరిరక్షణ విఫలం,
Read 6 tweets
Claiming that our economy sank because of an Act of God, is to cover up the Acts of Fraud over past 6 yrs like #DeMoDisaster #GabbarSinghTax spiralling bank frauds & other Modi masterstrokes to push India into a slowdown by 2017

It's #ModiMadeEconomicCrisis
Tax collected in first 6 mths 2019-20 was lowest since 2014-15 & just 37% of full-year target

#ModiMadeDisaster squeezed India to death with taxes, & killed the goose that laid golden eggs

Much before Covid!

India’s fiscal deficit touched 93% of budget estimate in just 6 mths of FY19-20

The gap between expenditure & revenue was Rs 6,51,554 Cr(Rs 6.52 Trillion) by Sep2019

Modi gave us👉Rs 6 Trillion deficit last year

Before Covid!

Read 5 tweets
THREAD - Was just going through the list of the #PMDoesNotCare fund and it seems like a "White Collar" version of bribery/favorings towards certain companies and agencies. Not a hater, but where is this going?
What's the usage of the funds if it is only being collected not used?
So here are a few of the largest donors towards the fund via @moneycontrolcom

The nation wants to know!! (is this trademarked @ArnabGoswamiRTv @republic ?)…

#PMCaresFund #PMOfIndia #ModiMadeDisaster
What's shocking is that the @PMOIndia has violated and breached a bunch of sections towards the #RTI act with regard to disclosing the donors, beneficiaries, decisions made and how they were made of the so called CARES fund.

#ModiGovtFailsIndia… ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
1 / THREAD WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. The following is an extremely political and possibly politically incorrect piece. I've never really expressed my political views. However, this time, it's a matter of life and death and I think this is of critical importance.
2 / If you do land up reading the whole thing and still do not get my point - please do not post your nasty comments here. I don't have the time, energy, mind-space or willingness to engage in a debate with you. Just unfollow. Here Goes
3 / A crises involving life and death, is the best time to judge a person’s intention. For it is at this time that our true nature is revealed.
Read 70 tweets
Why is the existing not used & a personal brand named fund PM-CARES being used?
Sec 46 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, statutorily mandates the creation of the “National Disaster Response Fund”
Has this been operationalised?
There is also a PM National Relief Fund. Why do we need a new “PM-CARES” fund? To get a catchy abbreviation? 🤐😳🙈
Let's dig in:

PMNRF has receipt generation, in existance for ages.

PM-CARES attempts at profiting out of disaster.
READ to understand:
A study by "Cashless Consumer" reveals AACTP4637 Q is the PAN of PMNRF.
PMNRF also allows people to download receipts.
It didn't give a PAN for claiming 100% 80G exemption.
Remember, if there is no PAN, u can't claim IT exemption.
Read 9 tweets
The Citizenship Amendment Bill and NRC Will Together Destroy Our Country

Muslims will bear the brunt, of course, but India’s vast Hindu population will also suffer collateral damage. And all our rights as citizens will have been forever eroded.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill to grant citizenship to non-Muslim illegal immigrants will be the top electoral issue in 2021 West Bengal and Assam assembly elections. The BJP is hoping to wrest power in West Bengal and a second term in Assam.
The CAB legally just opens a window for acceptance of a group of illegal immigrants as India citizens on the basis of their claim that they fled their parent countries - Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan due to religious persecution.
Read 20 tweets
These 2 brilliant Tweets reveal how V as a Nation are being taken 4 a ride.The whole world realizes that the megalomaniac craves awards & will compromise National Interests 4 some fancy titles.How he earned these ? #Demonetization #Pulwama #Sensex #RBILoot #economy
The 2nd pic from @free_thinker tells us how people realised Indian naivete as a huge potential market for Right Wing idiocy. And people are making money. The same way, trade pacts are signed by sweet award deals. Here's the list. Think how worthy are they versus our Nation's good
No jury!
Read 10 tweets

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