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Mar 27th 2018
1) Today Whistle-blower #ChristopherWylie appeared in front of #British #MPs.

Did he inadvertently connect the dots on the very strange and developing relationship between the #democrat party and #MuslimBrotherhood?

#QanonPosts #Q #QAnon @POTUS #TheStorm #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp
2) Wylie was testifying about his work for #CambridgeAnalytica and while testifying, he revealed his predecessor was found dead in a hotel room... in #Kenya. Why does that matter?

#Africa #QAnon @POTUS #DrainTheDeepState #CORRUPTION #MurdochMysteries…
3) Recall recent #Q post regarding #Kenya.

His predecessor Dan Mursean died mysteriously in Kenyan hotel room in 2012 working for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election campaign.

Look at #QanonPosts below.

MB = #MuslimBrotherhood.

Something's swirling.

#MAGA #Weird #QAnon
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