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Mar 14th 2023
Wake up and face the facts. The majority of people lack self-worth, and it's holding them back in every aspect of their lives. They make excuses and allow fear to control their actions. But what if I told you that by exercising regularly, you could build self-worth?
Exercise isn't just about physical fitness. It's about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, setting goals, and achieving them. When you start exercising, you'll notice a shift in your mindset. You'll gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.
The benefits of exercise for self-worth are scientifically proven. Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and increase self-esteem. So why are you still hesitating?
Read 5 tweets
Jun 20th 2022
The Seclusion Report: Mechanical Restraint

Mechanical restraint is the use of straps to tie people to hospital beds or other furniture. It's a violent practice and a serious breach of human rights.

Mechanical restraint has no place in #Mental Health services.

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Here are the best and worst adult #MentalHealth services for mechanical restraint.

The best (lowest) use is in: Warrnambool, Ballarat & Mildura

The worst (highest) use is in: Austin, Maroondah and Box Hill

#EndSeclusion #EndRestraint

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Here are the best and worst older adult (over 65 years) mental health units for mechanical restraint:

Best (lowest): 7 hospitals reported zero mechanical restraint in the past 4y. If this is accurate, it's great news.

Worst (highest use): Bendigo, Latrobe & Normanby House.

3/5 Repeats text in tweet. Best...
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Mar 13th 2021
With all due respect, why hasn't #Congress ensured that #DonaldTrump can never again hold elected office in the United States? This is something @TheDemocrats *MUST* ensure #ASAP, @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @RepAdamSchiff @tedlieu @SenWarren @SenSanders.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
Please remember, as corrupt Covid contracts hit the headlines again, that it the BBC didn't mention the issue for *a full 5 months* after the Good Law Project and others exposed it. Except on a few rare occasions, it has marginalised the story ever since.
This is arguably the biggest corruption scandal of modern times. Yet the BBC has flunked repeated opportunities to give it the attention it deserves.
Sometimes I feel our national broadcaster does more to suppress the news than to reveal it.
Those of us with much smaller resources than the BBC has at its disposal - openDemocracy, the Guardian, Byline Times - were able to give this issue the coverage it deserved. So it's not a question of capacity. It's a question of will.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
Docs you all write brilliant articles, but unless they're affected people don't read them.

PLEASE watch this 2 min video, this is URGENT! There are articles attached to prove this is critical. This can affect every #American. People are needlessly dying, We need your #Help
Almost 6 decades ago the UN addressed the under-treatment of pain, despite narcotic pain relief many people around the world suffer needlessly. In 1961 we recognized the undertreatment of #pain is a #HumanRights abuse. #RNC & #DNC are you listening?…
The #DEA is arguably waging a war against the weakest members of society These are #HumanRights abuses! #Trump Administration you think #KidsInCages was bad!

Plz, use the link in the article to let the DEA know what you think about more cuts to supplies…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 29th 2019
Extra sauce for your liberal friends.
This is your government of
(“hand picked” “esquires”)...
Who then founded, funded, developed and weaponized (via DARPA & IARPA) the media against American citizens; Whom they lulled to sleep, and robbed blind.…
For centuries...
“progressive” elites have sought “alternate means” to enslave and control you.
This is but one example, of how they’ve attempted to weed out “undesirables” or “cull the herd”.…
Read 21 tweets
Jun 13th 2019
Great news at the #saaids2019 conference in Durban! The #ECHO trial shows #NoLink between contraceptive method and HIV….
The #ECHO trial was needed due to concerns from observational studies that progestogen-only injectable contraception (e.g., DMPA) could be linked to HIV acquisition in women. This concern has at long last been put to rest:…
There are now #NoExcuses -- we must accelerate efforts to integrate #SRH/HIV responses and support women to make the choice of contraception that is best for their circumstances
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