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Jan 16th 2020
Hey corporate Democrats stop asking us to unify with you while you are actively harming us and our families. You are either condoning or participating in racism, violence against minorities, imperialism, environmental destruction, killing through pollution, environmental racism
Extinction of species, child labor, withholding life sustaining medical care, educational racism, profiting from human slavery via private prison industry, failing to provide basic services such as clean water, committing gross human rights violations
You enable a system that poisons our children, tips families apart, tells black and brown Americans that they have no value, and throws their children away like trash. You are guilty. You are evil.I
Read 4 tweets
Sep 27th 2019
Feeling nostalgic lately about all the coverage the #Bernie2020 campaign has received from the MSM this year. Their integrity and in depth reporting has been inspirational to watch as the year has unfolded🙃

Join me as I reflect on some of the greatest #BernieSlanders of 2019 📸
No better place to start than with the reputable Washington Post and their #1 fact checker Glenn Kessler slamming Bernie for his claim that 3 families own more than the bottom 1/2 of the US combined. To be fair, he spoke for the WRONG 1/2, as THEY are "not especially meaningful"
Luckily, Glen's supporters were there to back him up 🤣
Thanks Gary, Glen, and the Washington Post for staying strong in your support for Team #BernieSlanders

You have revealed a lot of truths this past year, in your own unique way...
Read 33 tweets
Jan 31st 2019
This is an interview with Michelle Alexander from April 2016. I re-watched it last week and I am surprised that more people don't know about it and that it still only has 59,000 views as of January 2019. In this interview, Michelle Alexander endorses the "political revolution."
It's a great interview and here's the clip if you want to watch the whole thing, but I will provide a transcript of the first three minutes to give you a sense of what she says to @chrislhayes. #BernieSanders #Bernie2020 #OurRevolution @OurRevolution
Michelle Alexander, by the way, is the author of The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, and I highly recommend the book, too, as it provides a tremendous insight into the racial injustice inherent in the U.S. mass incarceration era. @thenewjimcrow
Read 12 tweets
Mar 24th 2018
Since this article doesn't seem to have any interactive element to it, I'm going to hold a series of polls to determine the winner: #DemBracket #DemPrimary2020 #2020Polls #MarchMadness #BracketOfRandomThings #Bracketology #FITN @TheDemocrats
First matchup in the #Lefties portion of the bracket! Of these 2, which would you rather support in the 2020 Democratic primaries for president?
1. @SenSanders i.e. @BernieSanders #Sanders2020
2. @ninaturner #Turner2020
#TwitterPoll #FeelTheBern #OurRevolution
(Oops, I forgot to include the seeds; Bernie is 1st seed and Nina is 8th seed. The '1' and '2' by their names aren't seeds, but rather correspond to the poll options. I'll fix this in the rest of them, seeing as someone's already voted in this one.)
Read 33 tweets
Jan 18th 2018
Lots of news from the @OurRevolution call!!! This will be a pretty lengthy thread.

@jjz1600 was on the call & said that state parties are the most opaque. One of the proposals made to the DNC is a recruiting process for running & becoming involved in the political party. 1/
May 8th & 9th is when the DNC will be voting on the proposed amendments to the Rules and Bylaws. Our Rev. will be mailing out information to us on how to get our state party chairs to the DNC for this so we can make sure it passes. 2/
Perhaps my fav. part of the call - a guy named Daniel who worked on @WoodfinForBham's campaign told us some encouraging stats from his time on it. They made 40,000 calls to ppl, knocked on 10,000 doors. 11,500 of these ppl NEVER voted for a mayoral vote before. Spending more 3/
Read 7 tweets

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