#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
IMPERIAL ROME has sent the PRAETORIAN GUARDS of its province to arrest Him.
He wasn’t even allowed to have his LAST SUPPER with his disciples .

Ecuadorian JUDAH, Lenin Moreno, sold Him for 10 billion pieces of paper offered by the money changers. Not even Silver. He is that stupid and vile.
He had no disciples, no Apostles around him when He was arrested.

He has spent 7 years in confinement, in the DESERT.
His only companion was a cat he rescued from the Imperial dumpsters . He had time to meditate on human condition and maybe talk to God.
THE PRAETORIAN GUARDS dragged him : a frail man with a long beard.

And he still looked like a little ray of light between the forces of darkness.
I looked at their faces: they looked embraced.
He seemed so small, so fragile . And he looked so colossal at the same time.

PONTIUS PILATE already played his role:
” I know nothing about Wikileaks. It’s not my thing” said the Donald, WASHING HIS HANDS.
They already found him guilty:
He exposed the truth about THE PHARISEES, their modus operandi.
He tried to teach us:
-greatness is measured in humility-like he did
-violence isn’t the answer-the ImperialRome didn’t like this at all
-choose our words carefully,they are+powerful than swords-like he did
-EarthlyRiches don’t compensate for LackOfSpirituality

nobody can serve two masters, you have to choose either money or God. He did.
-he showed us the Pharisees' hypocrisy-and they can’t forget or forgive this
These are his sins .

He will be brought in front of the SANHEDRIN WHERE THE PHARISEES will judge Him.
We won’t be allowed to witness this.
“How did you dare show the truth about us? “,“Who do you think you are?" ”How did you dare overthrow the tables of the money changers?”

Their sycophants will torture Him .
He knows their ways, He exposed them to us.
This time the torture will be more refined, they've improved their ways over the years: psychological torture.
But who knows?

They’ll try to break His spirit.
“He is our property now” the Pharisees’ servants rejoiced.
At least one country is not going to allow it.
Russia to bring up Assange’s arrest within international organizations

The #Venezuelan government of President Nicolas #Maduro rejected the decision to withdraw asylum for Australian journalist Julian #Assange, founder of #WikiLeaks, as well as his subsequent arrest at the #Ecuadorean Embassy in the UK.
Thank you President Maduro @NicolasMaduro. Naturally US/UK prefer the crooked bribable @Lenin to an honest leader
#ProtectJulian #AssangeArrested If you're in UK and you value a Free Press, Human Right, and International Law - then consider coming to this event on SUNDAY. Support a Free Press, support justice, support those who publish the truth...
@wikileaks @DefendAssange

WAR ON WIKILEAKS. Julian Assange Targeted By “Extensive Spying Operation” Inside Ecuadorian Embassy🤨👇🏼
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange

Assange Ecuadorian Extradition Noose Tightens with INA Papers as Latest Slipknot 🤨👇🏼
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
The Economist running a piece praising @Lenin the very day he hands #Assange over to🇬🇧
Like a GoodDog,LeninTheTraitor gets a pat on the head.Oh & $4bn dollar IMF loan too
Shameless & blatant.They are rubbing their corruption in our faces.
We are deriving from a world of AUTHORITY FOR DITATORIAL, a shame of #AssangeLibertad That this outrage happened in the heart of London, in the land of the Magna Carta, should shame and irritate all those who fear for "democratic" societies,
April 11
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Ecuador Assembly in UK #Offline
Website: reinounido.embajada.gob.ec
Expect cyber attacks from all #Anonymous of the world.
We are Legion.

April 11
Ecuador Assembly in UK #Offline
Ministerio del Interior Ecuador #Offline
Ecuador Government #Offline
Website: gob.ec #Down
Website: reinounido.embajada.gob.ec #Down
Website: ministeriointerior.gob.ec #Down

April 11
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Ecuador Assembly in UK still #Offline
Database = #Error
More attacks are coming. We will destroy this website for first then we will move in others.
Website: reinounido.embajada.gob.ec

April 11
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
The Ecuador Assembly in UK still #Down 8+ hours.
We will harm your server.
We will destroy your system.
And then we will move to the next target.
Site: reinounido.embajada.gob.ec
April 11
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Ecuador Assembly in UK = #Burned
" No puedo ejecutar wp_config_centralizacion "

11 de abr
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Central Bank of Ecuador is #Offline
Website: bce.fin.ec

11 de abr
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
Primer ataque cibernético a Ecuador tras la detención de Julian Assange
We are Legion,

April 11
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS
At this time the Central bank of🇪🇨, Ministry of Interior, 🇪🇨Assembly in🇬🇧& the Government of 🇪🇨still #Offline for 12+hours.
If their sites comes up we will fire again to #burn their servers.

#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS #Ecuador #UK #US
Massive attacks against Ecuador Cyber space!
30+ Government websites taken #offline with 1 attack.
List: hastebin.com/yavudususu.rb

Thanks for giving as more targets. we will attack then again. yesterday it was massive attack. we bringed down 30 gov sites
#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS #Ecuador #UK #US
According to a most recent report from Kaspersky, Ecuador is already ranked 25th most attacked in the world. From 56 to 25 in less than 5 hours.
We are Legion.

#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS #Ecuador #UK #US
Top .edu from Ecuador #Hacked
High sensivite data available online. Including 728 Identification id card numers.
Full Leak: ghostbin.com/paste/wx8rh
We are Legion.

Former MI5 Agent @AnnieMachon on #Assange’s arrest: 🇪🇨"should be absolutely condemned for rescinding political asylum.This isn't something that's given lightly;this is given due weight under international law" #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange
In 2017 🇸🇪's prosecutor #MarianneNy confirmed that she had already destroyed the #Assange investigation file.Why'd she do that?Because it revealed she'd never had a case,but corruptly continued anyway to save face. SW's text dated 18 Aug 2010 proved she was awake

April 11
Way to tell it like it is, @LeeCamp!
#FreeAssange #NoExtradition #Unity4J
April 11
Group @Unity4J Slams Ecuadorian Gov't for Allowing WikiLeaks Founder Arrest Group Unity4J Slams Ecuadorian Gov't for Allowing WikiLeaks Founder Arrest: sputniknews.com/europe/2019041… #FreeJulian #ProtectJulian #Unity4J
Ecuadorian President’s Motives for Surrendering Assange: Vengeance & IMF Loan? therealnews.com/stories/ecuado…
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange #Unity4J

April 11
@Twitter @Jack @TwitterSupport
@Unity4J and @Unity4G are still shadowbanned and have been for the whole day!
Please lift the #Shaddowban for @Unity4J and @Unity4G NOW!

#dsa #demsocialists #greenparty #OurRevolution #justiceDemocrats #Unity4J
INA Papers: La trama de corrupción por la que Lenín Moreno retiró asilo a Assange elciudadano.cl/latino-america…
April 12
⏳#Unity4J NEWS⌛️
OFFICIAL STATEMENT by 150 Delegates of 38 countries of the 5 continents strongly condemn Ecuador's attempts at expelling #JulianAssange
Unofficial Translation: twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqrupt…

#Assange does not leave behind the physical & psychological sequelae of his confinement at the embassy. The harms follow him;they are irreparable. The inhumanity of his treatment & the flagrant denials of his universal rights by Ecuador & the UK are unconscionable.
April 11
.@LeeCamp passionately addresses the crowd gathered outside of the British Embassy in #Washington DC, calling to #FreeJulian:” #FreeAssange
April 11
“The arrest of Julian #Assange by a Metropolitan Police snatch squad is a political crime for which the Conservative government of Theresa May and the Ecuadorian government of Lenin Moreno are politically responsible.”

April 11
Julian Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, says his arrest today is “a free speech issue” because it “is all about the ways in which journalists can communicate with their sources”
#newsnight | @suigenerisjen
April 11
Bernie has been tweeting consistently all day and hasn’t mentioned Assange 1 time. Tulsi went on CNN and schooled Jake Tapper and came to twitter to let us know exactly where we stand.
The ppl will remembered who played politics and who took a stand today.
'Julian #Assange invented a new way to publish leaked documents, and it scared the hell out of the ruling elite' on.rt.com/9s2v
April 11
Time to stand up for free speech. Outrage as a most important groundbreaking journalist is dragged out of his refuge for breaching bail...! #freespeech #wikileaks. And they call it democracy..

The purpose of arresting #Assange is to send a message to the people,especially journalists,to be quiet & don’t get out of line.If we,the people,allow the government to control us through fear,we are no longer free,we are no longer America
#JulianAssange is a publisher for truth. He’s done great work on behalf of mankind despite his inhumane treatment. This case is crucial to the survival of our right to know and our essential freedom against #USA and #UK oppression -- and now tyranny!
“Assange has published stories someone at the New York Times would have won a Pulitzer for.” — Tucker Carlson 🔥
#FreeAssange RALLY CHANT:
"Telling the truth is NOT a crime..
Free Julian Assange!"
There is only ONE decision..
NO Extradition!"
They dragged Assange out of an Embassy using nothingburger charges of encouraging a source.They blatantly mislead the public using character assasination & bogus charges that were dismissed.This is horrific!No journalist with the guts to publish the truth is safe
This is what Julian Assange and Wikileaks are 'guilty' of, exposing the murderous outcome of the US military assault on Iraq. States don't have the right to kill willy-nilly. Whistle blowers do us all a service theguardian.com/world/2010/apr…
⏳ #Unity4J ACTION ⌛️
#FreeAssange #UKPolitics
Contact your UK MP:
Ask them to provide #safepassage
#AbideByUN Decision #NoExtradition to the US
You can locate your UK MP contact details & use the template letter here: defend.wikileaks.org/2019/01/11/wri…

Oh look who's shadowbanned!!
I must have tweeted too many of these two hashtags today:
What you say censors @TwitterSupport and @jack
This is getting really old. LIFT THE BAN!!

⏳#Unity4J ACTION⌛️
Contact your🇺🇸Representative:Ask them to Disband the #WikiLeaks Grand Jury
#FreeChelsea #FreeAssange #ProtectJulian
You can contact your🇺🇸representative here: democracy.io/#!/

April 11
"Day of mourning for humanity!!!" @OrlandoPerezEC #JulianAssange #FreeSpeech
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange #Unity4J
#UnitedKingdom | A surveillance operation against #Assange in #Ecuador embassy in #London was uncovered by @wikileaks, the whistleblower group said & added that documents gathered during the operation were offered for sale.
bit.ly/2UGx6cI #Unity4J
Shame on you @Lenin
May the🇪🇨people seek vengeance UponYou,you dirty,deceitful,RottenTraitor!
May the face of my SufferingSon haunt your SleeplessNights
& may your soul writhe forever in TorturousPurgatory as you HaveTortured my BelovedSon!
April 11
LIVE | #CarlosPoveda #JulianAssange's lawyer gives a press conference: "We will present precautionary measures against the Ecuadorean and the American government."

April 11
LIVE | #CarlosPoveda #JulianAssange's lawyer gives a press conference: " #JulianAssange is not a #hacker, he is a journalist like you. These are the consequences of publishing real information."

April 11
LIVE | #CarlosPoveda #JulianAssange's lawyer gives a press conference: "We are not aware of the final resolution pertaining to the #asylum in order to execute an action. The🇬🇧police entered before the embassy opened its doors and #Assange was taken."

April 11
#JulianAssange the founder of #Wikileaks was arrested at the Ecuadorean Embassy in #London. #FreeAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
April 11
#FreeAssange | The #US says #Assange faces maximum five years in jail for '#computerhacking conspiracy'. #AssangeLibertad
April 11
#FreeAssange | Legal experts, human rights activists and several governments decried the arrest of co-founder of #WikiLeaks #JulianAssange in #London at the embassy of #Ecuador
#ProtectAssange @wikileaks @DefendAssange
April 11
#FreeAssange | #JulianAssange gives a press conference at Westminster magistrates court.
Follow us LIVE on the following link:

April 11
People have gathered outside the Westminster magistrate court in support of #JulianAssange. They're chanting: "#US, #UK #HandsOffAssange !!!"
Follow us LIVE on the following link: bit.ly/2Z58n1a

April 11
LIVE | # WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson &🇬🇧lawyer for Assange Jennifer Robinson give a press conference:"The🇬🇧government has to make full assurance that a journalist will never be extradited to the🇺🇸.This is journalism. It's called consipiracy."

April 11
LIVE | # WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson & UK lawyer for Assange Jennifer Robinson give a press conference at Westminster magistrates court: "He wants to thank all of his supporters and he said I told you so". #FreeASSANGENow

April 11
#CarlosOveda, #Assange's lawyer in #Ecuador, rejected the actions taken by the Ecuadorean government.
April 11
#FreeAssange |“The surrender of #Assange, dragged by the🇬🇧police after entering our diplomatic mission to remove it, is a #nationalshame & a #historicalerror that will leave a deep mark on🇪🇨for a long time,” #GuillaumeLong said.
April 11
Former Foreign Minister @RicardoPatinoEC together with the @CitizensRev rejected the decision taken by the Ecuadorean government @telesurenglish
April 11
"We urge everybody to support #JulianAssange in fighting his extradition. #FreeAssange
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange #Unity4J
April 11
We strongly condemn the detention of #Assange & the violation of freedom of speech.Our solidarity is with this brother who is persecuted by the🇺🇸Gov.for bringing to light its human rights violations, murders of civilians & diplomatic espionage #FreeJulian

April 11
Assange's cat has been an important emotional support for him during his long confinement in London. bit.ly/2KqXAel
April 11
The extradition of Julian Assange to the US for exposing evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan should be opposed by the British government.
#JulianAssange’s lawyer in #Ecuador, #CarlosPoveda said that he was not notified of his client's asylum termination and that his arrest was due to a #UnitedStates #extradition request.
A foreign ministry spokesperson said: "The hand of "democracy" squeezes the throat of freedom." bit.ly/2Uw3tvm
Ecuadorean citizens are gathering outside the Ecuador’s Foreign Ministry in rejection of Moreno’s desition to expel Julian Assange’s from the Ecuadorean embassy in London @telesurenglish
April 12
Ecuador's former foreign minister comments of the government's decision to hand over Julian Assange.
#FromTheSouth | Ecuador's Foreign Minister Jose Valencia has appeared in the National Assembly to explain the reasons for revoking Assange's asylum.
Our correspondent, @denisseteleSUR has the latest.
The former president of🇪🇨, @MashiRafael, has sharply criticized the current government for handing over the Wikileaks founder, Assange, to the🇬🇧police.
Speaking to teleSUR, Correa said president Lenin Moreno is following orders from the🇺🇸
Former Ecuadorean President @MashiRafael confirmed that his #Facebook account had been blocked, just one day after publicly criticizing #LeninMoreno for the withdrawal of asylum granted to #JulianAssange.
bit.ly/2G7G6yb #ProtectJulian #FreeAssange
The #UnitedStates has confirmed it will seek #JulianAssange's extradition.
@wikileaks #FreeAssange #DefendAssange
Protesters call for #JulianAssange's release.
#FreeAssange #UnitedKingdom #Ecuador
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeJulianAssange #AssangeLibertad #Assange @wikileaks @DefendAssange #Unity4J
#Ecuador's police have arrested Swedish programmer & digital privacy activist #OlaBini for allegedly attempting to destabilize the govt by “collaborating” with @WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange. #FreeAssange @DefendAssange #Unity4J
Ecuador's former leftist president @MashiRafael exposes the real reason that the right wing Moreno government expelled Assange.
@johnpilger: "What if Assange & Manning and others in their wake -- if there are others -- are silenced & "the right to know & question & challenge" is taken away?" bit.ly/2P7UY3z
#ProtectAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
Some journalists only have eyes for the latest conspiracy theory related to Russia. How else to explain the decline in credibility for western media? It's easy, blame Russia! @wikileaks bit.ly/2UgchjY
"Ecuador has exposed Assange to serious rights violations"
No wonder why Ecuador kicked out Julian Assange! - therussophile.org/no-wonder-why-…

Apparently Pompeo gave Moreno 3 conditions to comply with to get the IMF loan: 1) isolate Venezuela/side with Guaido 2) drop the Chevron lawsuit 3) expel Assange. Moreno, being the🇺🇸lapdog, complied & 🇪🇨got the loan.
#ProtectAssange #FreeAssange #AssangeLibertad
An important info on #LeninMoreno, why did he violate the🇪🇨commitment to host #JulianAssange at their Embassy in London? Judah got $4,2 billions for turning Julian over to the🇬🇧cops in the order to his possible extradition to🇺🇸 #Traitor
Trump in 2016: I love Wikileaks
Trump today: Uhhh, I know nothing about wikileaks.
#DonaldTrump #JulianAssange #WikiLeaks #Trump #Assange
One of a multitude of massacres the US carried out
A Swedish software engineer with close ties to Julian Assange was arrested while trying to leave Ecuador. Ola Bini was arrested Thursday at Quito’s airport as he prepared to board a flight to Japan

Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning exposed US war crimes to the people of the world.
Yet we're led to believe that they're the criminals?! Shame!

#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy