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Dec 24th 2022
Die Reaktion auf die #ParisAttacks zeigen auch dies: Kaum sichtbare Anteilnahme offizieller türkischer Vertreter. Das wurde bereits in Hanau sichtbar: um kurdische Opfer rassistischer Anschläge trauert der türkische Staat anders oder gar nicht. Das türkische Verständnis von
Staatsbürgerschaft entfernt sich von einer inklusiven Deutung hin zu einer exkludierenden identiären Vorstellung von Zugehörigkeit. Der türkische Staat in seiner gegenwärtigen Prägung steht nicht für die Überwindung von rassistischen Ausgrenzungen, sondern festigt diese als
Fundament seines Selbstverständnisses. Und das gleichzeitig mit der Behauptung einer muslimischen Ausrichtung. Dieses Verständnis von religiöser und ethnischer Exklusivität bringt den Menschen, die ihm ausgesetzt, sind nichts als Leid und Schmerzen.
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Sep 8th 2021
In #Paris beginnt heute der Prozess zu den Terroranschlägen vom 13. November 2015. Damals tötete ein IS-Kommando 130 Menschen in Cafés, Bars, vor dem Fußballstadion und im #Bataclan. Der #BND hatte kurz zuvor eine fatale Fehleinschätzung abgegeben. Ein Thread ⬇️ | #ParisAttacks
Anfang September erklärte der damalige #BND-Präsident Gerhard Schindler im Interview mit @BILD, es sei unwahrscheinlich, dass IS-Terroristen auf Flüchtlingsbooten nach Europa kämen:…
Nur zehn Tage nachdem das Interview erschien, am 19.09.2015, kamen drei Mitglieder der IS-Terrorzelle als syrische Flüchtlinge getarnt mit dem Boot in Griechenland an. Sie reisten die „Balkan-Route“ weiter nach Österreich, Deutschland bis nach Belgien und Frankreich.
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Sep 8th 2021
France begins marathon trial over November 2015 Paris attacks.

The biggest trial in France's modern legal history begins on Wednesday over the November 2015 attacks on Paris that saw 130 people killed at bars, restaurants and the Bataclan concert hall
#UPDATE The biggest trial in France's modern history begins on Wednesday with 20 suspects accused over the November 2015 #ParisAttacks that saw 130 people killed, with an expected nine months of hearings set to reopen still raw wounds #Bataclan
VIDEO: 🇫🇷 On the first day of the November 2015 #ParisAttacks trial, a convoy of police cars and prison vans leaves the Fleury-Merogis prison, south of Paris, where defendant Salah Abdeslam is being held, and heads for the courthouse in the capital
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Nov 13th 2020
The evening of November 13, 2015 turned into a night of sheer terror when a group of jihadist commandos launched a series of attacks in #Paris that killed 130 people.

France 24 spoke to four Parisians about how the night of #13Novembre2015 unfolded ⤵️
🇫🇷 Lili Rathipanya, 40, who lives just 50 metres from Le Petit Cambodge, recalled how she started hearing “never-ending” sirens blaring outside her window.

In the streets by Rathipanya’s home, 18 people were killed on #13Novembre2015
Five years after a squad of Islamist killers waged the deadliest attack during peacetime in modern-day #France 🇫🇷, PM Jean Castex on Friday paid tribute to those killed, with the country once again on its highest security alert.

France 24's @chrismooref24 has more ⤵️
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Oct 17th 2020
Major Acts of Terrorism in India in the last 20 years:
2000 Church bombings in South India
2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre
2000 Chittisinghpura massacre
2001 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre
2001 Kot Charwal massacre
2001 Indian Parliament attack
2001 Kishtwar massacre
2002 Akshardham Temple attack
2002 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre
2002 Godhra train
2002 Kaluchak massacre
2002 Qasim Nagar massacre
2003 Nadimarg massacre
2004 Teli Katha massacre
2005 Delhi bombings
2006 Doda massacre
2006 Srinagar bombings
2006 Kulgam massacre
2006 Mumbai train bombings
2006 Varanasi bombings
2007 Hyderabad bombings
2007 Uttar Pradesh bombings
2008 Mumbai attacks
2008 Agartala bombings
2008 Ahmedabad bombings
2008 Bangalore serial blasts
2008 Delhi bombing (twice)
2010 Bangalore stadium bombing
2010 Pune Bombing
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Sep 1st 2019
Time to get a few things straight about Anouar Haddouchi, #IslamicState member from #Belgium whose capture by SDF was recently confirmed. While the exact moment wasn’t mentioned here, there were rumors that he was caught since March already (1/7)
Haddouchi is often nicknamed the ‘executioner of Raqqah’ these days. Based on declarations of a local councillor, about a certain ‘Abu Souleymen al-Belgiki’ who beheaded more than 100 people there (2/7)…
Haddouchi was known as ‘Abu Souleymen’ indeed, but at least two other Belgian foreign fighters were. And as far as we know, an investigation by the Belgian judiciary did not unearth decisive proof about Haddouchi being this executioner (3/7)
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Mar 5th 2019
Where should we prosecute #foreignfighters? Some countries, like #Belgium, propose to have them prosecuted locally, or by an "international tribunal". This may not be the best option. Here is why. THREAD (based on an article I wrote in French, link below)
1)Foreign fighters have indeed committed crimes in the region, and could legitimately be prosecuted locally.HOWEVER, that applies only for Iraq (and crimes committed in Iraq). Many fighters are currently detained in #Syria. Not clear whether there is evidence against them in Iraq
2)Moreover, Iraqi trials have been deemed expedite and not up to international standards. Same for detention regimes. This is a moral and legal issue for #European governments. Bad detention conditions further increase risk of new "Guantanamos" or "Abu Ghraib"
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Nov 15th 2015
The #ParisAttacks were an ISIS attack, likely directed and equipped out of Syria. My interview on @ThisWeekABC:…
We’re a harder target, a harder target to reach, but we know ISIS aspires to attack us here in the United States as well.
We cannot allow ISIS to have unmolested sanctuary in Syria & Iraq to plan & direct attacks against us because some attacks will get through.
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