Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread 👇). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that “it immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.”
At this point, it isn’t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
Less than 6 months after #Mueller’s appointment, the Brookings Institution published the first of 2 reports titled “Presidential Obstruction…
Notably, #Mueller was never fired by Trump, nor was #Rosenstein removed from oversight of the Mueller probe.
#AttorneyGeneral Barr said that he believed #Mueller could have reached a conclusion on #Obstruction, and stated that both he and #Rosenstein were surprised when Mueller didn’t do so.
Notably, @FBI agent #PeterStrzok texted #LisaPage the day after #Mueller was appointed about lacking evidence of collusion.
#FusionGPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and Steele not only used their contacts at the @FBI to feed information directly to the bureau, but also used…
The #SteeleDossier was used to obtain the #FISA warrant on Trump campaign volunteer @CarterWPage.
Fusion GPS approached #PerkinsCoie—the law firm used by the #Clinton campaign and the #DNC. Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, was…
According to a transcript of #BruceOhr’s testimony before Congress, Steele relayed information from the #SteeleDossier at this meeting and claimed……
Immediately following the Ohrs’ meeting with Steele, Ohr reached out to #AndrewMcCabe. Also present at this meeting was #LisaPage
Ohr continued to transmit information to the FBI from #Steele throughout 2017.
Nellie Ohr told congressional investigators that part of her work for Fusion GPS was to research the Trump 2016…
Ohr told congressional investigators that Serhiy #Leshchenko, a member of the…
#Leshchenko also served as a source for journalist Michael @Isikoff and @DNC operative @AlexandraChalup.
In Kavalec’s typed notes, she writes that #Steele told her, “The institution approached them [Steele’s firm, Orbis] based on the recommendation of Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritch…
Additionally, in the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, then-head of @GCHQ, traveled to #Washington to personally meet with then-@CIA Director John #Brennan. The @BBC reported that Brennan’s involvement may have gone back to April 2016.
Fusion GPS, which employed #ChristopherSteele, was working for law firm BakerHostetler on behalf of Prevezon, at…
In other words, Fusion was working on behalf of a #Russian company at the same time it was engaged by the @DNC and the Clinton campaign to provide opposition research on the Trump campaign.
Steele has known Deripaska since at least 2012, when he was hired by lawyer Adam Waldman, on Deripaska’s behalf.
Dowd’s full message was actually far more friendly and touched on two…
The #MuellerReport notes “between April 18, 2016, and June 8, 2016, [Russian] Unit 26165 compromised more than 30 computers on the DNC network, including…
However, according to a @DNC lawsuit, it appears the intrusions began much earlier:
“In July 2015, Russian Intelligence gained access to [DNC] networks and maintained that access until at least June 2016.”
But it appears the actual investigation may have begun much…
The #MuellerReport, which incorrectly refers…
In a strongly worded 10-page letter to #AttorneyGeneral Barr, a lawyer for Rtskhiladze walked through each allegation and provided rebuttals.…
Publicly available info has always shown that Papadopoulos met with Downer on May 10—and…
The date becomes more significant in the context of 2 different meetings that, according to @GeorgePapa19, took place on or about May 6, ahead of the Downer meeting on May 10.
The firing Comey features prominently in Volume II of the #MuellerReport, as does Rosenstein’s role.
Rosenstein testified to this fact before Congress on May 19, 2017:

Given that Nader’s cooperation with the #SpecialCounsel appears to have…
The majority of the memo is redacted, with only one section, relating to the former #PaulManafort, unclassified.
It remains unknown to this day who leaked Flynn’s classified call—a felony violation.
The Jan. 19, 2017, date, if correct, also contrasts with the next-day inauguration of President @realDonaldTrump.
The DOJ’s Office of Inspector General’s “Report of Investigation: Recovery of Text Messages From Certain FBI Mobile Devices” states:

Page and Strzok worked on both the #ClintonEmailScandal investigation as well as the @FBI counterintelligence investigation into Trump–Russia #Collusion.
This interview was probably, at least in part, in relation to #Strzok’s interview of @GenFlynn.
“At least six of Mueller’s staff of 15 lawyers…previously had donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaigns.”
The idea that #Mueller would be considered for the role seems unlikely. By law, an FBI director is allowed…
On July 27, 2017, #Horowitz notified #Mueller…
Notably, #McCabe testified he had also learned of the text messages, and that he, not #Mueller, made the decision to remove Strzok.