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May 8th 2023
Ce thread sur sur la marque #Weleda qui a expérimenté ses produits sur les #Juifs dans le camps de #Dachau entre autres et publiée en Novembre 2022 a réapparu sur Twitter il y a une dizaine de jours je l’ai traduite en français ….

Merci à Lotta et Noah de @farbundbeton 🙏🏽……
On sait peu de choses sur le rôle déterminant que #Weleda mais aussi #Demeter ont tenu dans les expérimentations humaines menées dans différents camps de concentration.
Certaines des préparations de #Weleda qui se vendent très bien aujourd’hui ont fait l'objet de recherches sur l'être humain dans les conditions les plus atroces à #Dachau.

Le camp de concentration de #Dachau abritait le plus grand jardin de plantes médicinales d'Europe on……
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Apr 30th 2023
Today, as every year on April 30, I commemorate the liberation of the #Ravensbrück concentration camp—78 yrs ago.
On that day, my mother, who was there, was "celebrating" her 25th birthday.
I pay tribute to her today.
On that day, Hitler killed himself in his bunker.
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Mom was a member of the #Resistance in Belgium. She was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943 after her network was denounced. She went from prison to prison as a Nacht und Nebel political prisoner.
Her false papers concealed her Jewish origins.
Her last stop was #Ravensbruck.
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When she was released, she was suffering from typhus and tuberculosis and weighed 30 kilos.
She was taken in by the Swedish Red Cross and gradually recovered in #Sweden.
Forever my gratitude to the wonderful persons who took care of her.
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Apr 28th 2022
28 April 1930 | Jona Laks was born in Lodz, Poland

In 1944, Jona, her twin sister Miriam, and their elder sister Chana were deported to #Auschwitz. Both of their parents died in the War.

Jona survived. Today is her 92nd birthday. Please join us in wishing her a wonderful day!
Jona was 9 years old when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. Jews were to identify themselves with a yellow badge and could not be on the street after 5pm. They were not allowed to attend school. Signs in all social places read, "Jews and dogs are not permitted to enter."
Jona's mother died of a heart attack shortly after the German invasion, and Jona and the rest of her family entered the Lodz Ghetto. In January 1942, the "final solution," the elimination of all Jews, was put forth. Thus began the liquidation of the ghetto.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Helen Ernst war eine Künstlerin und Kommunistin die im Widerstand gegen den NS aktiv war. Ihre Werke waren in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus verboten. Sie wurde am 1. Mai 1945 im Außenlager Barth des KZ #Ravensbrück befreit. #biografien #geschichtenderbefreiung 1/x Image
Helen Ernst wurde am 10. März 1904 in Athen geboren. Sie wuchs bei ihrem Vater auf, der ihre Mutter aus Standesgründen verstoßen hatte. Von 1921-1924 studierte sie an der Berliner Kunstakademie. 1931 wurde sie Mitglieder in der KPD. #KeinVergessen 2/x Image
Sie engagierte sich in der Roten Hilfe und zeichnete für die Parteizeitung "Rote Fahne". 1934 emigrierte sie nach mehrfachen Verhaftungen in die Niederlande. 1938 wurde ihr die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit entzogen und sie war damit staatenlos. 3/x Image
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Jan 27th 2020
My aunt Nives Portolan (1927-2018), #Holocaust survivor. Tattoo number 8614, inmate of Risiera di #SanSaba, #Ravensbruck & #Auschwitz. Liberated by Red Army January 1945 @ 38kg.
#HolocaustRemembranceDay #Holocaustgedenktag
2/ She hated #Communism. But had only praise & admiration for #RedArmy. They never expected to see such horrors at #Auschwitz but within 48 hrs RedArmy had organized excellent medical care for inmates. Later relocated them to recovery facilities. Very dedicated & non-political /3
3/She was doing high school in Firenze when WW2 started. Eldest sister, Livia(1921-2005) was at university in Trieste so she went to live with her, for safety. But Livia was involved with resistance, helping clandestine activities against the Fascists. Italians never found out /4
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