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Feb 18th 2020
Hi Twitter Fam! It’s me Jalaiah the creator of the Renegade dance! Reading all of your tweets has been SOOO amazing and I still can’t believe everything that’s happening!!! Who's ready to dance?! #renegade
Thanks to everyone for your support, especially @kcamp for dropping the bomb track #Lottery!! I’m just getting started and so excited for y’all to see what I do next!
@kcamp Thank you @nytimes @taylorlorenz for bringing my story to light and making sure young voices are heard!! And @bizbaz_ @dubsmash for your never ending support!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
Sounding like Hitler??
“For the International Order that we have worked for generations to build. Ordinary men & women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. Cont...
Order & progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign" - Obama .😡#BarrySoetoro basically saying that you are too dumb to live your life as you please and that you must surrender your freedom to his view of a almighty power Cont...
(#NWO #NewWorldOrder and basically the whole global establishment) and what he said is already becoming true people have surrendered themselves to their cell phones which is constantly watching you, celebrities who control you morals and have you worship them, Cont..
Read 5 tweets
Jul 3rd 2018
A snapshot of how Iran's holding the EU to ransom. POTUS shuts down the deal. The Iranian people erupt in support, as they know the deal will only make the Mullahs richer. The Mullahs panic and threaten to disclose which EU leaders/CEO's took bribes! #NoNukes #Qanon #EU #WWG1WGA Image
The EU are running around like headless chickens, trying desperately in vain to restart the deal. This was NEVER about halting nuclear weapons from being developed, this was a get rich quick scheme for the worlds leaders & CEO's. The Iranian people began a #ThankYouTrump hash. #Q Image
Kerry is still travelling around Europe, begging EU officials to fight the US and remain committed to the deal he helped create. The EU tried to force CEO's to remain in the deal, but with sanctions looming, they're staying clear. #Q #Iran #NoDeal #Peace #Freedom Image
Read 9 tweets

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