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🧵1/6 SNP members. We are not voting for Indy Scotland’s 1st leader. We’re voting for our LAST devolved FM. I ask you to think long & hard before casting your vote. We have repeatedly been denied our expression of will. We DON’T KNOW whether there is a majority for Yes or not.
2/6 Gove’s secret polling certainly suggested there was clear majority Yes. Things have got WORSE in UK since then. With Ash, we could be free at the next election with full on campaign via Indy convention, & work starting on Indy infrastructure to increase support before we vote
3/6 WM can & will deny us a ref because after SC ruling, it’s illegal without their permission under the Scotland Act. But it is NOT illegal under UK or Intl law to declare independence after majority express that will. That’s why they’ve kept us fixated on S30 process for years.
Read 9 tweets
@alittl It was truly painful to hear next dose of BBC demoralisation for YES Movement delivered from Auchenmalg- ancient wee farms all round you-by a native of Glenluce. You were my honest hero- who had spoken up against 2014 BBC unionist onslaught-till today...
In 1974, just a bit older than you, I helped run SNP shop in Castle St Stranraer- &canvassed at night. In October, at Castle Kennedy, an old man told me he had to "vote Tory" because he worked "for the laird". That's how London ruled Scotland-still wants to. You just told them...
- those London Parties with their media- that they can expect to continue unchallenged. But dear old Stranraer- and the Rhins I believe-gave that feudal system and the BBC Swingometer a big shock in October 1974 when SNP won Galloway...
Read 10 tweets
Recognition of trans people has driven at least 2 billionaires insane (Musk and Rowling) and now will drive the UK to destroy itself and push Scotland to seek to leave. I really don't understand this level of brain worms or hatred.…
Several countries across the world have had self-ID for over a decade and none of the sky is falling fear-mongering has come to pass.…
This is all over a bill that will allow trans people to get gender recognition certificates without needing multiple medical providers to sign off on it. This means waiting more than 5 years to get into a first consultation at a gender clinic with the NHS.
Read 7 tweets
@AlbaParty @TasminaSheikh apologises for the late start which was necessary to enable extra seating for the increased numbers keen to hear @AlexSalmond on #ScotlandsWayForward
@AlbaParty @TasminaSheikh @AlexSalmond 1. A constitutional convention provides legitimacy as has been recognised internationally
@AlbaParty @TasminaSheikh @AlexSalmond 2. A s30 remains possible; in its absence Holyrood can hold a referendum on whether 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 should have the power to hold #indyref2
Read 16 tweets
1. Despite the best efforts of police & social workers, predators, including those on the sex offenders register, always manage to find & target the most vulnerable. That's no dog whistle; it's recognition that predators take advantage of loopholes.
2. All those who are vulnerable deserve the best protection our laws and lawmakers can give; an open door with no checks, balances or safeguards is not it.
3.Plainly, the GRRB extends beyond measure the potential for applications simply because it removes a medical requirement; every adult in Scotland will be able to apply for a GRC. Of course most people won't be so motivated, but there will be bad faith actors - that's life.
Read 17 tweets
Dissent Scotland is a new and growing activist collective whose purpose is to promote, agitate and protest for #ScottishIndependence. We will do this through creative arts and performance, direct action and political demonstration. #Dissent #SovereignScots #IndyActionNow
We are not affiliated with any other org or political party although our activists may be members of such. We have no leader and no hierarchy, some activists take on roles suited to their experience or skill set, but everyone is equal and will always be. #Dissent #IndyActionNow
We are not a homogeneous group and each #sovereign individual is able to engage in and encourage participation actions on their own accord, likewise individuals may choose not to take part in activities and that has no bearing on their standing. #Dissent #IndyActionNow
Read 4 tweets
🧵 Thread.

A lot has changed in the world since 2014, but one thing that has stayed the same is the Unionist Project Fear.

Let's take a look back at some of their best moments from #IndyRef1👇
In 2014 Scottish Labour argued that independence could lead to a 30% increase in your weekly shop.

Today as part of the UK, Scots face rises of up to 344%

#ScottishIndependence | #Indyref2023 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Better Together claimed that independence could lead to an increase in household bills by £189 a year.

Today as part of the UK, Scots face rises of £1,300 a year.

📢 End the scandal of fuel-poor Scots in energy-rich Scotland. Support #ScottishIndependence 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Read 7 tweets
The Campaign for Scottish Independence is over.
Arguments and all the factsheets, analyses, and editorials are obsolete the debate has moved on.
The Campaign for Scottish Civil rights and Democracy begins and the debate and campaign should focus on that from now on.
Because by focusing on these issues namely Civil Rights & Democracy the Unionist Establishment & their PR operation in the Press and Broadcasters will have no choice but to defend the undefendable they have no choice but to do it burying the case for the Union in the process.
By changing the focus from Scottish Independence to Scottish Civil rights and Scottish Democracy will gather more support across the electorate and in particular Soft No's and Don't Knows the very sector of the electorate that will swing it for Independence.
Read 8 tweets
A lot has changed in the world since 2014, but the need for independence has never been stronger.

That's why we published the #WeeALBAbook, the new case for Independence. Read it here below;

Thread 🧵(1/35) Image
You might not want to read this book right now.

That's no bother. (2/35)

#WeeALBAbook | #ScottishIndependence Image
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(3/35) Image
Read 35 tweets
Never forget the Scotland Act was created by Donald Dewar a British Labour MP and that is why Scotland is considered to be subservient as a Nation. It was overtaken by Alex Salmond in 2007- 2014. Facts matter.
That Act has never had a defined timescale to deliver our claim of right to determine any government we choose to manage our democratic or natural resources properly, so the false depiction of doing so within x years does not exist. Image
So who is stopping the People from having the right to determine our future or Scotland’s natural resources, ask yourselves that question and how the Act can be cancelled by the People of Scotland at a time we choose. Union has been destroyed for many years until this day. Fact Image
Read 4 tweets
Heading to this now; looking forward to hearing how we expedite #ScottishIndependence and get the orderly governance we need to recover from the impact of Brexit and Covid. #ALBAforIndependence
#WeeAlbaBook roadshow continues in Aberdeen with the mighty @yvonneridley explaining what brought her to Scotland to pursue #ScottishIndependence with @AlbaParty
Read 17 tweets
@UnrollHelper "Liz Truss’s and Kwasi Kwarteng’s 2012 free-market treatise Britannia Unchained has shot up the sales charts, hitting the top spot on Amazon rankings for books on “economic conditions”. It costs £19.55 for the paperback."

Read/Download FREE here 👇…
@UnrollHelper Ought to come with a health warning for the nation's economy!
@UnrollHelper “The key is to make sure that failure is survivable,” is one of the book’s insights. “In the early stages of a project, failure need not be a disaster.”

"This is likely to provide scant consolation to Tory MPs facing the threat of losing their seats at the next election."
Read 107 tweets
Disaster capitalism and super-elitism. A 🧵 Let’s examine what is happening. Energy prices are out of control. An absent government. Brexit. Systematic corruption and plundering of the nations assets. NHS being made to fail, inflation out of control.
Workers earnings deliberately eroded and driven down over 12 years; citizen and workers rights taken away
Massive increases in Executive earnings. Huge payouts to shareholders…whilst some people in employment require state benefits and in some cases food banks to survive
Read 16 tweets
in 2015 the so called, dark money funded, think tank, the Tax Payers Alliance published their far right wish list for reducing the state and minimising taxes for the wealthy, this is a thread of *just* the contents!!
Read 13 tweets
1. From the astonishingly stupid Twitter rant by @BBCJamesCook I now bring you, for your viewing pleasure, @GlennBBC. Glenn has *clarified* that Liz Truss and Sunak have themselves *clarified* their position on Scottish democracy. Here's Glenn *clarifying* things for you. Image 1
2. For the truly mystified, I've rearranged Glenn's exact copy. Is the position of an English nationalist party, whom Scots have never elected to power, that bit *clearer* to you yet?

Glenn is a journalist. Glenn doesn't like to ask obvious questions. This is a 'scoop'. Image 2
3. It's just....astonishing stuff. These are the people representing the discussion of political independence for the nation of Scotland. And this is their substance. We deserve so much better.

Please retweet this entire thread.
Read 6 tweets
Thread part 1.

Throughout the world indigenous peoples continue to face threats to their sovereignty, economic well-being and language. Their ways of knowing, and access to the resources on which their cultures depend are also under threat.
2. This has been the case in Scotland since 1707. The ordinary Scottish people were ignored then and continue to be ignored to this day. Even by our own Government, why?
They refuse to defend us with CRAP rules made by another Country. Too slow, GREED driven.
3. The proof is here. No lies. Tell them to get their act together.
It’s as bad today as it ever was. They never learned. We are all sick of it. No ambition or strength in sight.
Read 8 tweets
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #ScottishIndependence is an overwhelming and immediate priority for the people.

The failure of the Scottish Government to implement successive electoral mandates from the people to progress this aim has been deeply damaging to both the Indy cause and the welfare of the people of #Scotland.

We believe that the Scottish Government should commence independence negotiations with Westminster immediately.

If the British Government refuses to engage or accept a referendum process, then...

Read 6 tweets
We'll be hearing years from now, how the Jubilee brought the country together. Has beens & cap doffers on stage in front of a crowd of radicalised cultists, cheering a glitzy show of fascist propaganda, dressed up as a tribute to an old lady, whose riches allowed her
happiness & contentment few will realise. Money was never mentioned last night. But money from a world of struggle, work, stress, death, suffering in war and terror was what she and her family were thanking us for.

Celebrating Monarchy is really celebrating inequality, and
celebrating poverty in the face of incredible wealth. A fairy tale family, clapping, dancing and celebrating the food banks, food & fuel abject poverty THEIR class bestows upon us.

London, UK, in your name, that inequality was celebrated last night. There is no pride in that.
Read 7 tweets

@theSNP Government under @AlexSalmond delivered the first-ever independence referendum in #Scotland’s history in September 2014. Since then...

The Independence Mandate 🗳️

The Scottish Government has secured a mandate from the Scottish people to deliver an Independence referendum in both the 2016 and 2021 elections.

2/ Image
A majority favour an Independence Referendum 🙋

In the most recent 2021 Scottish Election, a majority of people voted on the regional list for parties that support Scottish Independence.

3/ Image
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I, born in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿,wanted 🇬🇧 to work. Which is true?

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 is respected in the 🇬🇧Parliament
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 has a veto over 🇬🇧 policies
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 is an equal member of the 🇬🇧 union
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 belongs to the EU like it wants to be
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 is free from authoritarian rule of a large neighbour

Don't get me wrong. I'm for unions.

But they *have* to be by consent.

🇬🇧 left 🇪🇺 rightly, because enough dumb citizens were duped by liars into thinking their lives would be improved. 😂. We all know that's horse-shit now.

But consent for #rejoin must be built afresh.
Maybe, one day, Scotland will want to be part of the 🇬🇧 UK as much as it wants to be part of the 🇪🇺EU.

Boris Johnson is kicking that day into the long grass.

So what now, Scotland?

You're the size of 🇩🇰Denmark but with more natural resources.

You're twice the size of ROI🇮🇪.
Read 4 tweets
"Britain is doing the right things by Ukraine, but we should never forget that it is not our people who are fighting and dying."
"In the eyes of Conservatives, there is still a pragmatic case for retaining Johnson. Yet if the future of Britain and public faith in our politicians are to count for anything, the alternative principled case for removing him must be recognised as imperative."
"In the harsh economic times ahead, Johnson’s inability even to simulate compassion will intensify the government’s unpopularity."
Read 10 tweets
@chrisriddell50 My first thought when I saw this today was whether your colleague @MartinRowson might regard these events as, 'a storm in a fur cup'!

...evidently, there are agendas but, some are too quick to impose their interpretation on events - they hear but don't LISTEN! Image
"In the last few weeks, the benefits to Russia from its sabre-rattling must have far exceeded the Kremlin’s expectations. It has produced a traffic jam of presidents, prime minister and ministers making their way to Moscow."
"They may be issuing warnings against a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but the reality is that for the first time since 1991 Russia is once again being treated as a superpower to be feared, cultivated and never disregarded."
Read 262 tweets
"YOU can practically smell the panic from die-hard opponents of Scottish independence as they realise that Theresa May's "precious Union" is about to crumble to dust, ..."
"...thanks largely to the arrogance and contempt of those self-same Anglo-British nationalists who claim to love Scotland and this so-called Union."
"There are a number of telling signs of this panic, such as the recent revival of reheated scare stories from 2014, and the almost constant gaslighting from Conservatives who assert that they are "augmenting devolution"."

No 'oven-ready' offerings to serve to save 'The Union'?
Read 48 tweets

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